Random Events

Cake Taste Test

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» Gunther and Corona's carpentry shop
» 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
» Tuesday or Friday
» Sunny weather
» Corona has 15,000 FP or more

Corona is glad to see you. She has been baking a cake and can't wait to try it. She takes you back into the kitchen and slices some cake for the two of you. Corona explains that it is the first time she's made this cake, so she's not sure how well it tastes. Usually when she bakes a cake she'll rearrange the recipe a little bit. Corona wants to know your opinion, and first asks if you think the cake is too sweet. You can respond that it is too sweet (choice 1) or you can respond that it is fine (choice 2).

At this point you'll go through a sequence of three more questions that you'll base your official opinion on. Corona will ask if the lemon she uses made the cake too sour, if the texture is too hard, and if she used too much fresh cream. Each time you can confirm her suspicions or you can tell her that it is okay.

As the two of you judge the cake, Gunther comes in. He had to come back to the shop for a tool but he doesn't need to return to the work site right away... is that a cake she has made? Corona says she made a few changes when she made it, which makes Gunther a bit nervous. Suddenly he needs to go back to work! He reminders her that she should be minding the store, so Corona tells him that she'll attend to any customers that show up. Gunther apologizes to you for having to taste test her cake.

Corona becomes annoyed at Gunther, and argues that you wanted to try her cake. Gunther tells her that if they keep eating every cake that she makes, then they'll get fat! Corona claims that this isn't enough cake to get her fat, yet Gunther claims she is a little more plump than she was before. Corona thinks that they should ask you if she looks fatter.

Her whole purpose is to try and bake a delicious cake for Gunther, and if she doesn't taste it then she won't know if it is tasty. Gunther tells her that he cake is always delicious and she doesn't need to taste every one. After Gunther leaves, Corona thanks you for your cake advice.