
This magical girl moves to the Forest Road area when you reach Fall of your first year or later. Exit your farm area to the forest on a sunny day between 6:00 and 18:00 to find a strange girl. She'll find the area suitable for her tastes, use her magical powers to clear it for what she needs, then build her green-roofed house among the water lily pads of the now visible pond.
Witchie spends most of her time within the house doing her magical research. She will venture outside between 23:00 and 01:00, but then returns to her protected froggie sanctuary. She doesn't participate in any of the Oak Tree Town festivals, so your festival victories do not have an impact on her friendship level.
The benefit of befriending Witchie is unlocking the Witch Clothes pattern for your Sewing Studio. This clothing pattern appears in Mistel's Antique Shop once you have reached at least 50,000 FP. The pattern is a replication of the Witch Princess' clothes from Harvest Moon: A New Beginning. Witchie is the Witch Princess' niece and first appears in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands. In this version she does not live with her magical aunt.
Birthday: Winter 8
Favorite Wrapping Paper Color: Black
Favorite Outfits: Black Boys' Overalls, Crims. Knickerbockers, Casual Jacket (Dress), Black Jinbei, Boys' Black School Uni., Girls' Black School Uni., Wild Rocker, Boys' Bright Kimono, Girls' Bright Kimono, Formal Kilt, Black Poncho, Black Shortalls, Black Doctor's Uni., Black Habit, Blk. Butler's Uniform, Witch Clothes, Panda Costume, Knight's Armor
Favorite Accessories: Top Hat, Black Newsboy Cap, Black Tyrolean Hat, Black Cowboy Hat, Black Cat Headband, Witch's Hat, Crown, Stylish Sunglasses, Black Eyepatch
Loved Animals (+250 FP) Rabbit
Gift Preferences
Favorite Gift (+1000 FP)
Lotus Root Soup = Lotus Root + Soybean. The recipe can be bought from Silk Country starting in Fall of year 1. You will need to win a conquest challenge for the public Water Paddy Field so you can grow Lotus Root, since you can't grow water-based crops on your own farm. Soybean Seeds are unlocked at Silk Country after you ship at least 50,000 G worth of goods to Silk Country or after you win the Grain Field from a conquest challenge.
Loved Gifts (+500 FP)
The easiest gifts to give Witchie are bought cheaply at Otmar's General Store for 50 G each: Chicken Feed, Pet Feed, Rabbit Feed, and Fish Feed. That's pretty easy!
Other gifts that she loves are Poison Mush. Seeds, Keiji Salmon Stew, Burdock Root Soup, Soy Milk, Fried Lotus Root, Tofu Hamburger, Peach Jam, Peach Pie, and Peach Ice Cream.
Liked Gifts (+300 FP)
It is easier to give animal feed, but if you only want a little bit of friendship gain, you can give her a Peach or Dried Peach. She also likes Peach Juice (winery), Peach Wine, Dried Poison Mush., Soy Milk Cake, and Soy Milk Cookies.
Disliked Gifts (-300 FP)
Empty Can, Fish Bones, seasonal suns, ores, colored pearls, Ancient Fish Fossil, Moondrop Flower, Blue Magic Flower, Red Magic Flower, health potions, Curry Salad, Dry Curry
Hated Gifts (-500 FP)
Poison Mushroom, Elli Leaves, Fodder, Glittering Stone, Black Lumber, Black Stone, Curry Rice
HORROR Gift (-800 FP)
Spicy Curry