Friend Event - Dessie's Confidence Bootcamp

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As you're walking down the path you hear an alarming sound! Over by the pond you spot the three deities, although Dessie looks discouraged. Witch and Inari are scolding her for destroying food using her wayward magic spell. Dessie feels so bad about it that she runs off a little ways and starts crying.

Witchie explains to you that they are giving Dessie some special magic training. Dessie was suppose to transform a peach into a giant peach but instead the peach exploded! Now they're covered in sticky peach juice. Inari knows Dessie has the power to do it. Perhaps she just doesn't have the confidence to control her power. Inari suggests that Witchie give Dessie some support training, although Witchie says they need someone to fill the support role; since you are here, Witchie pawns the task onto you. Inari tells you they've been giving Dessie challenges to help her self-confidence, but any failure she has just brings her confidence back down. They want you to respond to her failures as though they are successes; hopefully she'll gain some self-confidence even if it just the appearance of success. They're too busy to do it and you were just wandering by, so you appear to have the free time. If you don't agree to help, Witchie threatens to turn you into a frog to add to her collection.

The deities call Dessie back over, give you some instructions, and warn you that even if you get hurt or make her cry, you'll regret it. Dessie is also instructed to overcome any challenge that she is presented with. Dessie replies that she'll do her best.

After you're left behind with Dessie, the mini goddess explains her first challenge is to use magic to turn wood into lumber. Dessie casts her magic but instead of lumber she gets another tree branch! Oh dear... Dessie is a bit discouraged, but you notice a rabbit hopping by and let her go over to play it. While she is distracted, you take out your axe and "magically" turn the branches into lumber. When she turns back around and sees that there's lumber instead of branches, Dessie is happy to see that her spell worked.

Next, Dessie has to turn flower seeds into a blooming flower. She's a little encouraged since her last challenge went well. She casts her magic but nothing happens. You distract her again by throwing something into the pond water, then swap out the flower seeds for a flower. Another win for Dessie!

The mini goddess is glad that her magic has worked and says it must be because you are her good luck charm. Dessie says the last challenge she was given was to fill up your stamina. Yikes! Dessie says it will be bad for you if she fails, but she's been doing great with her other challenges that she's confident that she'll succeed! You think your last thoughts to the world as Dessie casts her spell... but... her magic spell seems to have worked?! You confirm that you feel great. Dessie doesn't think she could of done it all without your support.

Time to show off to Inari and Witchie. Dessie says she can make the peach larger this time. She casts her spell, but again the peach explodes and everyone is covered in peach juice. Dessie apologizes. On the other hand, this time she did get some feedback as to what happened. She also feels a little bit better in her abilities. Dessie isn't going to run off crying about this failure. She is encouraged to train harder now! The other sticky deities are less enthusiastic about Dessie's exploding fruit.

Result: +2000 FP with Dessie, +500 FP with Inari and Witchie