Well Gossip Group


The two women are hanging out next to the water well. They talk about the nice weather and how the warmth helps dry their laundry quickly. Kate gets into so much nowadays that San is constantly doing laundry! She thanks Chris for Hugh being a good friend to Kate. Chris replies that it's nice to see the kids getting along but hopes that Kate hasn't been hurt by all their roughhousing. San's happy that the two kids are getting along and having fun. The valley is an excellent place for kids, with many places to roam and explore. It's much safer than the city. San agrees; they used to live in the city, and every day she worried that Kate would get into an accident. The one thing they can agree on is commuting to the city from the valley is a chore.

San asks about Sully's career in sports. Chris replies that Sully used to be a top-notch marathon runner and is hoping their son also becomes a star runner. San laments that Garrett spends most of his time at the office. After work, he drinks with his colleagues before coming home. It's the same thing every day. San hopes Garrett will earn a promotion someday, but that's only a wish.

The two ladies discuss what they will make for dinner. They offer to help each other out if they need ingredients.

(In Chapter 2, both San and Chris are outside around 6:00 pm when San exits her house to walk next door to Baddoch's clinic.)