There are seven individuals in Home Sweet Home that you can choose from to be your farm partner. Marriage is not locked by gender; feel free to woo and marry any available candidates. You can raise affection with every bachelor and bachelorette, but you can only marry one person.
Doc Jr is not a marriage candidate. Again. I'll keep bugging Natsume about it. Someday, I'll be victorious.
To raise affection, give the candidates gifts, invite them to date festivals, and complete their Villager Requests. As the music notes of affection fill in, you can see music note events, giving you an insight into their personalities. Music notes and their events will be locked to story chapters. If you notice giving gifts doesn't increase the music note affection level, hold off until the beginning of the next chapter.
The ability to marry unlocks in Chapter 9 of the game's story.
Your childhood friend who welcomed your move back to Alba is a marriage candidate. If you are playing as Justin, then the candidate is Christina. If you are playing as Christina, Justin is the candidate. The dialog and events are the same for both versions of your childhood friend.
After you get married, you can still see the music note events up to the 5-note event.
A carpenter-in-training, Braden is one of your old childhood friends. He has lived in Alba his whole life with his mom, Penelope, and his dad, Andy. He struggles with finding his place in the world. On the one hand, he wants to be a fantastic carpenter like his dad. Still, on the flip side, Braden lacks confidence in his woodworking abilities. Even with his problems, Braden will help you with any problem. Jonathan looks up to him as a big brother.
You can begin to see Braden's music note events starting in Chapter 4.
Braden first appeared in Harvest Moon: One World (2021), where he was a dairy farmer with a sporty goatee. He also had a confidence issue involving his painted artwork and was adored by the neighborhood kid, Elijah.
Birthday: Spring 19
Best Gifts: Marguerite, Hot Milk, Fruitcake
1-note Event: Talk to Braden. He's frustrated with his progress toward being a full-fledged carpenter. The last technique he learned took him three weeks to understand. Braden wonders if he even has a talent for carpentry. He apologizes for ranting, but you don't mind lending an ear. Braden is relieved that you're willing to listen and will ensure he talks to you the next time something comes up.
2-note Event: Braden explains he has writer's block. He was tasked with developing a new furniture design, but nothing inspired him. Instead, he ends up drawing one of Andy's designs. Give him a bit of good advice to get him moving forward.
3-note Event: Braden is about to head out to do some sketches, so you invite yourself to go along with him. You notice how detailed he is as he's working on his furniture drawings. Braden enjoys the details. Though that's the opposite of his dad's style, who effortlessly crafts no-frills basic furniture. On the other hand, the intricacy of Braden's furniture design sets his style apart from Andy's. Maybe he has become too intent on replicating his dad's craftmenship. It may be time to start trying things his way!
4-note Event: The carpenter in training is in need of a kind ear. Braden has been working on making his own furniture style, but some techniques elude him. Since you seem to do everything with ease, what's the secret of getting better? Give him some helpful advice. Braden realizes that even when you have problems, you pivot and deal with the issue. Maybe that's the same as his parents... Braden quickly changes the subject. Thank you for the insight.
5-note Event: Do you remember the last conversation about tackling problems? Braden asked his dad, who said he even had to practice in some areas. Even his seamstress mom avoids certain stitches. Braden never considered that his parents weren't experts either. That's when he realized that being a professional does not mean you're a master crafter; it means understanding what you're good at and not-so-good at and yet still producing high-quality work. Braden thanks you for making him realize that fact, as he tends to overthink when left alone with his thoughts. Braden feels he can become a pro-carpenter in his way.
Token of Love: Braden admits there is something else he's discovered he's not very skilled with. Looking into your eyes makes him not know how to act. Oh, maybe it is love? Braden wonders if you shared his affection.
6-note Event: Do you have time for a bite to eat? At the restaurant, Braden admits he isn't one for small talk, so you talk about the food. He recalls during childhood, you and Justina/Christina would visit his place for a bite to eat and learn new things. Braden assumed he would never see you again when you left Alba, but here you are! There are a lot of challenges living a rural lifestyle, and he's impressed that you've done well with farming. He's amazed at how driven you are. Time with you goes by so quickly. Previously, Braden only thought about being a carpenter, day over day, and never thought he'd have carefree days like this. Even his own style of carpentry has changed. Braden thanks you for being there for him.
