Generally, now that Alba has become prosperous again, everyone in town is in a good mood! Some have good ideas for a festival, as long as it has good food, good music, and a good time. About halfway through this chapter's Happiness jar, the villagers reflect on their recent good fortune. Perhaps it is time to have a festival themed on gratitude. You know, some way of thanking nature for the abundant harvests Alba has been blessed with.
Chat with Willis to hear Fredrick's plan to extend your farm fields even more. The old farmer has acknowledged your worthiness as an Alba farmer, and that's no lite compliment. Willis asks that you bring him 15 Sturdy Square Lumber, 3 Adamantite, and 3 Alexandrite. This will expand the farm to cover the highest tier, a massive field that is
After some more thought, the idea becomes some sort of festival to thank the Harvest Goddess for her gift of the town's latest tourist attraction. Tessa remembers a similar festival taking place when she was a child. There was a great feast for the villagers and many food offerings for the Harvest Goddess. Besides, any festival organized by the youth of the town has the support of Alba's older generation.
Another topic that comes up is something that Alba is missing: a town mayor. Alba hasn't needed one up to this point, but with the change to the town and the influx of visitors, it may be beneficial to have a distinct and clear leader who can bring everyone together.
Once you've reached about 80% of the bottle, head back to Village Hall to combine your research with Justin/Christina. A festival to thank the goddess for her generosity does make the most sense. They found a reference to a similar event that was held in Alba a long time ago. The event was called the Harvest Festival. Farmers would save their best crops from their harvests to offer the deity. Your friend assumes everyone would be welcome to participate in some manner; the carpenters can set up the booths and decor, Hugo can cook, and the anglers can supply the fish.
Your assigned task will be providing high-quality crops to the goddess. You will be asked to bring 7 3-star Rice, 7 3-star Pumpkin, and 7 3-star Pineapple. All of these seeds are for sale at Olivia's general store. Grow the crops in the healthiest field you have, and use fertilizer if your fields are not at maximum health.
Bring the required crops to Justin/Christina. Once again, they're impressed with your exceptional work as a farmer. Even Fredrick has admitted that you're Alba's Number One Farmer! They and the other villagers will handle the rest of the festival preparations.
The next step is to wait. The Harvest Festival will take place about 8 and 9 days from the date you handed over the 3-star crops. The Alba Times will give you the date the event will happen in your game.
The day of the Harvest Festival is one long cut scene. On this day, the space in front of Village Hall is full of booths, overflowing with plant products. Everyone in town is here to give appreciation for the Harvest Goddess' blessing.
After chatting with Justin/Christina, go talk to all the villagers. They're really glad you two came up with this great plan! They thank you for the products you supplied for the festival and for all your efforts to revitalize their hometown. Even Fredrick is impressed and thinks it may be time to let the next generation oversee Alba's prosperity. Talk to the Harvest Goddess and her sprites, too!
After you have talked to everyone in attendance, Justin/Christina will call everyone over for an announcement. This event couldn't have happened without your involvement. As thanks, they offer you the position of Alba's town mayor! Huzzah! You accept the ceremonial job to everyone's delight, sealing your fate to live in Alba foooreeeveerr.
This event ends at 4:00 pm, leaving you the rest of the day to care for your farm.
That's the end of the story. You're now free to work on other tasks, such as completing the in-game encyclopedia or waiting for your child to be born.
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