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Romantic/Date Festivals

These festivals are social events where you can invite a marriage candidate to hang out. All available candidates will attend the gathering. Simply talk to the individual you want to hang out with for the remainder of the party.

To unlock access to these festivals, talk to Willis in the Village Hall starting in Chapter 5. Unlike normal villager requests, the festival tasks do not have a due-by date. You need to clear the first festival before he'll give you the next festival to unlock.

Flower Festival - Spring 16

This date festival can be unlocked starting in Chapter 5. Willis will ask you to bring him 10 Strawberry Pansy, 10 Goldband Lily, and 10 Marguerite.

Bring the requested flowers back to Willis. He'll accept flowers of any star rank.


This festival takes place in front of Village Hall from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Spring 16. Talk to Willis to start the event. While you can give flowers to the villagers in attendance, you don't receive extra friendship for the gift like in Harvest Moon: One World. This event is simliar to the version in Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos, where you talk to the candidate you want to view flowers with, have a conversation, and then the event is over.

You and your date will look over the flower booths and have a short conversation.

Fireworks Festival - Summer 15

Starting in Chapter 5, talk to Willis after unlocking the Flower Festival to learn about Abraham's idea to restore this night time festival. Willis asks you bring him 10 Bronze, 10 Iron, and 10 Square Lumber.

Bring the raw materials to Andy for processing, then return to Willis to turn over the requested items.


The Fireworks show is an evening festival. Head to the check-in booth on the Alba Beach between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm and talk with Willis to start the party. All the villagers will gather to watch the fireworks. You cannot go fishing during the festival. Talk to an available marriage candidate to watch the show and have a short conversation.

This festival ends at Alba Beach at 7:00 pm.

Snow Festival - Winter 15

This festival will not take place when there is a blizzard on the 15th.

Once you unlock the Fireworks show, talk to Willis to hear about plans to restart the wintertime Snow Festival, where icy sculptures are put on display for all to enjoy. He will request that you bring him 10 Gold, 5 Titanium, and 10 Board Lumber.

Andy will process the ores into the required metal, then bring the metal and Board Lumber to Willis.


On this day, head to the area in front of Village Hall between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. Talk with Willis to participate. Chat with a marriage candidate to invite them to view the sculptures together. Like the other two date events, there will be a short conversation and then the date is over.

This events ends at 4:00 pm.

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