Friend Event - The Language of Flowers

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Walk into Miranda's shop and you'll find Lisette, Miranda, and Noel inside. Miranda apologizes for not noticing you sooner, as she was enthralled by Lisette's story. Noel explains that Lisette was teaching them about the language of flowers. You admit you know nothing of it! Miranda suggests that since you grow flowers on your farm, it would be good for you to know a little bit. Lisette admits that she's still studying, but she's happy to explain what she does know.

Noel asks if there are some flowers that represent love. Lisette figures that she might be referring to the Red Rose that they were talking about earlier. Noel admits that she had already forgotten, but Lisette tells her not to worry about it since it is difficult to remember it all. Lisette explains that the same flower can have different shapes and colors, and so what it symbolizes could change. It can get a complicated!

In Lisette's shop, the flower that represents gratitude, Bellflower, is quite popular. The Marguerite Daisy is used to view a person's love fortune, so Miranda figures that it must be an easy flower to understand. The Red Rose must also be easy, since its symbolism is clearly associated with love. Noel wonders what Collin's reaction would be if she gave him a Red Rose, as she'd like to let him know how much she loves him. Miranda laughs and tells Noel usually it is the boy who gives to the girl, but Lisette thinks it would be great if Noel did it. The little girl is enthusiastic and plans to save her pocket money for a flower.

Lisette says she has to go back to her shop and hopes that you enjoyed learning about a flower's meaning. After she leaves, Miranda comments on how impressed she is with Lisette being young and passionate about flowers. Noel wants to buy a Red Rose for Collin, but Miranda would rather she just decorate with them.

Result: +2000 FP with Lisette, +500 FP with Miranda and Noel