Westown Farm Circles (11 to 20)
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Garden Fence
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank A
1200 G, 10 Soft Soil, 20 Lumber, 10 Brick, 5 Pink Rose, 5 White Rose
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: None
Wood Fence
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank B
1200 G, 10 Soft Soil, 20 Lumber, 10 Marguerite, 10 Bellflower
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: None
Barrel Planter
Unlocks: Wesetown has reached Town Link Rank C
1400 G, 10 Soft Soil, 10 Small Lumber, 15 Bellflower, 10 Dahlia, 10 Stone
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: None
Horse Cart Planter
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank C and you have won 1 Harvest Festival
2100 G, 20 Small Lumber, 20 Marguerite, 10 Bellflower, 15 Pink Lupine
FC Effect: YES. Small increase in crop Color quality
FC Combination: None
Mine Cart Planter
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank B
1400 G, 15 Small Lumber, 10 Blue Rose, 10 Blue Magic Flower
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: None
Brick Planter
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank C and you have harvested 50 honey
2100 G, 20 Dahlia, 20 Snowdrop, 10 Purple Lupine, 20 Brick, 30 Soft Soil
FC Effect: YES. Tiny increase in honey harvest quantity
FC Combination: None
Cow Garden
Unlocks: All three towns have reached Town Link Rank B and you have harvested 80 honey
2100 G, 20 Marguerite, 20 Pink Rose, 20 Bellflower, 30 Brick, 5 Sandrose
FC Effect: YES. Small increase in honey Star Rank quality
FC Combination: None
Horse Garden
Unlocks: All three towns have reached Town Link Rank B and you have harvested 100 mushrooms
2100 G, 20 Carnation, 20 Lily, 20 White Rose, 20 Gerbera Daisy, 5 Peridot
FC Effect: YES. Small increase in mushroom Star Rank quality
FC Combination: None
Cactus Garden
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank D
1800 G, 30 Small Stone, 20 Black Rock, 30 Dry Soil, 30 Prickly Pear Cactus
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: YES. Small increase to Westown villager friendship
Westown Lamp
Unlocks: Westown has reached Town Link Rank C
1400 G, 15 Small Stone, 10 Lumber, 10 Black Rock, 10 Glass Stone
FC Effect: None
FC Combination: YES. Small increase to Westown Town Link Rank
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