Your best buddy from 10 years ago now works at the Village Hall. They have a we-can-do-it attitude, with a goal of making Alba a great place to live or visit. Justina (a mix between Justin and Christina for purposes of this page) has been trying to put this plan into action on their own, soon realizing they need your help. They will smother you with positive feedback as their goal starts to materialize. Justina is really glad that you returned to Alba.
You can begin to see Justina's music note events starting in Chapter 3. If you have both a story task and a villager request from Justina, you won't be able to turn over the villager task items until the story task items have been handed to them.
Birthday: Spring 24
Best Gifts: Strawberry Pansy, Edelweiss (unavailable until Chapter 10), Mushroom Stew
1-note Event: Talk to Justina. They are doing well, and it's because of you, their true-blue friend! Things they previously did alone are now a breeze when working together as a team. Justina remembers the days you used to pretend to run Lil' Leaf Farm, harvesting wildflowers and caring for stuffed animal livestock. Perhaps someday you can hang and reminise about the old times? They will let you know when they locate a good spot for the trip down memory lane.
2-note Event (Chapter 7): Justina is ready to take you to that nostalgic spot they were talking about earlier. They take you near the bulletin board by Village Hall, the spot where the two of you plowed your first pretend Lil' Leaf Farm field. Back then, they could tell you had a knack for farming. However, Justina didn't expect to end up behind a desk as they spent their days running through the woods. Justina invites you take another trip down memory lane another time.
3-note Event: Talk to Justina, who has a great spot for the second spot in your nostalgia adventure. They take you to the spot betweeen the carpenter shop and the general store. It's where the two of you had set up a pretend farmer's market as kids, selling weeds and Dandelions! Though, Justina was disappointed they didn't sell much, your encouragement kept their spirits high. Honestly, had you not returned to Alba, Justina might have given up on their dream to revitalize the village. With you by their side, Justina feels that they can do anything! Justina let you know when they come up with a good spot for the next nostalgic trip.
4-note Event: It's the next stop on the nostalgia adventure tour! This time, the two of you venture up to the Haunted Pond on Alba Mountain. It's where you hiked together in search of rare and exotic plant species! Justina remembers not finding anything other than you mentioned seeing a ghost. Fredrick had to climb up the hill to bring both of you back home. Oh boy was he scary! Justina remembers that you moved away shortly after that adventure. They're glad to have their partner-in-mischief back in Alba, though now it's not for play. You're running a real farm, and they're working to make Alba famous. Let's hope for many more adventures in the future!
5-note Event: Your friend has something on their mind. Justina explains that after your family left Alba for the city, a lot of other kids ended up down the same path. Besides themselves, the only ones remaining were Braden and Jeanne. Some years later, Willis came up with the idea to entice new folks to move into Alba by building a new road with new houses and shops. Unfortunately, the existing villagers weren't interested, and nobody from the outside was interested in moving here, so the project was abandoned. Justina refuses to give up on their version of the Alba restoration project! Some obstacles were difficult, and they felt overwhelmed until your letter arrived. You being back in Alba has given them the hope they were missing.
Token of Love: Oh, is that for them? Your request takes aback Justina because they have the same thing for you! Justina admits that they really, really like-like you and is happy that there's no better person to be with then their best friend.
6-note Event: Do you have time to go on a date like couples do? As you go into town, Justina mentions how they've lived here their whole life, yet it feels different when they are with you. It's hard to believe the town was recently in decline. Even better, you're here now! In fact, Willis built this road as part of the original Alba restoration plan. Maybe someday his grandchild could walk down this same road? Oh boy, that was awkward! Anyhow, thanks for the great date!
This spunky lady is half of the two-person team that supplies Alba with fish. She and her father live in the fishing shack north of Alba Beach. At first, Harriet is very dismissive of your intentions -- after all, you're a farmer, and she's an angler -- and the two professions have nothing in common. As you raise your affection, she'll learn that it is okay to have differences.
Harriet's music note events begin in Chapter 4.
Birthday: Summer 7
Best Gifts: Hibiscus (seeds for sale at the end of chapter 4), Aquamarine, Red Fish Sushi
1-note Event: Talk to her, and she'll mention how you're beginning to like living in Alba. Harriet wonders if you have the time to chit-chat with the farm work you must finish. You tell her it's good to take a break, but she disagrees; a fisherman always cleans tools and restocks supplies. Their work is never done. It would help if you rethought your priorities because, as a farmer, you're responsible for supplying food to the villagers. You argue about the importance of breaks, but Harriet accuses you of wanting to ditch work. Besides, she'll never be friends with you. Ever.
