The Wrapping Table
Besides the Craft Table and the Kitchen, you can construct a Wrapping Table inside of your farm house. This table can be used to wrap gifts you give to villagers and craft flower bouquets from the flowers you grow. The blueprint for the Wrapping Table can be purchased from Ashe at Silk Country for 2500 G in the House category of available blueprints. You only need to use 14 Lumber to build a Wrapping Table by using the Craft Table, then Edit your Home Decor to place the table inside your farm house.
To utilize the Wrapping Table, simply walk up to it and press the A Button. You'll open a menu where you can Wrap it, Take off the Wrapping, Make a Bouquet, or Make a Ribbon.
Wrapping a Gift
Wrapping a gift will give you bonus Friendship Points when you give the gift. If you happen to select a ribbon color that the person likes, you'll earn more Friendship Points! The bonus points earned will vary depending on the favorability of the gift you're giving, the color of ribbon, and whether it is the person's birthday on the day you're giving the gift:
Gift Quality | Bonus FP | Bonus + Color | B-Day Bonus FP | B-Day + Color |
Favorite (1000 FP) | +250 FP | +300 FP | +350 FP | +400 FP |
Love (500 FP) | +150 FP | +200 FP | +250 FP | +300 FP |
Like (300 FP) | +100 FP | +150 FP | +150 FP | +200 FP |
Neutral (50 FP) | +70 FP | +120 FP | +100 FP | +150 FP |
You'll need to craft the ribbon before you can wrap an item from your rucksack. The ribbon color will determine the color of the resulting wrapped gift. You will be using colored linen cloth or colored cotton cloth to make ribbon. Linen and cotton cloth are made using your Sewing Studio. Flax (for crafting linen) is a crop seed you unlock from Silk Country once you have ship 150,000 G worth of goods to Ashe. Cotton is a crop seed you can buy from Ennio at Rose Country once you unlock the vendor at the Trade Depot. Both of these crops can be grown in any season and prefer the Tall Crop public field.

To craft the ribbon, pick the the Make a Ribbon option, then Select Ribbon Material. Each color linen cloth or colored cotton cloth will result in 10 ribbons that will be stored in the Look at the Leftover Ribbon menu.
The next step is to wrap the gift. Select the Wrap It option, then select the item in your rucksack you want to gift wrap. Next, select the ribbon color you want to use. You can wrap as many of the same item as you have in your bag or as much ribbon as you've crafted. The wrapped item will be stored individually in your rucksack separately from the non-wrapped version.
If you ever want to remove the wrapping ribbon from a gift, head back to the Wrapping Table and select the Take off the Wrapping option.
Making a Bouquet
Flower bouquets are mainly used for giving as gifts, presented on the Spring 31 Flower Fair, or placed in the vases you can build inside of your farm house. You can also place a flower bouquet on a special someone's gravestone.
Bouquets require four flowers and a specific color of wrapping paper ribbon. Some bouquet recipes require specific flowers while others are based simply on the color of the flowers you select. There are eight types of flower bouquets that you can craft in the game:
Bouquet Name | Flowers | Ribbon Color | Sell Price |
Lovely Days | 3 pink flowers + 1 white flower | Blue | 3360 G |
Blazing Waltz | 3 red flowers + 1 pink flower | Red | 3740 G |
Modest Moon | 2 white flowers + 2 pink flowers | White | 3400 G |
Winter's Song | 3 blue flowers + 1 white flower | Green | 7020 G |
Nature's Beauty | 1 Hydrangea + 1 Pink Carnation + 1 Gentian + 1 white flower | Golden | 3230 G |
Yearning for the Sun | 2 Sunflower + 1 Hilton Daisy + 1 white flower | Yellow | 4040 G |
Lots of Love | 1 Red Rose + 1 White Rose + 1 Blue Rose + 1 Pink Rose | Silver | 7390 G |
Earth's Blessing | 4 flowers (any color) | (any color) | 900 G |
Since the resulting bouquets do not have a Star Rank, you can use any Star Rank of flower that you would like to use.

When a recipe requires a color of flower rather than a specific flower, you can use any flower that matches the color type. The flowers do not need to be unique (e.g., you can use 3 Pink Carnation when crafting a Lovely Days bouquet). The flowers that belong to each color category are:
- Blue: Gentian, Hydrangea, and Blue Rose
- Pink: Pink Carnation and Pink Rose
- Red: Carnation, Hibiscus, Hilton Daisy, Red Rose, and Tulip
- White: Lily, Marguerite Daisy, Snowdrop, and White Rose
The wild flowers (Moondrop, Red Magic Flower, and Blue Magic Flower) are not used for bouquet crafting.
To place a flower bouquet into a house vase, hold it above your head and then press the A Button to put it into the vase. The bouquet will remain there until you remove the vase from your farm house (the Edit mode will remind you that the flower will be removed if you put the vase in storage) or you choose a new bouquet to place into the vase.