
Jonas is the manager in charge of the Trade Depot. You'll find him at the Information Desk on Monday through Saturday. On Sundays he takes the day off, and you'll find the random villager Jack instead. Talking to Jonas at the booth will inform you of the categories that the depot vendors are paying more for as well as the special vendor shipping requests.
Spending most of his time at the depot keeps him away from his spouse, Margot, and son, Lutz. Margot tends to be overbearing and jealous, so this gives timid Jonas some time away from her influence. Jonas also is a literal fellow and doesn't always understand the punch line of puns and jokes.
Since Jonas is at his booth most of the time, catching Jonas to give him gifts takes a little bit of planning. During his work week you can catch him before 8:00 within his house in west Oak Tree Town, but he won't return home until after 21:00. Sunday is his day off, when you can catch him inside his house until 10:00, then he wanders around the town until 17:00. He'll start heading back home around 18:00.
Birthday: Winter 10
Favorite Wrapping Paper Colors: Purple and Black
Favorite Outfits: Purple-Checked Jacket, Smith's Outfit, Gardening Outfit, Violet Hakama & Apron, Golden Coat, White Jacket, Gothic Dress, Elegant Dress, Purple Shortalls, Cool Skirt, Black Shortalls, Black Doctors' Uni., Black Habit, Black Shortalls, Black Maid's Uniform, Blk. Butler's Uniform, Cat Costume, Dog Costume, Bear Costume, Panda Costume, Penguin Costume
Favorite Accessories: Black Newsboy Cap, Black Tyrolean Hat, Conical Hat, Purple Mini Hat, Black-Framed Glasses, Sunglasses
Loved or Liked Animals: None
Gift Preferences
Favorite Gift (+1000 FP)
Cafe Mocha = milk + Coffee Pack + Cocoa Pack. The recipe is easily obtained at Wheat Country for 1300 G starting in Fall of year 1. Coffee Pack is always for sale at Silk Country for 420 G each.
The sticky part is going to be the Cocoa Pack. It isn't for sale at any vendor or given as an appreciation reward for completing a vendor's special shipping request. You'll need to grow the Cacao Tree and process its fruit in the Grinder within the Spice Factory to create a Cocoa Pack. You can get a single Cacao fruit by throwing 75 gifts, one per day, into Witchie's pond after you have unlocked Dessie. Then turn the Cacao into a seedling via the Seed Maker to plant a Cacao Tree. The other option is to wait until you've unlocked Tropical Country, who will sell the tree seedling for 1500 G.
Loved Gifts (+500 FP)
Jonas loves insects, specifically beetles in copper boxes (except Odontolabis Curvidens Btl.), silver boxes, and gold boxes. He also loves gold box dragonflies, Frost-Whiskered Firefly, Violet Husk Firefly, and Summer Firefly. He loves butterflies as well: Large Tree Nymph is available in year 1 or later, but the rest are year 2 or 3 (White Morpho, Alpine Black Swallowtail, Common Jezebel B.Fly, Helena Morpho, and Velvet Diandem). The Orange-Bodied L.bug and Large Leaf-Eating L.bug are also favorites, but they don't become available until year 3 or later.
Liked Gifts (+300 FP)
While he has his favorite bugs, Jonas will accept any other type of insect or frog you want to give him. He also like Cappuccino and Coffee Pack. The other items are the potions you can buy from the Traveling Salespersons, but giving him something so rare is a waste when you can simply throw a bug at him.
Disliked Gifts (-300 FP)
Empty Can, Scrap Ore, fish and fish-based cooked recipes (Puffer Stew, Chirashi Sushi, Fish Pie, etc.), dessert recipes, tomato cooked recipes (Tomato Salad, Tomato Soup, Pizza, etc.), spinach cooked recipes (Spinach Salad, Spinach Soup, Boiled Spinach, etc.), Carrot Soup, Boiled Broccoli, Green Pasta, Genovese Pasta, fruit juice, fruit jam, and fruit wine
Hated Gifts (-500 FP)
Grilled Fish, Bouillabaisse, Tom Yum Goong, Grouper Stew, Anglerfish Stew, Turtle Stew, Sea Urchin Rice Bowl, Sea Urchin Pasta, Stir-Fried Broccoli, Spicy Curry, chocolate dessert recipes (Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Pudding, etc.), Grass Drink
HORROR Gift (-800 FP)
Chocolate Fondue