As you leave Village Hall, Willis stops you and lets you know that they'll now be tracking the global popularity of products. Shipping goods that are in high demand will fetch a higher price! Check the bulletin board by the entrance of Village Hall to see what's popular, which changes every week. The board will tell you about the high demand for goods this week and next week so you can plan when planting crops for later harvest.
Talk to the other residents to hear the rumors about Fredrick. Hugo wonders if the farmer is annoyed with him again. The price of vegetables has inflated because of the lower quantities available. Some comment on how Fredrick is getting up there in years. While they share memories of their youth being scolded by Fredrick for getting into trouble, the rumor is that Fredrick might not be modivated to work anymore.
Once you reach about 80% of the Happiness bottle, talk to Justin/Christina again. During their investigation, they found a photograph of Fredrick, and he was smiling! What?! The conclusion is that Fredrick may be uneasy about the changes happening to the Alba that he remembers. Perhaps it would be great to expand the fields and grow a lot more crops, like the Alba of old.
If you chat with Willis before talking with your friend, he may mention reviving the romantic Alba Flower Festival. He will ask for 10 Strawberry Pansy, 10 Goldband Lily, and 10 Marguerite. The Goldband Lily Seeds appear in Victoria's store after this whole Fredrick thing is resolved, near the end of this chapter. Once restored, the Flower Festival will take place on the 15th of Spring. After completing this task, talk to Willis again to learn the requirements to unlock the remaining date festivals.
Justin/Christina pull their dad into this plan to help with the bureaucratic paperwork. It doesn't take long for Willis to realize that Village Hall doesn't have enough ore materials to complete this task. The foreman of the mine, Peter, should have the iron and bronze. Willis asks that you bring him 5 Iron Ore and 3 Bronze Ore.
Head up the mountain and talk to Peter, either outside the mine entrance or when he's inside his house. He explains the mine is closed because there aren't enough people around to dig. Though, in retrospect, Peter admits that he laid off all the workers because there wasn't enough money to pay them. The miner won't let you into the mine because it isn't safe. If you bring him 10 Board Lumber, 10 Square Lumber, and 10 Material Stone, it'll prove to him that you've got the gumption for mining, plus give him the things he needs to shore up the mine's ceiling from falling rocks.
Return the materials to Peter, who begrudgingly agrees to grant you access to the mine. He warns you to go no further than floor 30, watch out for pitfalls, and keep an eye out for falling rocks! Peter also gives you a Dowsing Machine so you can find buried items while mining. He also gives you a reluctant thank-you for getting his mine back up and running.
Look through the mine for the ore. Both Bronze Ore and Iron Ore are found early in the mine. Bronze is fairly common from floor 1 to 4, and I have good luck with iron starting on floor 6. Bring him the ore, and Willis will start the permitting process to expand your farm. With a bigger farm, Fredrick is sure to recognize that you're serious about being a farmer.
The next morning, holy smokes! The farm is now HUGE! You also have a Soil Conditioner machine that can spray nutrient-recovery conditioner onto a selected field. This machine will also give you the health status of every field. A blue face indicates a field with poor soil nutrients, while a pink happy face indicates a field with great potential for high star-rank crops.
Go talk with Fredrick. The experienced farmer admits he's glad your farm is doing well, as he expected you to give up by now. Fredrick tells you that he worked hard with Tessa and the others to build this town and doesn't want anyone distrubing Alba's peace. He's been taking care of troublesome outsiders for decades, but it's becoming more difficult due to his advanced age. Then the youth of the town started making changes, such as your farm and Hugo's cuisine. The change he was afraid of actually made the villagers happy. Fredrick recognizes that the younger generation want to revitalize Alba and that change is needed to positively shape Alba for the future.
The next day's Alba Times has an article about your farm expansion, with a quote from Fredrick exclaiming his high hopes for your success. Justin/Christina heard about Fredrick's endorsement of your farm. You've definitely changed the village atmosphere since returning to Alba! In fact, they are currently working on the move-in documents for Fredrick's grandson. It would be best if you went meet him!
Encouragement from your childhood friend will reward you with +1 stamina heart
There are a few more villagers now, including a Traveling Merchant who sells hybrid crop seeds. Go talk to Philip to hear his plans for an upgraded Fertilizer Maker, which require 10 Iron, 10 Bronze, and 10 Silver. You can find all three ores in Peter's mine, then have Andy process the raw ore into metal. Once upgraded, the Fertilizer Maker can make Spring Fertilizer, Summer Fertilizer, and Compost Lv. 2.
Look around until you find Fredrick's grandson, Jacques. He introduces himself as an agricultural university student who wants to work in the fields, so he moved to Alba to live on his grandparents' farm.
Talk to Willis about revitalizing the Fish Faceoff contest. It was Harriet's idea! He'll ask for 10 Palm Board Lumber, 10 Palm Square Lumber, and 5 Agate. Bring him the materials to restore the fishing contest, which takes place on Summer 6 and Winter 6. Raw Agate Gemstone can be found in the Savita Mine starting on floor 11.
The following day, you see something odd outside the front door for a brief moment before the spirit disappears. Hmm... strange. Anyhow, Willis arrives to expand your range of Repeated Actions to six squares. The range available for your watering can and hoe are dependent on the remodel level of your farm tools.
Go to the Village Hall and talk to Justin/Christina. They're glad Fredrick has recognized his stubbornness and has accepted help. Not just from those at Village Hall; even Braden, Hugo, and Jeanne have been helping the senior farmer with his fields. It's something Willis never would have imagined happening! After Willis leaves, Jacques makes an appearance with his own suggestion. While he was in the city, Jacques noticed that inferior produce was selling for cheap. He is concerned that consumers will reject Alba vegetables in favor of the cheaper vegetables. Maybe you two can come up with a solution.
After Jacques leaves, Justin/Christina wonders if promoting the town is a good idea. They ask you to check with the others to see what they think sets Alba apart from the other towns while they investigate the competition.
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