Van's Diet


Van is telling Tei about the great weight-loss diet he has been trying, though Tei doesn't seem interested in hearing about it. Van explains that Romana taught him a new diet plan last month, so he's here to report his results to Tei.

At first, Van was skeptical. The plan called for Van to walk around his bedroom twice, in the morning and again at night, while his eyes were closed. According to the latest scientific research, this is the most efficient weight-loss diet! After doing this for 10 days, Van weighed himself using his new scale and discovered he lost 38 kilos! Walking around his room, bumping into walls, has been worth it.

Option 1A: Did the dial only go around once? (-15 friendship with Van)

Option 1B: Congratulations! (+5 friendship with Van, +2 friendship with Tei)

Thanks! Van is modivated to continue this diet plan from now on.

What does Tei think? Would he like to join, too? Tei doesn't seem interested in this weird diet plan. Van remembers that he needs to let Romana know of his progress, then leaves the inn for the villa.

You've to catch Van inside the Lei-Over Inn while Tei is awake. If you stick to Van's typical 3rd/8th schedule, he doesn't arrive at the inn until close to 11:00 pm. Instead, on days that Van visits, set up your own bazaar stall at the spot where Van would usually set up shop. He'll arrive to the market spot as normal, see that you're there, stand around for a bit, and then go visit the inn. That's when you can close your shop and follow him in to trigger this event.

This event can be triggered six times.