Fall Season Festivals
Birthdays that take place during this season are: Corona (03), Gunther (05), Iris (06), Mistel (11), Eda (13), Flik (16), Maurice (22), and Marian (27)
Fall 04 : Concert

Meet Veronica at the entrance to the Trade Depot between 10:00 and 13:00 to watch the music concert. The villagers will gather together to listen to music performed by some of the other villagers. You will earn +1000 friendship points with all of the villagers. The concert will end at 15:00.
The music that plays will be from past versions of Harvest Moon. There will be five tunes, one per year, and will start back from the first one in year 6.
- Year 1: Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar
- Year 2: Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS Cute
- Year 3: Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns
- Year 4: Harvest Moon (SNES)
- Year 5: Harvest Moon Island of Happiness
Fall 08 : Pet Promenade

If you have a pet then you can enter it into the fall festival. Meet Veronica at the entrance of the Trade Depot between 10:00 and 13:00. She will allow you to select a dog or a cat that you have on your farm. To own a dog or cat, you first need to build the Pet Barn on your farm. The blueprint can be bought from the Silk Country vendor at the Trade Depot for 30,000 G. To build the Pet Barn, combine 10 Small Lumber, 15 Lumber, 15 Stone, and 20 Pet Food; the Pet Barn does not come in optional styles like the livestock and poultry barns.
The factors that determine your chances of winning are your pet's friendship hearts (positive) and your pet's stress level (negative). Naturally a fat pet will have a very high stress level, which mean you aren't going to win with a tubby puppy or kitty. It also does not matter whether you are entering a cat or a dog as there's no advantage to entering one type of pet over another.
Another factor that determines your victory are your competitors, especially your rivals. Elise is your biggest competition, followed by Giorgio, Fritz, Eda, and then the random no-portrait villagers.
The first year of your game is easiest to win, with each year increasing in difficulty. Year 5 and beyond will be the maximum difficulty level. If you win the pet festival, you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers and a random blueprint. Taking second, third, or fourth place will earn you +500 FP with the villagers.
Fall 13 : Fall Fashion Show

Earlier in the season you will have received a letter from Del Cossa that tells you the general theme for the upcoming fashion show. Meet with Veronica at the Trade Depot between 10:00 and 13:00 to participate in the fashion show. You will be in charge of dressing up a model to show off the clothing and accessories that are currently inside your clothing closet. You won't be given new clothing for the contest, and the clothing isn't lost, used, or sold once the show is over; it goes back into your closet. If you forget what the theme is, Veronica will remind you after you agree to participate in the festival.
Veronica will have you select the gender of your model. If you change your mind, you will have to back completely out by pressing the B Button, and then talk to Veronica again to ask about participating. The gender of the character your pick doesn't matter from a victory sense, since the clothing and style options are available for both genders.
You can then style your model just like you were creating a new character: skin color, face design options, hair style, eye and hair color, and then the clothing, hats, and accessories. You can press the Left Shoulder and Right Shoulder buttons to change the angle your model is facing. The physical features of your model won't help with winning the contest, but the clothing and accessories will. Try to pick items that are based on the festival's theme. When you have finished designing your fashion dummy, press the X Button.
Veronica will then bring you and the three random contestants together. Each of you will show off your fashion model, while Del Cossa gives his opinion on each one. After the judgement, Veronica will announce the winner.
If you win the festival you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers, your clothing brand rank will increase, and you will receive a blueprint prize. Anything other than first place will earn you +500 FP with the villagers.
Fall 19 : Hoppy Festival

Meet Veronica at the entrance of the Trade Depot between 10:00 and 13:00 to enter the Angora Rabbit contest. You can buy Angora Rabbits from the Silk Country booth at the Trade Depot starting in Fall for 15,000 G each. The Black Angora is available from Asche starting in Spring of year 3 for 20,000 G each. It won't matter if your bunny had recently shed its wool, but it can't be sick to be eligible for the contest.
The factors that determine your chances of victory are:
- The Current Year: The first year of your game is easiest, with each year increasing in difficulty. Year 5 and beyond will be the maximum difficulty level.
- Animal Friendship Level: Naturally the more friendship hearts an animal has, the better the chance of it winning a festival. This is probably the single most important factor.
- Number of Angora Fur Produced: The more treats you've given your rabbit, the more wool it can make.
- Animal Type: Entering a Black Angora instead of a normal pink Angora can help you win.
Another factor that determines your victory are your competitors, especially your rivals. Elise is your biggest competition, followed by Giorgio, Fritz, Eda, and then the random no-portrait villagers. Also, any stress your contest entry has will negatively impact Wantatan's judgment of it.
If you win the rabbit festival, you will gain +30 FP with your contest entry, receive a random blueprint, earn +1000 FP with the villagers, and increase your brand with that breed of animal (e.g., win the festival with a pink Angora and your regular Angora product brand will increase). Second place will earn you +20 FP with your animal and third place will be +10 FP. For the villagers, anything other than first place will earn +500 FP with them.
Fall 25 : Cooking Exhibition

