TV Shows
Weather News
- Tells you about the weather! (for next day)
Herbal Garden
- Allows you to sell herbs and flowers. Also can tell you if you have any Flowers/Herbs ready for shipping, or will tomorrow.
Cooking Life
- A cooking show which will unlock a new set of cooking skills for you. There is a new episode every week and there are 10 total episodes.
- A Kitten's Journey: A show about a poor, lost kitten!
- Melancholy Woods: A sad drama about a tragic family. On Tuesdays.
- Final Z Rangers: A surprisingly familiar show about a group of superheroes... *coughpowerrangerscough*
- Miss Cute, Witch in Training: An Anime about a Witch stuck in the human world, for training! She never seems to be able to get it quite right. On Weekends, seems to raise humor.
World Ranch
- Once you unlock the barn, you may purchase sheep, cows and chicken here. You may also sell those animals here as well.
Contributors: Voda, Melody Muse