2-note Event: Harriet has heard a rumor about you, specifically how you're running around town solving everyone's problems. She admits perhaps she may have been a little cold and dismissive of your efforts. Harriet had pictured you as the stereotypical lay-about looking for reasons to skip out on work. She finally understands that everyone you small-talk with is a potential customer! Yea, she figured it out on her own. Harriet is proud of herself for recognizing your plan. She warns you to stick with vegetables, as her area of expertise is catching the freshest fish in town. Harriet is baffled as to why anyone would venture out of what they're familiar with.
3-note Event: You offer to help Harriet repair a fishing net, but she asks that you keep to yourself. It doesn't matter if the work would go faster with two people! Harriet pauses and explains that the other day, her dad dropped everything to help Philip with his animals in the middle of the night. The next morning, he was out fishing on zero sleep. She doesn't understand why a fisherman would help with animals; anyone else could have helped. Harriet wonders if it might be better to find a middle ground. She'll humor your requests for small talk but don't ask her for help with her fishing stuff. It still doesn't mean you're friends!
4-note Event: Harriet can't talk right now; she's busy preparing to set a fishing trap. Did you ask if you could tag along? Harriet is confused, as it's a pretty boring job, but lets you go along. She gets to work setting the trap while you watch a master at her craft. Harriet recalls when she was a kid, she had asked her dad if she could tag along on a job. Abraham had told her it was too dangerous for amateurs. That motivated her to try and be the best fisherman ever! While her dad now recognizes her skills, he still advises her to relax. She has changed a bit since she first met you. Harriet even enjoys the occasional chit-chat, thanks to your persistence in talking. By the way, shouldn't you be working on something more important?
5-note Event: Harriet invites you to join her for some sushi crafted by Hugo using the rice from Fredrick's farm and the fish caught by her dad. She seems so happy! Though Harriet believes the fish is the star of the sushi, you believe the rice makes a good piece of sushi. Harriet doesn't consider the rice important. It seems the two of you have hit an impasse again, even though their fish brings flocks of people to the market. It's the best fish anywhere! There's no way fish is second-best to rice. You explain Fredrick's rice is also high quality, so much so that it's often sold out, but she counters that her dad's fish is also high quality. Everyone world-wide wants to buy their fish from Abraham! Well, this isn't going anywhere. Harriet decides to call a truce, as it is clear that combining the skills of two master crafters will create something amazing. Maybe someday, her fish and your rice can make something incredible.
Token of Love: Harriet is surprised at your gift, as it's bad manners to refuse. She stampers a bit and admits that she likes you too. You're always talking to her, and it got to the point where when you weren't there, Harriet missed you. She declares that the two of you are now an official couple.
6-note Event: Do you want to go on that date now? Harriet says she needs a little time to get ready though. The two of you meet up at Piemont for your first date together. You tell Harriet all about Lil' Leaf Farm and growing up in Alba while Harriet tells you about her first fishing pole. She wonders what your kid will be like and disagrees with your reasoning. Oh well, back to how it is meant to be! Besides, marriage and kids are a long way away. Wait, she's not trying to propose! Oof, Harriet embarrassed herself and returned to enjoying the meal.
Hugo lives by himself at his restaurant, Piemont. He aims to make his little eatery a world-renowned place for foodies, just like the restaurant in the big city where he used to work called Sommet. He moved to this little town because of its fresh local ingredients. Hugo spends his days crafting new recipes and taste combinations, which initially do not mesh with what the locals are used to eating. Because Hugo toils so much in the kitchen, he is not often seen outside his restaurant. Hugo sells cooked meals at his shop, which you can eat to restore stamina. He is also the individual who can teach you recipes to cook using your farmhouse kitchen.
Hugo's music note events unlock in Chapter 5.
Birthday: Autumn 26
Best Gifts: Lobster (In the ocean during spring and summer), Diamond, Truffles Meuniere
1-note Event: Walk into Piemont to see Hugo working on a new seasoning technique. Now that he owns a restaurant, Hugo is exploring new tastes and seasonings. Could he get your opinion on a new condiment he created? He'll let you know when it is ready.
2-note Event: Talk to Hugo to be invited to taste-test some experimental meals. He brings you into the Piemont kitchen and shows off a new sauce he has been working on. Hmm... something is missing. Give your opinion to Hugo, who thanks you for your honest input. He also invites you to another taste-test session another day.
