Walk around and talk with the villagers to learn what they feel makes Alba great. Fish, fertilizer, flavors, and so on. However, the residents know that competing regions are encroaching on their market share. Fredrick, of course, feels that a high-quality product will speak for itself, yet fails to recognize that nobody will know about the product unless there is some form of advertisement.
Or maybe it's because Alba is... haunted?! Jonathan notes that he has seen a strange floating ghost. Even Fletcher mentions seeing a weird thing he couldn't explain. At least others are seeing it too.
When the bottle is 80% filled, go talk to Justin/Christina. As Jacques feared, the cheaper products have taken over the other markets. Justin/Christina just received word from one of their largest vendors that they won't purchase Alba products anymore. Willis went to discuss the matter with Fredrick, but the old farmer simply huffed and replied that Alba shouldn't be shipping goods to those ungrateful people anyway. We need to put the Alba Promotion plan into action before similar letters from other markets arrive at Village Hall.
Perhaps an Alba Fair would show the world the quality of Alba goods? Your task is to bring 2 3-star Tomato, 2 3-star Marguerite, and 3 3-star Eggs. Now that you have the Soil Conditioner, use it to see which field is the healthiest (pink, grinning face icon), then plant the seeds in that field. You can buy a chick from Philip, which will mature into a chicken after 3 days. The bird will produce 3-star Eggs when its friendship notes are max level. To quickly raise chicken affection, pet the poultry every day and give it a gift. The items your farm animals like can be found in the yellow Animal Notebook inside the barn.
Once you get the required items for the Alba Fair, bring the goods to Justin/Christina. They managed to collect the best Alba products from the other villagers. Even skeptical Fredrick donated some vegetables from his field, though it required some convincing from Jacques. With that, Olivia and Justin/Christina head out to the city to promote the town.
Sensing something behind, you look to see Harriet watching you! What is she doing here? Harriet states that she has the right to be here at Village Hall too; after all, she pays her taxes like anyone else. Harriet was skeptical about your plans to save Alba, though lately she had witnessed you working hard with Justin/Christina towards that shared goal. Originally, she was quite dismissive of your intentions. Seeing your hard work changed her mind, so she donated Abraham's best fish to Justin/Christina's Alba Fair. But don't think too much into this generosity! If you screw this up, you'll for sure end up on her bad side.
The next morning, the Alba Times has an article about the village representatives' adventure into the big city. The Alba produce fair was a hit! Talk to Justin/Christina. They explain that the produce fair helped them locate new buyers for the town's products. Alba wasn't the only town promoting their veggies, so there is still some competition. There was even an attendee who was so impressed with Abraham's fish that she decided to move to Alba!
Encouragement from your childhood friend will reward you with +1 stamina heart
The new gift shop is located in the center of Alba, in the previously boarded-up house with the purple roof. Inside, you'll meet Malika.
The next morning, while exiting your farmhouse for the day, you see another weird floating thing. It disappears when you get close. What is going on?
Head back to Village Hall to chat with Justin/Christina. Do you know what Alba is truly famous for? Yea, theye can't think of anything either. We need something that puts Alba on the map. You tell Justin/Christina about the weird spirits you keep seeing, but they have not had similar experiences. Maybe it is something you dreamed up? Anyhow, this is a serious topic! Please let them know if you think of anything that Alba should be world-known for. Justin/Christina will also do research on the town's history.
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