On your calendar, check the date of the festival to learn the cooking course of the acceptable entries for the contest. You only have to submit one dish even though there might be several acceptable course categories. Talk to Veronica at the entrance of the Trade Depot between 10:00 am and 13:00, and she will ask you to select your recipe. You may need to press the Right Shoulder button or Left Shoulder button on your 3DS to navigate to the category that your entry is located, since Veronica doesn't give you a full list of all the cooked dishes you are carrying around. The dish will not be returned to your rucksack after the tasting judgment.
You'll need to buy the kitchen and construct it before you can cook. Purchase the blueprint from Asche at Silkroad for 3000 G. It requires 6 Small Lumber, 4 Lumber, 6 Small Stone, 4 Stone, and 3 Iron. You'll also need cooking recipes, which you can buy from vendors, receive from Reger as you buy food at his restaurant, or win from other festivals.
Your best chances of winning will be based on the Star Rank of the dish you submit, the current year you are in (year 1 is easiest, year 5 is max difficulty). Another factor are your fellow cooking competitors. Fritz and Corona are the most difficult to win against, followed by Lillie, Giorgio, Angela, Elise, the non-portrait characters, Iris, and Agate.
Alternatively, you can choose to enter an entire six-piece course. You will need to bring Vernoica a salad dish, a soup dish, a dish from the fried or pot categories, a dish from the rice or bread/noodle categories, a snack, and a drink. Having these in your bag will prompt Veronica to ask if you want to enter a full course instead of just a single category. When entering a course, the cuisine type for the salad, soup, and main dishes will give you a slight boost. Western style food gives the lowest bonus, followed by Eastern style, then Asian style, and finally Ethnic cuisine will give you the most advatage. For example, an Ethnic-style course might consist of Curry Salad (salad), Tom Yum Goong (soup), Dry Curry (pot), Herb Pilaf (rice), and then a dessert and drink. A Western-style course might be Mashed Potato (salad), Tomato Soup (soup), Grilled Mushroom (fried), Doria (rice), and then a dessert and drink. Asian style might be Egg Soup (soup), Kimchi (salad), Chop Suey (fried), Fried Rice (rice), and then the remaining dishes.
The cooking judge, Saffron, will taste test each of the festival entries. If you are declared the winner, you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers, a cooking recipe set, and the brand associated with the category of dish you enter will increase, affecting all of the cooked recipes in that category and not just your specific cooking festival entry. For example, if you won the festival with a Turnip Salad, then all of the salad recipes you cook (Tomato Salad, Cucumber Namul, etc.) will sell for more money than if you didn't have the brand.
If you win with a full-course entry, every cooking category associated with your entries will get a brand increase. So you'll get a brand increase in salad, soup, either fried or pot, either rice or bread/noodles, snack, and drink.
Starting in year 3 or so, a Cooking Exhibition will become very challeging if you selected this festival to determine the winner of a Conquest rivalry contest. The rivals you are competing against for field rights will have a huge cooking advantage. Even if you enter a 5-star single category dish into the festival, you can still lose because of their lopsided advantage. Bring a variety of 5-star dishes with you, save your game at 10 am (in case you need time to head home to cook another entry), and be prepared to do a few game save reloads to win this festival. If this is the case, you might have better luck entering a full course.
Fall 30 : Harvest Festival

Go to the Trade Depot and talk to Veronica between 10:00 and 13:00. She will ask you to select a crop from your rucksack to enter into the festival. Depending on the crop you select, you will be entered into the vegetable category, flower category, fruit category, or miscellaneous category.
You do not have to enter Fall-only crops! If you have crops from other seasons, you are free to enter those if you want. You are not penalized for entering non-Fall crops.
The crop festival increases in difficulty each year. Year 5 and later is when it is at its maximum difficulty level. The factors that determine your chance of winning are the Star Rank of the crop you enter plus whether it is at its maximum freshness (note that flowers do not have a freshness quality). The higher the Star Rank of your entry, the greater the chance that you'll win. Naturally it is also best to enter a fresh crop you just harvested instead of one that you've had in your rucksack for 3 days.
Your competitors also factor into your chances of winning. Giorgio is your most challenging competition, followed by Elise, Eda, Fritz, and then the no-portrait random villagers. Note that even if you enter a 5-star item there is still a chance you'll lose, which depends on the difficulty of your competition.
If Matsuba judges your crop entry to be the winner, then you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers, a random cooking recipe set or blueprint, and the brand associated with the winning entry will increase. If you don't win first place, you will still earn +500 FP with the villagers.
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