3-note Event: Hugo is about to go fishing and invites you to come along. As we wait for a bite, you ask if the restaurant's supplies are so low that Hugo has to collect ingredients himself. Hugo explains that the fish will be used for his experimental meals. Besides, the taste test from the other day was invaluable. He's implementing a variety of improvements. Just then, a fish bites the line! Unfortunately, it got away. While Hugo wants to go for the big fish again, you suggest he try to catch a smaller fish. Besides, the big fish broker Hugo's fishing rod. All the fish in Abla are delicious in their own way; there is no need to keep trying for that difficult catch. Huguo then remembers his goal of using available ingredients at Piemont, snapping him back into reality.
4-note Event: How about another taste test? His ultimate condiment, the Sauce a la Alba, is ready for your opinion again. Hugo explains the sauce is a mix of ingredients native to the town. It is good, but it needs just one more thing to make it great. You suggested milk, but Hugo avoided it because it is the predominant ingredient in sauces at Sommet. He's trying to craft something different. However, the milk could add a different aspect depending on how much is used in the sauce. Once again, your feedback has been helpful, as the milk from Alba cows is sweeter and would make the sauce taste different from Sommet's sauce. He gives you another taste test, this time with added milk. Now it is super delicious! Hugo couldn't have asked for a better friend to collaborate with him on this sauce.
5-note Event: Talk to Hugo about his new sauce. He tells you it is very popular! Even the local skeptics, Abraham and Fredrick, complimented their meals. He's glad his persistence paid off, which is why he did well during his training at Sommet. That, and his dad is one of the head chefs of the restaurant! His parents are the reason why he entered the restaurant game. Hugo eventually chose to branch out and started Piemont in Alba. He named it "Piemont" to represent the foot of a mountain in order to find his own peak. This new sauce is just a small step in a long journey. Hugo thanks you for inspiring him.
Token of Love: Hugo is thrilled to receive your token. Since the day the two of you started crafting the special sauce, he finds that he's often thinking of you. Would you be the hollandaise to his asparagus? While he's good at cooking, Hugo admits he's inexperienced in the romance department. He has been observing couples who dine at Piemont, hoping to learn more about dynamics and whatnot though.
6-note Event: Hugo invites you to picnic together. At the top of the mountain, Hugo gives you a tasty but HUGE meal. It is a little too much for two people to enjoy. He admits he may have gotten carried away while cooking in anticipation of your first date. You're dedicated to eating the entire banquet! With some effort, the two of you manage to eat everything. Somehow. Hugo is glad you enjoyed the meal, though he'll make enough for two people next time. After returning from the picnic, Hugo wonders if he could see you this happy every day.
A university student, Jacques comes to Alba to learn about agriculture from his grandfather, Fredrick, with the goal of using the information to write his research paper. While he used to visit his grandparents' farm as a child, Jacques didn't anticipate living in Alba for very long; after all, he was visiting to gather data for his research project. He does learn to love small-town living. While Jacque's father is from Alba (according to Willis), Jacques himself is not. Fredrick and Tessa mention having a son (as part of Chapter 7's story) and having a daughter (at the Fireworks Festival).
You can begin to see Jacque's music note events in Chapter 6.
Jacques first appeared in Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos. He was an extra marriage candidate for players who purchased the Visitors From Afar DLC. Jacques role was an advisor and assistant to Charlotte, leader of the Verne Trading Company expedition.
Birthday: Winter 26
Best Gifts: Goldfish (summer/autumn in the Calabash and Fried Egg ponds), Tanzanite, Vichyssoise
1-note Event: Talk to Jacques and he'll warn you to watch out for... something? Jacques explains he is still adjusting to living in Alba and isn't accustomed to being under attack. You offer to share your insight into the things he might expect to experience in town.
2-note Event: Look out behind you! Jacques is in a panic again, but this time, you learn he's trying to warn you about an insect. You tell him that the bug is harmless from your experience. Jacques realizes that living in Alba is important for him, as well as living in harmony with nature and the bugs.
3-note Event: Talk to Jacques, who invites you to tag along as he goes to the store. After a while, it appears Jacques has become lost. He can't find the store that has mushrooms for sale. Really? It seems he is not used to foraging for edible items. Much to his shock, he had no idea he was practically surrounded by mushrooms! Ah, Jacques assumed food could only be found in stores. Now, he has a better idea that it can be picked and shared with others. Jacques also tells you he ran across that insect again and, remembering what you said earlier, didn't freak out.
