Farm Degree

Your farm degree will be posted within the bookshelf inside of your farm house. Simply press A when standing in front of the bookshelf, select your Assets menu, and then look at your title on the starred tab.
Your degree will change as you play through the game. You'll earn farm degree points as you participate in festivals, interact with the villagers and animals, or ship different products to earn money. The degree points will always increase; you can't do anything in the game that would cause you to lose farm degree points. You farm degree title will change as the amount of points you earn increase.
The farm degree has no impact in the game. It is a feature that has been in many different games of the farming series, and so naturally it is included in this version too. There's nothing in Story of Seasons that will unlock based on your accumulated farm degree points. It's mainly there to judge how much work you've put into your game.
When your farm degree title changes, you'll receive a letter from the Farm Appreciation Society in your mailbox. A copy of the letter will also appear inside of your farm house bookshelf
Increasing Your Degree Points
Your farm degree points will add up automatically whenever you do an activity that results in points being awarded. All you have to do is play the game and you'll naturally increase your total farm degree points.
There is a variable farm degree calculation: each day you'll earn the number of points as the current year you are in multiplied by 5. For example, if you are in year 2 of the game, then you'll automatically earn 10 farm degree points each morning (2 x 5 = 10).
+1 Farm Degree Point
- Use an equipped farm tool
- Pick up old fodder off the ground inside of the barns
- Interact with one of your farm animals
- Harvest honey from a bee hive or a mushroom from a fungus log
- Ship an item (the shipping action earns the point, not a point per no. of items in the shipped stack)
- Use the kitchen to cook a dish
- Place an object while in Edit Mode
- Use a machine inside any of the maker sheds
- Catch a fish using a fishing pole
- Catch an insect or frog
- Retrieve fish being raised within a fish hatchery (each raised fish is +1 point)
- Catch an item while you are swimming (fish or anything else)
- Talk to a villager (the non-portrait random villagers do not count)
- Visit the wildlife Safari
- Feed a wild animal
+3 Farm Degree Points
- Use the bath room or toilet room (appears after you build the Large Farm House)
- Give a gift to a villager
+10 Farm Degree Points
- Have a baby animal born on your farm
+20 Farm Degree Points
- Harvest crops you've grown in a 3x3 field
+30 Farm Degree Points
- Use the Hot Spring (blueprint at the Sakura Country Trade Depot vendor, requires 5000+ Customer Points)
+300 Farm Degree Points
- Participate in a village festival (you don't have to win, just participate)
- Increase your brand by winning a judgment festival
- Trigger a random event
- Win a rivalry field competition
+500 Farm Degree Points
- Receive a gift from a wild animal family (27 families, event triggers once per family)
- Trigger a flower event
- Take third place at a village judgment festival
- Catch a Giant Fish
+700 Farm Degree Points
- Take second place at a village judgment festival
+1500 Farm Degree Points
- Take first place at a village judgment festival
+3000 Farm Degree Points
- Collect all 358 cooking recipes
- Catch all 98 insects and frogs
- Catch all 80 fish
- Reach maximum friendship points with one of your farm animals (once per animal)
- Build the boulders, trees, or iceberg in the wildlife Safari
- Remodel your farm house
+5000 Farm Degree Points
- Reach maximum friendship points with a villager
- Your children are born
- Your children reach a new growth stage
+10,000 Farm Degree Points
- Unlock a new Trade Depot vendor (Silk Country doesn't count)
- Unlock the wildlife Safari zone
- Unlock your personal vendor cart at the Trade Depot (Fall of year 1 or later and you've 4+ vendors)
+15,000 Farm Degree Points
- Get married