Klaus' Flower Events

White Flower Event

Special Mood Perfume

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» Walk into Klaus' house
» 19:20 to 21:00
» Any day
» Sunny weather
» Klaus has 5000 FP or more

Klaus explains that he has been doing perfume work, but he has some free time. For all the work you do on the farm every day, only the best scents will work for you. He asks you to wait a moment while he prepares it.

Klaus crafts a bottle and after a sample smell, asks how you like it.

Purple Flower Event

A Cautious Proposal

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» Walk into Klaus' house
» 8:00 to 12:00
» Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
» Sunny weather
» Klaus has a purple flower color or higher
» You have seen Klaus' white flower event

Klaus looks to be very busy at work when you walk in. He sees you and asks you to wait a moment.

You must give Klaus a Ring to see his remaining love events. You can make a Ring when using the Sewing Studio Accessory Bench, by combining a Silver ore and a Fluorite. Give the Ring on a sunny Saturday or Sunday before 11:00 pm when Klaus has a blue flower color or higher and you have seen the white and purple flower events.

Yellow Flower Event

Promise of a Ride

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» Walk from your farm area to the Forest Road
» 14:00 to 17:00
» Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
» Sunny weather
» Klaus has a yellow flower color or higher
» You are going steady with Klaus
» You have seen Klaus' purple flower event

Klaus meets up with you along the path, and explains he was just on his way to your place to see if you wanted to go out. As the two of you head out, Klaus comments on how the weather makes him want to go horseback riding. He explains that it was a hobby from when he was a student, but he hasn't done it since moving back to Oak Tree Town. If he picks it up again, maybe you'd like to ride behind him along a nice, long trail ride.

Event Helper: Alice Z., @Hentai_sama, Hamipertus

Pink Flower Event

A Well-matched Couple

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» Walk into Mistel's Antique Shop
» 12:00 to 15:00
» Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday
» Sunny weather
» Klaus has a pink flower color or higher
» You have seen Klaus' yellow flower event
» You are going steady with Klaus

Klaus and Iris are having a nice conversation when you walk in. They don't notice you, but Mistel sees you standing there, and comments on how his sister and Klaus seem to be enjoying themselves. They finally come over to where you and Mistel are standing, but you're so upset that you run out of the shop. Klaus chases after you.

Mistel knows that his sister saw you walk in and wonders why she didn't acknowledge your entrance, but Iris explains that this is a good opportunity for you and Klaus to get closer. Mistel figures that if this little incident ruins your relationship, then it wasn't going to go anywhere anyway.

Back outside, you run until you are almost blind-sided by a moving cart. The vendor apologizes for not seeing you, and Klaus scolds you for not paying attention to where you were going. Now that you've stopped running, Klaus asks why you were running away.

Event Helper: Alice Z., @Hentai_sama