Wallpapers/Floors Blueprints - #001 to #020

001 to 020 | 021 to 040 | 041 to 060 | 061 to 080 | 081 to 100 | 101 to 116

001 - Plain Wallpaper

Comes with the Craft Table
Sell Price: 200 G

Materials: 15 Small Lumber

002 - Bamboo Lodge

Ship 5,000,000 G to Sakura Country - Sakura Country, 5000 G
Sell Price: 1000 G

Materials: 12 Small Lumber, 8 Lumber, 5 Bamboo

003 - Antique House Print

Ship 300,000 G to Cabin Country - Cabin Country, 3000 G
Sell Price: 1950 G

Materials: 8 Stone, 8 Lumber, 5 Walnut

004 - Pink Striped Print

Ship 450,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 3480 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Pink Carnation

005 - Green Striped Print

Ship 450,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 3000 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Mint

006 - Blue Striped Print

Ship 450,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 2880 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Blue Magic Flower

007 - Red Stiped Print

Ship 600,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 3060 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Red Magic Flower

008 - Yellow Striped Print

Ship 600,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 4200 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Sunflower

009 - Orange Striped Print

Ship 600,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 2880 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Moondrop Flower

010 - Purple Striped Print

Ship 600,000 G to Silk Country - Silk Country, 3500 G
Sell Price: 2880 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 6 Yarn, 6 Lavender

011 - Pink Checked Print

Ship 600,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 4640 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 White Cotton Cloth, 6 Pink Carnation

012 - Green Checked Print

Ship 600,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 4160 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 Green Cotton Cloth, 5 Mint

013 - Blue Checked Print

Ship 600,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 4040 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 Blue Cotton Cloth, 5 Blue Magic Flower

014 - Red Checked Print

Ship 450,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 4220 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 Red Cotton Cloth, 5 Red Magic Flower

015 - Yellow Checked Print

Ship 450,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 5360 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 Yellow Cotton Cloth, 5 Sunflower

016 - Orange Checked Print

Ship 450,000 G to Rose Country - Rose Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 4040 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 7 Orange Cotton Cloth, 6 Moondrop Flower

017 - Pink Clover Print

Ship 450,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3100 G
Sell Price: 10,590 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 5 Suffolk Yarn, 3 White Cloth, 3 Pink Carnation

018 - Green Clover Print

Ship 450,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3700 G
Sell Price: 5850

Materials: 10 Lumber, 5 Suffolk Yarn 3 Green Cloth, 3 Mint

019 - Blue Clover Print

Ship 450,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3700 G
Sell Price: 5790 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 5 Suffolk Yarn, 3 Blue Cloth, 3 Blue Magic Flower

020 - Red Clover Print

Ship 600,000 G to Wheat Country - Wheat Country, 3700 G
Sell Price: 5880 G

Materials: 10 Lumber, 5 Suffolk Yarn, 3 Red Cloth, 3 Red Magic Flower

001 to 020 | 021 to 040 | 041 to 060 | 061 to 080 | 081 to 100 | 101 to 116