Summer Season Festivals
Birthdays that take place during this season are: Agate (01), Lillie (06), Raeger (09), Giorgio (12), Gusto (17), Veronica (23), Mora (25), and Nadi (31).
Summer 5 : Fishing Tournament

Go to the Trade Depot between 7:00 and 10:00 with a fishing pole in your rucksack, and talk to Veronica to participate in the fishing tournament. This contest will have two ways to win: the number of fish caught and the largest size fish caught. After you enter the contest you will have four hours to catch fish at the fishing docks. Unfortunately, the fishing docs can be occupied by your competitors, so you may have to run to the different areas until you find one that isn't being used. Once you find a dock that is available, don't bother trying a different one with the hopes that it will be available. Stay at the one that you found unoccupied.
The game will keep track of the number of fish you catch and the largest size that you've caught. You can also see the amount of time available until the competition is over. If you are in the middle of reeling in a fish when the timer reaches zero, you can still catch the fish and have it count towards your fish tally. You cannot access your inventory during the tournament, but you can place fish food on the fishing points before the tournament starts. Since the food remains active for the rest of the day, the sparkles will still be in the water during the contest.
Your victory will generally be determined by the type of fishing pole you are using. The Basic Fishing Pole will help with catching as many fish as possible, and the Sacred Fishing Pole will help with the maximum size contest. So if you are competing using the normal pole you'll want to use Fish Bait (+10% bite rate) or Refined Fish Bait (+20% bite rate) before the competition starts. If you are using the Sacred Fishing Pole then you'll use the King Bait to increase the size of the fish you catch by 20cm, up to the maximum size available for that particular fish. The Magic Bait won't help you at all, as all it does is increase the Star Rank of the fish you catch by 120 points.
Fish bait comes from Otmar's shop, which isn't open the day of the tournament, so plan ahead if you want to use fish bait during the contest. The blueprint for the Sacred Rod is at Tropical Country.
After the time is up, everyone will automatically gather back at the Trade Depot. Veronica will judge who caught the most fish and then judge who caught the largest fish. If you win one of the categories, you will receive a random cooking recipe set or a blueprint and +1000 FP with the villagers. If you don't win anything, you will still earn +500 with the villagers just for participating.
The fish you catch are returned to the river after the contest is over; you don't get to keep or sell your caught fish. The tournament ends at 3:00 pm.
Since there is no skill relating to winning this festival, it is best that you save your game before talking to Veronica to enter the Fishing tournament. Sometimes you get lucky and catch what you need, and other times you'll be sorely beaten by other competitors (e.g., I had one where the winner caught 23 fish and a fish over 400 cm). If you don't win one of the categories simply reload and try again. The results are based on luck.
Summer 10 : Safari Tour

This festival won't unlock until after you have constructed the Large Trees and the Boulders in your safari zone, and have the wild boars, bears, and monkeys living in the safari.
- The tan wild boars are a gift after you earn 500 customer points with Sakura Country. They hang out in the pasture area with your visiting livestock.
- The brown bears will appear in your safari after you build the Boulders. First, you will need to earn 1000 reputation with Wheat Country. This will result with the project for the Boulders appearing at Corona and Gunther's carpentry shop. The project costs 100,000 G (70,000 G in Seedling mode), 300 Lumber, and 500 Stone Lumber; Seedling mode does not decrease the required amount of materials, just the monetary cost.
- The brown monkeys will unlock after you build the Large Trees. This project is available at the carpenter's once you have reached 500 customer points with Silk Country, and requires 100,000 G (70k in Seedling mode), 600 Lumber, and 100 Stone Lumber. The brown monkeys will arrive after you've build the trees.
On the morning of the 10th, Veronica will stop by your house in the morning to tell you about the Safari Tour after you have met the requirements for the tour to take place. She won't tell you about it before the 10th, so don't worry about being notified about the event ahead of time.
Go to the guild hall between 10:00 and 13:00 and talk to Veronica. You and Agate will take the villagers to the safari zone, where she will explain the different area and the animals that live there. Sometimes unusual animals will randomly appear, such as a group of stampeding elephants who run through during the tour, even though they don't typically exist within the safari.
When the tour is over, Veronica will tell you how much you earned per person, which will be a minimum 400 G fee plus 10 G for every type of animal you have unlocked; the different colors count as unique types. You will also be told the number of people who participated in the tour. Tour fee times people = profit! You will also earn +1000 FP with the people who toured the safari.
If you also have the Iceburg constructed (500,000 G, 200 Stone Lumber, and 900 Ice), you will have more visitors and more profit as the minimum fee will increase to 500 G. At the end of the event you'll return to your farm house at 15:00.
Summer 15 : Fireworks Show

