Wardrobe Hats - #1 to #21
There are 42 hats that you can craft using your Sewing Studio. When you wear a hat, your hairstyle will automatically change to match the style of the hat. Wearing a hat when competing in the Fashion Festiva will help you earn points towards victory if you match the festival's theme, style, and color. Wearing a hat that a villager likes will earn you a bonus +100 FP when you talk to him or her.
01 to 21 | 22 to 42
01 - Farmer's Hat
Included with the Sewing Studio
Sell Price: 3500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Yellow
Materials: Or. Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Yellow Cloth
Liked by: No one
02 - Kerchief
Included with the Sewing Studio
Sell Price: 3500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +1 Yellow, +2 Red
Materials: Red Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Yellow Cloth
Liked by: Kamil, Lillie, Agate, Lutz
03 - Straw Hat
Included with the Sewing Studio
Sell Price: 4510 G
Theme: Spring/Summer
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Yellow
Materials: Or. Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Green Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Rice Stalk, Wheat
Liked by: Nadi, Eda, Otmar
04 - Top Hat
Winter of year 2 - Rose Country, Hat Set #4, 7000 G
Sell Price: 6500 G
Theme: None
Style: +3 Chic, +3 Elegant
Color: +3 Black
Materials: Black Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Black Cloth
Liked by: Klaus, Giorgio, Maurice, Omtar, Gunther, Witchie, Baby Child
05 - Blue Newsboy Cap
Silk Road, Hat Set #5, 3000 G
Sell Price: 3500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Blue
Materials: Blue Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Blue Cloth
Liked by: Kamil, Veronica, Boy Child
06 - Red Newsboy Cap
Cabin Country, Hat Set #2, 2500 G
Sell Price: 3500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Red
Materials: Red Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Red Cloth
Liked by: Elise, Lillie, Meladie, Corona, Dessie, Girl Child
07 - Green Newsboy Cap
Winter of year 2 - Ice Country, Hat Set #3, 5000 G
Sell Price: 3500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Green
Materials: Green Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Green Cloth
Liked by: Fritz, Licorice
08 - Black Newsboy Cap
Winter of year 2 - Rose Country, Hat Set #4, 7000 G
Sell Price: 6500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Black
Materials: Black Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Black Cloth
Liked by: Klaus, Nadi, Iris, Jonas, Margot, Witchie, Baby Child
09 - White Newsboy Cap
Silk Country, Hat Set #5, 3000 G
Sell Price: 6500 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 White
Materials: White Rabbit-Fur Cloth, White Cloth
Liked by: Mistel, Angela, Eda, Marian
10 - Black Tyrolean Hat
Win the Fashion Show at least 3x - Hat Set #8
Sell Pirce: 9950 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Black
Materials: Black Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Black Cloth, Silver Cotton Cloth, Yellow Downy Tuft
Liked by: Klaus, Jonas, Margot, Witchie
11 - Green Tyrolean Hat
Winter of year 2 - Rose Country, Hat Set #7, 7000 G
Sell Price: 6950 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Green
Materials: Green Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Green Cloth, Silver Cotton Cloth, Yellow Downy Tuft
Liked by: Fritz, Licorice, Dessie
12 - Red Tyrolean Hat
Rose Country, Hat Set #6, 3000 G
Sell Price: 6830 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Red
Materials: Red Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Red Cloth, Silver Cotton Cloth, Blue Downy Tuft
Liked by: Elise, Lillie, Maurice, Girl Child
13 - Blue Tyrolean Hat
Cabin Country, Hat Set #2, 2500 G
Sell Price: 6800 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Blue
Materials: Blue Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Blue Cloth, Silver Cotton Cloth, Red Downy Tuft
Liked by: Kamil, Veronica, Boy Child
14 - Cabin Country Hat
Rose Country, Hat Set #1, 3000 G
Sell Price: 7000 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Chic
Color: +3 White
Materials: White Rabbit Fur Cloth, Wh. Alpaca-Wl. Cloth
Liked by: Mistel, Iris, Angela, Giorgio, Margot
15 - Conical Hat
Cabin Country, Hat Set #2, 2500 G
Sell Price: 2800 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +3 Yellow
Materials: Yellow Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Rice Stalk
Liked by: Raeger, Nadi, Agate, Eda, Otmar, Jonas, Gunther
16 - Flower Clip
Win the Fashion Show at least 1x - Hat Set #7
Sell Price: 2870 G
Theme: Spring/Summer
Style: +2 Chic, +2 Elegant
Color: +1 Green, +1 Yellow, +2 Red
Materials: Green Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Hibiscus
Liked by: Kamil, Lillie, Giorgio, Melanie, Corona, Dessie, Girl Child
17 - Pink Mini Hat
Spring of year 2 - Mistel's Antique Shop, Hat Set #9, 5000 G
Sell Price: 6000 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Chic, +2 Elegant
Color: +1 White, +2 Red
Materials: Red Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Yellow Cloth, White Cloth
Liked by: Elise, Melanie, Dessie
18 - Blue Mini Hat
Spring of year 2 - Mistel's Antique Shop, Hat Set #10, 5000 G
Sell Price: 6000 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Chic, +2 Elegant
Color: +1 White, +2 Blue
Materials: Blue Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Yellow Cloth, White Cloth
Liked by: Angela, Marian, Margot, Lutz, Boy Child
19 - Yellow Mini Hat
Spring of year 3 - Mistel's Antique Shop, Hat Set #11, 10,000 G
Sell Price: 6000 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Chic, +2 Elegant
Color: +1 White, +2 Yellow
Materials: Yellow Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Orange Cloth, White Cloth
Liked by: Raeger, Agate, Giorgio, Maurice, Gunther, Corona
20 - Purple Mini Hat
Spring of year 4 - Mistel's Antique Shop, Hat Set #12, 10,000 G
Sell Price: 6000 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Chic, +2 Elegant
Color: +1 Blue, +2 Red
Materials: Purple Rabbit-Fur Cloth, Yellow Cloth, White Cloth
Liked by: Jonas
21 - Brown Cowboy Hat
Included with the Sewing Studio
Sell Price: 4950 G
Theme: None
Style: +2 Casual, +2 Functional
Color: +1 Red, +2 Yellow
Materials: Red Cotton Cloth, Yellow Cloth, Yellow Downy Tuft
Liked by: Fritz, Agate, Maurice, Otmar, Gunther