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The Chicken Races are just North of Loire Castle, in a small forest area by the bridge. Upon entering the area you'll see an enclosure full of chickens and a shack. The old man in the shack explains that he races his chickens. Go north from the shack and you'll end up in the racing area. The lady by the betting counter will give you hints as to which chicken is going to win the race, but for a price. On my first try the lady told me Chicken 1 was a good bet, so I picked the first one even though it had a 1 in 6 chance of winning. Chicken 1 did win the race and I made out with 300 gems. It's definitely easier to earn money this way then running around the world destroying monsters!
Note: As posted by Dais on the Terranigma Message Board.
You can quickly level up Ark in the Ra Tree area. The final boss, Parasite, in his second form spits out orange "claws" as one of his attacks. The claws all together have around 55 experience points! You can just wait for Parasite to throw out his orange claws, destroy them, and then sit back and wait until he spits out a new bunch!
In NeoTokio there is an empty lot that has no building on it. Just east of the lot is a trash can. If you go up to the trash can, you'll hear someone calling for help. If you decide to help, you'll be transported into the trash can, where you have to defeat a ghost. Once the ghost is gone, a chicken will appear and thank you. Now instead of an empty lot there is a building for Quintet game developers. You can talk to the people inside the building, who are actually programmers for "Illusion of Gaia 2".
Mu and Polynese are often overlooked while players are going through the Underworld resurrecting continents. Mu is located north of Tower 3, on a small peninsula to the far northeast. Polynese is south of Tower 4 and is easier to see on the landscape. To resurrect Mu, simply move the rocks out of your way until you reach the door. To resurrect Polynese walk down the hallway destroying the 6 Whisps and 2 Living Statues. Eventually you'll come into a room with 3 Whisps isolated on a platform surrounded by water. To destroy the Whisps in the middle of the room, you can attract them until they're in a group, then destroy them with an Ice Ring. If you dont want to use up one of your MagiRocks by buying an Ice Ring in Crysta, you can pick up the flaming pots in the room and throw them at the Whisps.