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SoS:FoMT Version 1.1.3 Patch and May '13 4-col Comic | Posted at 02:49 PM 07 February 2020

Happy Farm'n Friday! There's lots of bulbs coming up out of the ground now. Even the peonies have begun to germinate; now to find a good fertilizer to help them bloom in the poor front yard soil. At least the tulips don't seem to mind!

Even the Shawo radishes from last year are beginning to look like radishes, at least the long green style of radishes they're suppose to be. Maybe another few months and they'll be ready to harvest. In the meantime, the crop will need to be protected from slugs.

The Watermelon Radish are growing too, but they aren't as far along as the Shawo sweet radishes. They were planted several weeks after the Shawos as a replacement for the first batch of Shawos that were destroyed by those dang-nabit tree rats.

No news about the English release date for SoS:FoMT or or news about upcoming Harvest Moon games, but we do have Rune Factory 4 coming out in less than three weeks!

SoS:FoMT Patch

Marvelous released a new patch for Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town in Japan, updating the game to version 1.1.3. The patch notes simply state that it was to fix some bugs in the game, but didn't specify what those bugs were.

One bug that they've appeared to fix is an issue that came about in the 1.1.2 patch regarding achievement letters being sent to the farm house mailbox. Normally as players proceed through the game the Goddess would send good-job letters to your mailbox after you reached and unlocked in-game achievements such as spending 10 consecutive hours in the hot spring, reaching year 3 in the game, or even having a total of 100,000 G. This relatively minor glitch would trigger when players had an existing save file with unlocked achievements and then would start new save file. On the second day of the new game, all of the Goddess' congratulatory letters would arrive in the mailbox as well as all associated achievements from the first play file would be marked as completed in the new game file. So you'd unlock achievements like "Win the Chicken Festival" without even owning a chicken yet.

Granted, the in-game achievements don't actually do anything in the game; they're just mini goals you can try to complete. The 1.1.3. patch has corrected this little quirk. Now when starting a new game players are no longer bombarded with all of the achievements unlocked in their other save file.

Nindori Comic

And here's the four-column comic drawn by Igusa Matsuyama that originally was published in the May 2013 volume of Nintendo DREAM magazine, featuring Hart from Harvest Moon: A New Beginning! Poor Neil is a good sport!

Until next time!

- Cher
(Animal Crossing New Horizons is finally available for preload! So hyped!)

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