Lala Salama Inn

The inn in northern Lulukoko is reserved for visitors to the beach-side town. The inn is run by the village elder, Tototara, and her pet dog, Parora. She and Ludus live in one portion of the inn, while the other side is reserved for overnight guests. The inn also contains benches where you might see visitors and village residents having a meal, though you can't specifically order food there.

Tototara, or her employee Malana, run the front desk of the inn between about 13:30 until 5:00 in the morning. Just stand on the opposite side of the front desk so you see the "Inn" prompt on the bottom of your screen.

If you decide to spend the night at the Lala Salama, the cost will be 500 G. Your game will end for the day, just like if you had gone to bed inside your own farm house. In the morning you will be fully rested and you'll get one of three breakfast meals. The meal types are random and will reward you with either a Conservation Bonus, Fishing Bonus, Recovery Bonus, or Run Speed Bonus Food Power.

Breakfast will be over and your day will begin at 6:00 if you stay the night at the inn before 24:00. For every hour past midnight, you'll wake up one hour later than the normal 6:00 time. For example, if you spend the night at the inn at 2:00, your post-breakfast morning will begin at 8:00.

There is an in-game trophy for spending 100 nights at the inn. You can find this inside your farm house bookcase.