Wild Animal List

Below is the list of all wild animals available in Story of Seasons. Remember, these are wild and cannot live on your farm. If you want to learn more about how to befriend wild animals, check out the How to Befriend Wild Animals guide.

Oak Tree Town Wild Animals

White Rabbits

Unlocks: At the beginning of the game
Located: In the Forest Path by the entrance to your farm
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Walnut

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Carrot, Golden Carrot, Fodder

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Turnip, Golden Turnip, Potato, Golden Potato, Cabbage, Golden Cabbage, Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Pumpkin, Golden Pumpkin, Tomato, Golden Tomato, Corn, Golden Corn, Pineapple, Golden Pineapple, Golden Sweet Potato, Bell Pepper, Napa Cabbage (or Bok Choy), Golden Napa Cabbage (or Golden Bok Choy), Broccoli, Golden Broccoli, Cherry, Banana, Apple, Grape

Black Rabbits

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the white rabbits
Located: South of Witchy's house in the Forest Road Area
Available: 13:00 to 18:00, not Winter, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Aloe

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Carrot, Golden Carrot, Fodder

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Turnip, Golden Turnip, Potato, Golden Potato, Cabbage, Golden Cabbage, Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Pumpkin, Golden Pumpkin, Tomato, Golden Tomato, Corn, Golden Corn, Pineapple, Golden Pineapple, Golden Sweet Potato, Bell Pepper, Napa Cabbage (or Bok Choy), Golden Napa Cabbage (or Golden Bok Choy), Broccoli, Golden Broccoli, Cherry, Banana, Apple, Grape


Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 1000 CP with Silk Country
Located: In the western grove in the Forst Road Area
Available: 13:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Elli Leaves

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Bamboo

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Turnip, Golden Turnip, Potato, Golden Potato, Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Tomato, Golden Tomato, Corn, Golden Corn, Carrot, Golden Carrot, Sweet Potato, Golden Sweet Potato, Napa Cabbage (or Bok Choy), Golden Napa Cabbage (or Golden Bok Choy), Rice Stalk, Wheat, Banana, Grape

Brown Weasel

Unlocks: At the beginning of the game
Located: Zephyr Hill by the Root Crop Field
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, not Winter, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Chestnut

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Golden Egg, Golden Silkie Egg, Golden Araucana Egg

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Egg, Silkie Egg, Araucana Egg

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White Weasel

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown weasels
Located: Zephyr Hill by the Root Crop Field
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, Winter, sunny or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Sage

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Golden Egg, Golden Silkie Egg, Golden Araucana Egg

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Egg, Silkie Egg, Araucana Egg

Brown Sparrow

Unlocks: At the beginning of the game
Located: Along the path in the Piedmont area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Orange Downy Tuft

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Corn, Golden Corn

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Reaped Rice, Wheat, Soybeans, Almond

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Gray Sparrow

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown sparrows
Located: Along the path in the Piedmont area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Purple Downy Tuft

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Corn, Golden Corn

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): Reaped Rice, Wheat, Soybeans, Almond

Brown Tanuki

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Rose Country
Located: By the Tall Crop Field in the Harvest Plaza area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Bergamont

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Egg, Golden Egg, Silkie Egg, Golden Silkie Egg, Araucana Egg, Golden Araucana Egg

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): All vegetable crops, all golden crops, all tree fruit

Gray Tanuki

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown tanuki
Located: By the Flower Field in the Harvest Plaza area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, Spring and Summer, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Thyme

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): Egg, Golden Egg, Silkie Egg, Golden Silkie Egg, Araucana Egg, Golden Araucana Egg

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): All vegetable crops, all golden crops, all tree fruit

Brown Fox

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Wheat country
Located: By the Water Paddy in the Riverside Pasture area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Basil

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): All tree fruit

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): All vegetable crops except Onion, all golden crops except Golden Onion, all mushrooms, all eggs

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White Fox

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown foxes
Located: On the other side of the river in the Riverside Pasture area
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, Fall and Winter, sunny or rainy or snowy weather
800 FP Reward: Bay Leaf

Loved Gifts (+15 FP): All tree fruit

Liked Gifts (+10 FP): All vegetable crops except Onion, all golden crops except Golden Onion, all mushrooms, all eggs

Safari Park Wild Animals

Brown Boar

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Sakura Country
Located: The livestock animal grazing area in Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Mithril

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Sweet Potato, Golden Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoots, Truffle

