
Torque is the logical purple Nature Sprite. She likes inventions and prides herself on her high work ethic. Torque's job on the team is to be Dessie's tutor.
You'll first meet Torque by walking to the Riverside Pasture from the Forest Road Area after you meet Gusto. After that you won't meet her again until year 2 when you unlock Dessie. You can then give her gifts and talk to her to raise her friendship.
The Nature Sprites stay in the Forest Road area from 6:00 to 12:00, then they can go to a random public field area (or the Forest Road again) from 12:00 to 18:00. From 18:00 to 20:00 they are back in the Forest Road area. After 20:00 they are gone until the next day
Birthday: Winter 4
Favorite Wrapping Paper Colors: None
Favorite Outfits: None
Favorite Accessories: None
Liked Animals (+150 FP) Rabbit, Sparrow, Raccoon, Fox, Weasel (+50)
Gift Preferences
Favorite Gift (+1000 FP)
Marlin Steak = Marlin + Oil + Radish + Carrot + Potato. This will take you some time to produce, as the recipe is for sale starting in year 3 from Tropical Country. You'll also need to own a Sacred fishing pole, and the blueprint is also sold by Tropical Country. The Marlin is a giant fish that appears at the fishing dock in Piedmont once you've caught all available fish species at that location.
Loved Gifts (+500 FP)
Torque's loved level gifts are not that much easier to locate. She loves Pink Diamond, Arowana, Goliath Frog, Giant Petaltail, and Alpine Black Swallowtail. Torque does love the Heli-pack, which is an item sold by Wheat Country starting in year 4.
Her other loved gifts are cooked recipes that are also challenging: Classy Carpaccio (requires Tuna), Sturgeon Soup, and Grouper Stew.
Liked Gifts (+300 FP)
Ancient Fish Fossil, golden crops, Comb Honey, Bee Pollen, violet jewelry, wine, Adamantite, Mithril, Orichalcum, Golden Pearl, gold-box insects, plus-quality animal wool, Zebu Milk +, colored Suffolk Cloth +, colored Alpaca-Wool Cloth +, Alligator Gaar, Char, Honmoroko, Hutchen, Large Crucian Carp, Large Trout, Large Sea Bass, Longtooth Grouper, Ocean Sunfish, Marlin, Sculpin, Sturgeon, Special Fertilizer, Bouillabaisse, Borscht, Vichyssoise, Mitten Crab Soup, Tom Yum Goong, Stew, Shredded Radish, Deep-fried Catfish, Cafe Mocha, Cappuccino, tea recipes.
Disliked Gifts (-300 FP)
Lotus Root, fishing bait, Fish Feed, Apricot, frogs (except for Goliath Frog), Loach, Small Loach, Large Loach, Eel, Conger Eel, Moray Eel, Snakehead, Large Snakehead, Squid, Octopus, Catfish, Ray, Pizza, Grilled Cheese, Fried Lotus Root, Anglerfish Stew, Macaroni and Cheese
Hated Gifts (-500 FP)
Angler's Luck (a potion from the traveling salespersons), Pumpkin Salad, Cheese Soup, Cheese Fondue, Turtle Soup
HORROR Gift (-800 FP)
Lotus Root Soup