4-note Event: Jacque asks how you spend you evenings. He likes to read before going to sleep, but all the books he has have been read over and over. Lately, he's tried going for a walk at night. Even though it was very dark outside, Jacques wasn't afraid. He tells you about the starry sky he saw, bringing back a memory of when Fredrick took him to that same hill to look at the stars. Maybe subconsciously, that experience made him want to return to Alba. Ah, Jacques believes he may have been rambling for long enough. Perhaps the reason he's enjoying life in this little town is because you're here.
5-note Event: Jacques asks, when you moved away from Alba as a kid and returned as an adult, did you face similar situations as he had moving into town? Nah, you adapted very quickly to the Alba lifestyle. Jacques is amazed at your resourcefulness, as it must be due to your commitment to be successful here. He admits that he initially did not intend to stay in Alba for long. It was just part of his university research, gaining knowledge of crop fields and eventually returning to the city. That might be why he didn't want to adapt to rural life. Through you, Jacques has rediscovered the natural beauty of Alba. He has a better understanding of why his grandparents love this little town. Now, he wants to live here too, thanks to your guidance.
Token of Love: Jacques is slightly confused about this new local custom. You see, he hasn't needed your advice about rural life in a while. At first, you were very helpful, but he soon learned he was using his inexperience with Alba's lifestyle as a reason to see you. Well, you already knew that! Jacques finds it funny that your hearts were aligned this whole time. Maybe you would like to see the stars with him some night.
6-note Event: Talk to Jacques after 7:00 pm, where he invites you to go look at the night sky together. He politely asks to hold your hand as the two of you head out to the beach. It was peaceful for a moment until Jacques noticed you were about to step on an innocent bug. The little fellow means no harm, and it would be ashamed if it was squished. Jacques asks if you are proud of his improvements. He has even tried fishing! Jacques asks what kind of activities you have been into lately. Soon enough, itt becomes late into the evening. Jacques walks you home. The night was well spent, as he knows a little bit more about you.
A shy individual, Jeanne opens up and becomes talkative when working on an interview to publish in her local newspaper, the Alba Times. All her anxiety issues go away while she's deeply involved in her passion project. Jeanne has lived in Alba all her life, along with Braden and your childhood friend. Even though there aren't a lot of newsworthy events that happen in this sleepy little town, Jeanne always finds something to write about.
Jeanne's music note events can trigger starting in Chapter 3.
The character Jeanne first appears in Harvest Moon: Skytree Village (2016) and again in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (2018), where she is a herbalist/doctor who helps the protagonist when they are shipwrecked on the island.
Birthday: Winter 7
Best Gifts: Clam, Agate, Milk
1-note Event: Talk to Jeanne to learn she's busy thinking of the next big article to write. Honestly, she doesn't know why she writes so much! Jeanne asks if you would sit down with her for an interview to teach her about farming life. Your way of life has lots of potential for stories.
2-note Event: Talk to her when she's outside again. She'd like to take you up on that offer for an interview. She asks questions about how you enjoy life on the farm; it doesn't matter what you select, as the outcome will be positive. After the interview is over, you compliment Jeanne on her interviewing technique. Jeanne notes that if it was the other way around, and she was being interviewed, her mind would go blank, and she can't muster any answers. She hopes you can do another interview in the future.
3-note Event: Talk to Jeanne about her latest interview inquiries. She suggests changing the location to your farm before continuing with the deep-dive questions. Where would you say you spend most of your time while farming? Jeanne will be impressed with any answer you select, as physically being on the farm really improves the interview's quality. This will be our best interview yet! Her question-asking skills do reveal a bit about herself, too. Jeanne has yet to discover why she likes writing so much. Continuing these conversations may help her find that answer.
4-note Event: Ready for another round of interview questions? Jeanne asks what the long-term goal of your farm is. You know, your ambitions and aspirations! The two of you chat for a while before she realizes how much time has passed. There is simply something inspiring about talking to you. She hope you don't take that the wrong way! Jeanne wonders if friendship is why she's so curious about you. Next time you get together, it can be as friends instead of as interviewer and interviewee.
5-note Event: Jeanne invites you to have some food with her. She takes you to Piemont, a place she wants to write an article about. Oh yea, you make a good point; she shouldn't be working right now. Jeanne returns to the question you asked her as to why she enjoys writing. She explains she's driven by curiosity. While typically shy, when it comes to interviewing, Jeanne becomes curious and chatty. Her interviews deepen the connections she has with others. That's why she enjoys writing so much. Jeanne isn't done interviewing you, after all!
