Listed below are short documents you can print out to carry around with you while you are playing Harvest Moon DS. The character guides list the +800 Love Point item, some more easy to get +500 LP items, and the heart event times and locations.
Harvest Moon DS for Boy
Celia, Flora, Lumina, Muffy and Nami guide
Goddess, Leia, Keira, and Witch guide
Ann, Elli, Karen, Mary, and Popuri guide
Harvest Moon DS for Girl
Carter, Griffin, Gustafa, Marlin, Rock, and Skye guide
Cliff, Doctor, Gray, Kai, and Rick guide
Other printables
Seasonal calender with character birthdates and festival dates
Checksheet for Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green Sprite teams
Checksheet for Blue, Indigo, Purple, and Channel Sprite teams