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Turnip, Golden Turnip, Potato, Golden Potato, Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Tomato, Golden Tomato, Corn, Golden Corn, Pineapple, Golden Pineapple, Watermelon, Golden Watermelon, Melon, Golden Melon, Burdock Root, Golden Burdock Root, Carrot, Golden Carrot, Andes Potato, Golden Andes Potato, Broccoli, Golden Broccoli, Peach, Banana, Apple, Kiwi, Orange, Egg, Golden Egg

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Gray Boar

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown boars
Located: The livestock animal grazing area in Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Orichalcum

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Sweet Potato, Golden Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoots, Truffle

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Turnip, Golden Turnip, Potato, Golden Potato, Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Tomato, Golden Tomato, Corn, Golden Corn, Pineapple, Golden Pineapple, Watermelon, Golden Watermelon, Melon, Golden Melon, Burdock Root, Golden Burdock Root, Carrot, Golden Carrot, Andes Potato, Golden Andes Potato, Broccoli, Golden Broccoli, Peach, Banana, Apple, Kiwi, Orange, Egg, Golden Egg

Brown Monkey

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Silk Country and have the Enormous Trees built
Located: In the southwest corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Ruby

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): All tree fruit

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All vegetable crops, Soybean, Lotus Root, Wasabi, all mushrooms, all eggs

Orange Monkey

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the brown monkeys
Located: In the southwest corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Topaz

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): All tree fruit

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All vegetable crops, Soybean, Lotus Root, Wasabi, all mushrooms, all eggs

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White Parrot

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Tropical Country and have the Enormous Trees built
Located: In the southwest corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Moonstone

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Corn

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Cherry, Peach, Mango, Almond, Apple, Grpae, Kiwi, Lemon, Muscat, Olive

Yellow Parrot

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the white parrots
Located: In the southwest corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Peridot

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Corn

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Cherry, Peach, Mango, Almond, Apple, Grpae, Kiwi, Lemon, Muscat, Olive

Blue Parrot

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the white parrots
Located: In the southwest corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Jade

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Corn

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Cherry, Peach, Mango, Almond, Apple, Grpae, Kiwi, Lemon, Muscat, Olive

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Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 1000 CP with Tropical Country
Located: North of the Enormous Trees in Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Emerald

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Bamboo Shoot, all tree fruit

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All vegetable crops

Gray Bear

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 1000 CP with Wheat Country and have the Boulders built
Located: In the southern area of Safari (Right)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Agate

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Honey, Salmon, Keiji Salmon

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All vegetable crops (except Onion and Golden Onion), all tree fruit, Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Comb Honey

Black Bear

Unlocks: Raise your friendship to 500 FP with the gray bears
Located: In the southern area of Safari (Right)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Diamond

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Honey, Salmon, Keiji Salmon

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All vegetable crops (except Onion and Golden Onion), all tree fruit, Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Comb Honey

Polar Bear

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Ice Country and have the Iceburg built
Located: In the southeast corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 13:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Platinum

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Large Sea Bass, Tuna, Large Snakehead, Marlin, Ice

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): Strawberry, Golden Strawberry, Pineapple, Golden Pineapple, Watermelon, Golden Watermelon, Melon, Golden Melon, all tree fruit, all other fish

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Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 1000 CP with Ice Country and have the Iceburg built
Located: In the southeast corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or rainy weather
800 FP Reward: Pink Diamond

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Sardine, Char, Small Char

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All other fish

White Duck

Unlocks: At the beginning of the game
Located: In the pond of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Fluorite

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Cabbage, Golden Cabbage, Cucumber, Golden Cucumber, Corn, Golden Corn, Bok Choy, Golden Bok Choy

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All other vegetables except Onion and Golden Onion, all tree fruit

Mallard Duck

Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 500 CP with Cabin Country
Located: In the pond of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Sandrose

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Cabbage, Golden Cabbage, Cucumber, Golden Cucumber, Corn, Golden Corn, Bok Choy, Golden Bok Choy

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All other vegetables except Onion and Golden Onion, all tree fruit


Unlocks: At the beginning of the game
Located: In the pond of Safari (Left)
Available: 6:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny or rainy weather
800 FP Reward: Adamantite

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Steamer Clam, Horned Turban, Basket Clam, Oriental Clam, Mitten Crab, Red King Crab

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All other fish


Unlocks: Raise your Customer Points to 1500 CP with Silk Country
Located: In the northeast corner of Safari (Left)
Available: 13:00 to 18:00, all year long, sunny weather
800 FP Reward: Philosopher Stone

Loved Gifts (+30 FP): Catfish

Liked Gifts (+20 FP): All other fish except for Squid, Octopus, clams, and crab