Token of Love: Are you sure?! Jeanne explained that she now had a new problem. After her interviews with you, along with writing and publishing articles, Jeanne has wanted to keep you all to herself because she really likes you. She's relieved to get that off her chest. You confirm that you like her too. Bombshell! Jeanne hopes that the two of you can talk about other things now besides stuff relating to newspaper articles.
6-note Event: Jeanne has a new idea for a featured article. It won't take her long to write down this inspiration, so you tag along back to her newspaper shop. You wait a bit for her to finish writing. And Wait. And Wait. Jeanne finally finishes her task. She notices you look a bit gloomy and explains she wanted to finish the article so she could spend time with you. Besides, when alone with you, Jeanne only thinks of you! The two of you head out to do some shopping together. She thanks you for spending time with her and understanding that she sometimes has to finish writing before losing her inspiration.
Not originally from Alba, Malika moves into the run-down house in the center of Alba at the end of Chapter 6. She has been a nomadic person her whole life and was looking for a place to finally settle down for a while. Because she grew up traveling, Malika is inexperienced with making friends. In fact, she prefers not to talk about herself, avoiding friendships to prevent feeling sad in case she is forced to move away. If you don't get to know anyone, there's no disconnect when you have to leave, right? Any outward expression of friendliness is simply a rouse to help Malika bring in customers to her shop, which never has anything for you to buy.
You can begin to see Malika's music note events starting in Chapter 7.
Malika originally appeared in Harvest Moon: One World (2021), where she was the daughter of the Pasilla Town leader. She had moved away in objection to her village destroying a forest rumored to be haunted, resulting in lost habitat for the local wildlife.
Birthday: Autumn 6
Best Gifts: Chamomile (seeds for sale at the end of Chapter 5), Opal, Ahi Poke
1-note Event: Talk to Malika. She'll remind you she's the know-it-all for all Alba touristy-related things! Well, you want to know more about her. Malika knows about your accomplishments from the other villagers. Before you can ask questions to get to know Malika better, she abruptly believes she's taken too much of your time and ends the conversation.
2-note Event: Talk to Malika again. You note how you didn't get a chance to ask her any questions before. Malika is willing to answer one question: either why she opened a gift shop, what she was doing before moving to Alba, or what she does for fun. She'll vaguely answer the question, wink, and return to work. You didn't learn much of anything! Malika suggests that you should buy something from her shop to get a better idea of her personality.
3-note Event: Malika is looking for some help. She explained that Peter offered to split a load of ores with her, but they were too heavy to carry back to the shop. Have you been recruited to help her carry rocks? Well, okay. The two of you bring the goods back to town. It turns out that Malika has been receiving requests to make items using specific materials. She works with Andy and Penelope to design and craft the final product. It's a great collaborative effort! Malika thanks you for the help today. You remind her of an old friend...
4-note Event: She greets you and welcomes you to her store when you talk to her. You sense some formality, but Malika replies she's simply being polite to her most loyal customer. Besides, it is her policy not to make friends with her customers. You remind her of a friend she had a long time ago. They also couldn't ignore anyone in need. Because of her family's nomadic way of life, Malika eventually had to say goodbye to her friend. She doesn't want to see anyone else that sad ever again; that is why she doesn't make friends. You explain how you moved away over 10 years ago and separated from your childhood friend, but now you're back as though nothing has changed. Malika wonders if her old friend remembers her.
5-note Event: Malika tells you she wants to write a letter to her old friend. The problem is that she isn't sure what to write. She asks about the topic you wrote to Justina. Whatever you tell her will set Malika on the path to writing a great letter. Maybe friends are great, after all! During her traveling days, she refused to make friends as a way to avoid getting hurt, but now she realizes how wrong that was. That means you're a friend too!
Token of Love: Malika is happy you're here, as she wanted to tell you she received a reply from writing to her friend. You gave her the courage to write. Though she senses your concern that she might return to her traveling ways and Alba, Malika insists she wants to stay in town permanently.
6-note Event: Malika takes you out on a date to the ocean shore. Look at all the fish! She moved to Abla after eating delicious fish at the Alba Fair. Malika admits she talks a lot when she spends time with you, probably because she wants you to know more about her. She asks what you like about her. All the answers are good market research! You know, learn about the latest trends, improve the product, and then bring the customers back. Malika doesn't intend to let you go. Ever.
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