Friend Event - A Peaceful Break

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You are walking by when you see Yuzuki sitting by himself on the porch. You walk over to say "hi," but he doesn't seem to notice you for a while. He apologizes for not saying anything at first and explains that because it is sunny he is spending time outside. He invites you to sit and take a break with him. He even has some delicious tea for you.

The two of you sit together, chatting about how nice the breeze feels. It is relaxing just sitting here, enjoying tea and treats; in fact, Yuzuki starts talking about the seasonal treats that come from the village. He keeps talking on and on until you start to become drowsy. Zzz...

Eventually Yuzuki wakes you up. It seems his stories have caused you to fall asleep. It is okay though. Yuzuki is glad that he was able to help you rest for a bit, and asks you to wait in the sunshine while he retrieves a treat for you. Depending on the season you trigger this event in, he'll bring out a different item: Yokan in Spring, Shaved Ice in Summer, Daifuku in Fall, and Sponge Cake in Winter. This seasonal treat is his way of giving a little bit of sunshine to you.

The two of you sit together again and have a pleasant chat. When finished, Yuzuki thanks you for spending time with him.

Result: +1000 FP with Yuzuki, and your Stamina is recharged