Basic Instructions

Area Maps

Fish List

Errands & Quests

Quiz Battle



Stream Map

Stream map
Englarge map

1. Old Smarty's house
This sleepy old man will teach you how to swim.

2. Ayu Fishing Contest
You will get 5 minutes to catch as many Ayu as possible.

3. Fish Shop
Sell all of your fish here.

4. Cooking Contest
You have 5 minutes to catch fish and cook 2 dishes.

5. Bait Shop

6. Your house
The remaining family members that you are not playing as will be inside the house. You can talk to them as well.

7. Inn
Recharge your HP here for 5 G.

8. General Store

Stream Fish

Aburahaya Albino Itou Cherry Salmon
Akaza Iwana Takahaya
Amago Big Iwana Rainbow Trout
Amemasu Oshorokoma Haze
Ayu Kajika Yamame
Itou River Trout Crab
Big Itou Gogy Newt

Stream Shops

Bait Shop Inventory

Carbon Rod 300 G
Lure Rod 550 G
Pro Lure Rod 750 G
Float B (stick) 30 G
Pencil Lure 30 G
Minnow Lure 50 G
Crank Bait 60 G
Soft Lure 40 G
Spoon 30 G
Spinner Bait 50 G
Jig 20 G
Spinner 45 G
Dry Fly 35 G
Nymph Fly 45 G
Worm 5 G
Insect 12 G
Bee Larva 9 G
Maggot 6 G
Spade 150 G
Insect Net 200 G
Magnifying Glass 200 G

General Store inventory

Spade 150 G
Insect Net 200 G
Magnifying Glass 200 G
Rice Ball 10 G
Box Lunch 100 G
Salt Grilled Ayu recipe 800 G
Rainbow Trout Meuniere recipe 300 G
Gobi (Heze) Tempura recipe 400 G
Amago Saute recipe 900 G

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