There are many characters in this game. Below is a brief description of each. You will have to interact with all of them throughout the game.
The Hero: The character in which you play as.
Ann's Father: Ann's Father owns the Tool Shop in Town. His
wife is deceased and if you marry Ann he will marry Nina's Mom.
Bartender: The Bartender is the bartender (who would
have thought?) where Eve lives and works. He looks after Eve.
Carpenter: This is the main Carpenter. He lives
on the Mountain and will upgrade your house when you ask him to do so.
Carpenter's Apprentice: This is the Carpenter's
assistant who helps him build your house upgrades. He also lives on the mountain.
Church Boy: This is the little boy outside of the
Church who has a crush on Maria. He hangs around the Church because that is where
Maria is. Throughout the game his crush will turn onto the Fortune Teller's
Grand Daughter.
Ellen's Dad: Ellen's Dad is known as the drunk. He lives at the restaurant, but every night while he is at the bar drinking, he refuses to help do any of the work.
Ellen's Mom: Ellen's Mom is the owner of the Restaurant. She is always yelling at her husband (The Drunk) or Ellen's Father.
Eve's Grandfather: This is Eve's Grandfather who loves the mountain and spends his whole day there. It is where he lives.
Fisherman: The Fisherman lets you use his Fishing Rod during the day. He lives in a tent right next to a pond.
Fortune Teller: The Fortune Teller knows all about life. Go to her for advice on the different eligible wives and a few other things related to farming. When your wife is having a baby she will help out.
Fortune Teller's Grand Daughter: This is the Fortune Teller's Grand-Daughter who lives with her Grandmother. She has a crush on the little boy who is always at the Church.
Hawker: This is a character like the Peddler only he rarely comes around. He tries to make unfair deals with you, although sometimes his deals are worth the fortune.
Hero's Father: This is your Father who comes back to your farm at the end of the game.
Hero's Mother: This is your Mother who is only found in the opening scene of the game.
Livestock Store Owner: This is Ellen's Uncle who runs the Livestock Store. He will sell you Animals and Items for Animals.
Mayor: This is the Mayor of the Town. He lives in the Mansion in the corner of Town, and he is also the Father of Maria.
Mayor's Wife: This is Maria's Mom and the Mayor's Wife. She lives with the family up at the big Mansion.
Nina's Mother: Nina's Mom owns the Flower Shop where you would go to buy any of the Seeds for your Farm. If you marry Ann she will marry Ann's Dad.
Peddler: Right when you enter Town you will see the Peddler. He is always trying to sell you different items. He is only in town on the weekends. You can always sell items to him by placing them on the table next to him.
Priest: This is the Priest who runs the Church. He will marry you to whichever eligible wife you decide to marry. All of his time is spent at the Church.
Shipper: This is the Head Shipper who visits you every night. He exchanges your items for Gold.
Shipper's Apprentice: This is the Shipper's Apprentice in which you will need to help throughout the game.
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