Random Events
Get it Together!

» Walk into Otmar's Shop
» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, or 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Not Sunday or Monday
» Sunny weather
» Otmar has 30,000 FP or more
» Your rucksack is not full
You walk into Otmar's shop and he greets you. You can tell him that you're here to shop or that you're just visiting. Either way, he's glad to see you. Otmar has to go to the clinic and asks if you would watch the store for him. If you agree, he'll let you know that he'll be back in an hour and then leaves. Well he didn't tell you that he was going to be gone for so long!
While you're playing shopkeeper, Otmar returns for a moment. It seems that he has forgotten his glasses. He fetches them and leaves again, but doesn't even acknowledge that you're running his shop.
He returns again and finally notices that you're behind the shop counter. What are you doing? You must of entered the shop somehow while he was away! You remind Otmar why you're there. Oh yes, he remembers now; he tends to be forgetful. Otmar takes back control of his shop counter. To thank you for your help, Otmar pays you with some Fertilizer.
As you are leaving, Otmar stops and asks you, who are you again?
(There is no friendship point reward for this event)