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Ushi No Tane

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| Posted at 01:31 PM 29 May 2020

Happy Farm'n Friday! The dahlias are growing great this year! Last year they did not grow well at all, but that year I had experimented with leaving them in the ground during fall 2018 to over-winter for the spring 2019 growing season. The majority of the plants that spring did not flower and the ones that did produce flowers weren't all that great. So last fall, the tubers were dug up to over-winter in the garage. Then before planting, the whole bed was rototilled (blah, native clay soil sucks) and amended with some lovely peat moss.

The tubers were planted about six weeks ago, and some are doing so well that they've already been tipped. This is done when the top shoot of the plant is snipped off after the plant has several branches of lateral leaves (I do it at four branches). Tipping off the top encourages the plant to grow new branches at the lower points of growth, resulting in a shorter and bushier dahlia plant. Many years ago, I left the dahlias to grow au-naturel, leading to overwhelmingly tall plants that were difficult to support with plant stakes. Mr.Fogu had to rig up twine and attached hooks to the fence to keep the dahlias upright. He was such a trooper!

I did manage to complete more content on the SoS:FoMT guide last weekend. I still need to finish one last romantic event and the cooking guide. Getting closer to having a lot completed before the game's release dates (July 10 and July 14).

Marv and Tencent Partnership

On Monday, Marvelous announced that Tencent Games will be investing in its company via stock sale. The press release notes that Tencent doesn't typically directly invest in companies, so these shares are to be held by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Image Frame Investment. This deal gives Tencent a seat on Marvelous' board of directors and a 20% voting right. Marvelous plans to use the boost in funds to create new IPs, invest in new business developments, and to move forward with a global expansion of their existing IPs.

The press release also notes that the Story of Seasons franchise has sold over 10 million during its 20-year existence and has 34 entries as of October 2019. The China-only mobile game made in collaboration with Tencent is still ongoing.

One World Boxart Reveal

Natsume revealed this week that their upcoming Nintendo Switch game, Harvest Moon: One World, will also be released on Playstation 4! (yaay!)

Both the Switch and Ps4 editions are scheduled to be released later this year in North America.

The Ps4 boxart shows off the new graphic style for the game's protagonists, and there are goats in the farm's pasture space! Though there doesn't appear to be any reference to the magnificent genius Doc anywhere in that boxart... hmmm, maybe he's hiding behind that big tree in the grassy area by the desert town...

Snacko Kickstarter

The kitty-cat themed farming game, Snacko, launched on Kickstarter this week. The game's development has so far been sponsored via Patreon funding, but additional funding would allow the team to add more to the game. You can learn more about the Kickstarter, which is already 40% funded (might be more now!), at the Kickstarter project page:

SoS:FoMT EU Art Contest

Marvelous Games (EU) is sponsoring a fanart contest for Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. The contest is open to those 13 years old or older who live in the UK and Europe. One entry per person is allowed. The contest deadline is June 14. Winners can receive a digital copy of the Nintendo Switch remake, and the grand-prize winner will receive a HyperX ChargePlay Clutch, a Switch console case that is also a large battery. More details about the contest are on the official EU website:

Until next time!

- Cher
(How is it almost June already?!)

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