San's Discipline


San asks Kate if she's cleaned her room. The question annoys Kate, who replies that she will do it after she eats. They both turn to greet you, and Kate uses your entry to explain why she will leave the table. San points out that Kate still needs to eat her carrots. She can only leave once she eats her veggies! Kate yells back that she doesn't want to and runs upstairs.

San apologizes for you having to see that interaction. Raising kids is tough; you don't want to spoil them because you're not strict enough. San believes parents are often too easy on their kids because they love them so much. She feels a little discipline is okay.

Option 1A: Well said. (+10 friendship with San)

San is pleased you're on the same page as her. You'll be a fantastic parent!

Option 1B: Yea, but you've got to give her a break... (-5 friendship with San, +10 friendship with Kate)

Now San's worried that she might have gone too far with Kate now that you mention it. Kate is at a difficult age, after all. San thanks you for pointing that out.

Raising children is tough... San realizes she's kept you there listening to her speech. She has some cleaning to do and asks that you head out.