On the 15th, Veronica will visit your house in the morning. She will be soliciting funds for the fireworks display that will take place that evening and will ask if you want to contribute. The more money you donate, the larger the show will be. You can choose not to contribute or to give her 100 G, 1000 G, 10,000 G, or 100,000 G. After you've given her your money, she will instruct you to visit the Trade Depot between 18:00 and 20:00.
You won't receive a prize at the fireworks show, but the size of the show will determine how much friendship you gain with the villagers:
- Don't contribute = +0 Friendship Points
- 100 G or 1000 G = +1000 Friendship Points
- 10,000 G = +1500 Friendship Points
- 100,000 G = +3000 Friendship Points
It will be 22:00 when you leave the festival.
Summer 19 : Cluck-Cluck Festival

Go to the Trade Depot entrance between 10:00 and 13:00 to enter the festival. You can enter any adult chicken (normal, Silkie, or Aracuno) but you can't enter a sick chicken or a chick. Your chicken will be judged against three other contest entries.
The factors that determine your chances of victory are:
- The Current Year: The first year of your game is easiest, with each year increasing in difficulty. Year 5 and beyond will be the maximum difficulty level.
- Animal Friendship Level: Naturally the more friendship hearts an animal has, the better the chance of it winning a festival. This is probably the single most important factor.
- Number of Eggs Produced: The more treats you've given your chicken, the more egg it can lay and the larger its physical size. Bigger birds are more impressive.
- Animal Type: Entering an Aracuno instead of a normal Chicken or a Silkie Chicken can help you win.
Another factor that determines your victory are your competitors, especially your rivals. Elise is your biggest competition, followed by Giorgio, Fritz, Eda, and then the random no-portrait villagers. Also, any stress your contest entry has will negatively impact Woofio's judgment of it.
If you win the Chicken Festival, you will gain +30 FP with your contest entry, receive a random blueprint, earn +1000 FP with the villagers, and increase your brand with that breed of animal (e.g., win the festival with a Silkie Chicken and your Silkie Chicken product brand will increase). Second place will earn you +20 FP with your animal and third place will be +10 FP. For the villagers, anything other than first place will earn +500 FP with them.
Summer 30 : Harvest Festival

Go to the Trade Depot and talk to Veronica between 10:00 and 13:00. She will ask you to select a crop from your rucksack to enter into the festival. Depending on the crop you select, you will be entered into the vegetable category, flower category, fruit category, or miscellaneous category.
You do not have to enter Summer-only crops! If you have crops from other seasons, you are free to enter those if you want. You are not penalized for entering non-Summer crops.
The crop festival increases in difficulty each year. Year 5 and later is when it is at its maximum difficulty level. The factors that determine your chance of winning are the Star Rank of the crop you enter plus whether it is at its maximum freshness (note that flowers do not have a freshness quality). The higher the Star Rank of your entry, the greater the chance that you'll win. Naturally it is also best to enter a fresh crop you just harvested instead of one that you've had in your rucksack for 3 days.
Your competitors also factor into your chances of winning. Giorgio is your most challenging competition, followed by Elise, Eda, Fritz, and then the no-portrait random villagers. Note that even if you enter a 5-star item there is still a chance you'll lose, which depends on the difficulty of your competition.
If Matsuba judges your crop entry to be the winner, then you will earn +1000 FP with the villagers, a random cooking recipe set or blueprint, and the brand associated with the winning entry will increase. If you don't win first place, you will still earn +500 FP with the villagers.
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