Winter Season Festivals
Birthdays that take place during this season are: Angela (02), Torque (04), Witchie (08), Jonas (10), Margot (11), Lutz (12), Elise (22), and Melanie (28)
Winter 14 : Valentine's Day
This event will vary depending on the gender of your character.
If you are playing as a Girl
This is the day that you will give gifts to the available bachelors. If you haven't made any chocolaty gifts, then you can buy some from Otmar's shop. On this special day he will sell Chocolate Cake for 450 G each and Chocolate Cookies for 150 G each. For each bachelor that you give a Harmony Day gift to, you will earn +1000 FP.

If you are playing as a Boy and are not Married
This event will be a response to the dessert gifts you gave to the girls on Spring 14. Walk into your house between noon and 18:00, and each of the girls will stop by and give you a treat. They will come by one at a time, right after each other, so you won't have to keep walking in and out of your house to trigger the event.
You'll receive a gift from 1) any girl that you gave a gift to on Spring Harmony Day, or 2) any girl that you didn't receive a gift from and who has at least 10,000 FP. You won't receive a gift from Menou or Reina unless they're available on Spring 14.
For each girl who gives you a gift, you'll receive +1000 FP for that girl.
Even if you have a girlfriend (i.e., you are going steady with someone), all the girls will still stop by your house to deliver a gift.
If you are a Boy and are Married
Your spouse will have a special food party for you at night. Go in your house any time of the day before midnight and she will set up a special meal for you. You'll receive +1000 FP with your spouse.
Winter 19 : Fluffy Festival

Go to the Trade Depot between 10:00 and 13:00 to enter the festival. The animals that will be judged at this contest will be the sheerable kind: Sheep, Suffolk Sheep, Alpaca, Brown Alpaca, Angora Goats, or Camels. The animal you enter must be an adult and not pregnant or sick.
The factors that determine your chances of victory are:
- The Current Year: The first year of your game is easiest, with each year increasing in difficulty. Year 5 and beyond will be the maximum difficulty level.
- Animal Friendship Level: Naturally the more friendship hearts an animal has, the better the chance of it winning a festival. This is probably the single most important factor.
- Number of Wool Produced: The more treats you've given your fluffy animal friend, the more products it can produce and the larger its physical size. Bigger animals are more impressive.
- Animal Type: Entering a Brown Alpaca, Llama, Angora Goat, or Camel instead of a normal Sheep or Suffolk Sheep can help you win.
Another factor that determines your victory are your competitors, especially your rivals. Elise is your biggest competition, followed by Giorgio, Fritz, Eda, and then the random no-portrait villagers. Also, any stress your contest entry has will negatively impact Wantatan's judgment of it.
If you win the Fluffy Festival, you will gain +30 FP with your contest entry, receive a random blueprint, earn +1000 FP with the villagers, and increase your brand with that breed of animal (e.g., win the festival with a Suffolk Sheep and just your Suffolk Sheep product brand will increase). Second place will earn you +20 FP with your animal and third place will be +10 FP. For the villagers, anything other than first place will earn +500 FP with them.
Winter 24 : Starlight Gala

In the morning of the 24th you can choose if you want to participate in this festival. If you do, then you can select one of the available marriage candidates to go star gazing with you that night. Your current friendship level with the potential spouses won't matter. The person you invite will request that you meet with him or her between 18:00 and 20:00 at the Trade Depot.
If you are going steady or married, your date will be your sweetheart. You don't get a choice!
Your friends (and family if you have one) will all gather at the Trade Depot. If you have a date, you will watch the sky with him or her along with everyone else in town. You'll receive +3000 FP with your date. If you go with your family then you'll earn +2000 FP with your spouse and child. If you decide to go with nobody, you'll simply earn +1000 FP with the villagers at the festival.
The festival will automatically end at 22:00 after you watch the stars, and you'll return to your farm house.
Winter 30 : Harvest Festival

Go to the Trade Depot and talk to Veronica between 10:00 and 13:00. She will ask you to select a crop from your rucksack to enter into the festival. Depending on the crop you select, you will be entered into the vegetable category, flower category, fruit category, or miscellaneous category.
You do not have to enter Winter-only crops! If you have crops from other seasons, you are free to enter those if you want. You are not penalized for entering non-Winter crops.
The crop festival increases in difficulty each year. Year 5 and later is when it is at its maximum difficulty level. The factors that determine your chance of winning are the Star Rank of the crop you enter plus whether it is at its maximum freshness (note that flowers do not have a freshness quality). The higher the Star Rank of your entry, the greater the chance that you'll win. Naturally it is also best to enter a fresh crop you just harvested instead of one that you've had in your rucksack for 3 days.
Your competitors also factor into your chances of winning. Giorgio is your most challenging competition, followed by Elise, Eda, Fritz, and then the no-portrait random villagers. Note that even if you enter a 5-star item there is still a chance you'll lose, which depends on the difficulty of your competition.
If Matsuba judges your crop entry to be the winner, then you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers, a random cooking recipe set or blueprint, and the brand associated with the winning entry will increase. If you don't win first place, you will still earn +500 FP with the villagers.
Winter 31 : New Year's Festival

This festival will start at 6:00 pm at the Trade Depot. Talk to Veronica in front of the gate between 18:00 and 20:00 to participate. All the villagers will gather to count down the time left in the current year. Before that though, everyone will eat special lucky Soba Noodles presented by the Sakura Country shopkeeper (you don't see him at the festival though). You'll also see some conversation between the characters about the noodles.
After everyone has eaten their fill of noodles and celebrated the start of the new year, you can walk around and talk to the villagers. The festival will end when you leave the Trade Depot, when the time becomes 1:00.
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