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Marriage Candidates

There are seven individuals in Home Sweet Home that you can choose from to be your farm partner. Marriage is not locked by gender; feel free to woo and marry any available candidates. You can raise affection with every bachelor and bachelorette, but you can only marry one person.

Doc Jr is not a marriage candidate. Again. I'll keep bugging Natsume about it. Someday, I'll be victorious.

To raise affection, give the candidates gifts, invite them to date festivals, and complete their Villager Requests. As the music notes of affection fill in, you can see music note events, giving you an insight into their personalities. Music notes and their events will be locked to story chapters. If you notice giving gifts doesn't increase the music note affection level, hold off until the beginning of the next chapter.

The ability to marry unlocks in Chapter 9 of the game's story.

Your childhood friend who welcomed your move back to Alba is a marriage candidate. If you are playing as Justin, then the candidate is Christina. If you are playing as Christina, Justin is the candidate. The dialog and events are the same for both versions of your childhood friend.

After you get married, you can still see the music note events up to the 5-note event.



A carpenter-in-training, Braden is one of your old childhood friends. He has lived in Alba his whole life with his mom, Penelope, and his dad, Andy. He struggles with finding his place in the world. On the one hand, he wants to be a fantastic carpenter like his dad. Still, on the flip side, Braden lacks confidence in his woodworking abilities. Even with his problems, Braden will help you with any problem. Jonathan looks up to him as a big brother.

You can begin to see Braden's music note events starting in Chapter 4.

Braden first appeared in Harvest Moon: One World (2021), where he was a dairy farmer with a sporty goatee. He also had a confidence issue involving his painted artwork and was adored by the neighborhood kid, Elijah.

Birthday: Spring 19

Best Gifts: Marguerite, Hot Milk, Fruitcake

Childhood Friend


Your best buddy from 10 years ago now works at the Village Hall. They have a we-can-do-it attitude, with a goal of making Alba a great place to live or visit. Justina (a mix between Justin and Christina for purposes of this page) has been trying to put this plan into action on their own, soon realizing they need your help. They will smother you with positive feedback as their goal starts to materialize. Justina is really glad that you returned to Alba.

You can begin to see Justina's music note events starting in Chapter 3. If you have both a story task and a villager request from Justina, you won't be able to turn over the villager task items until the story task items have been handed to them.

Birthday: Spring 24

Best Gifts: Strawberry Pansy, Edelweiss (unavailable until Chapter 10), Mushroom Stew



This spunky lady is half of the two-person team that supplies Alba with fish. She and her father live in the fishing shack north of Alba Beach. At first, Harriet is very dismissive of your intentions -- after all, you're a farmer, and she's an angler -- and the two professions have nothing in common. As you raise your affection, she'll learn that it is okay to have differences.

Harriet's music note events begin in Chapter 4.

Birthday: Summer 7

Best Gifts: Hibiscus (seeds for sale at the end of chapter 4), Aquamarine, Red Fish Sushi



Hugo lives by himself at his restaurant, Piemont. He aims to make his little eatery a world-renowned place for foodies, just like the restaurant in the big city where he used to work called Sommet. He moved to this little town because of its fresh local ingredients. Hugo spends his days crafting new recipes and taste combinations, which initially do not mesh with what the locals are used to eating. Because Hugo toils so much in the kitchen, he is not often seen outside his restaurant. Hugo sells cooked meals at his shop, which you can eat to restore stamina. He is also the individual who can teach you recipes to cook using your farmhouse kitchen.

Hugo's music note events unlock in Chapter 5.

Birthday: Autumn 26

Best Gifts: Lobster (In the ocean during spring and summer), Diamond, Truffles Meuniere



A university student, Jacques comes to Alba to learn about agriculture from his grandfather, Fredrick, with the goal of using the information to write his research paper. While he used to visit his grandparents' farm as a child, Jacques didn't anticipate living in Alba for very long; after all, he was visiting to gather data for his research project. He does learn to love small-town living. While Jacque's father is from Alba (according to Willis), Jacques himself is not. Fredrick and Tessa mention having a son (as part of Chapter 7's story) and having a daughter (at the Fireworks Festival).

You can begin to see Jacque's music note events in Chapter 6.

Jacques first appeared in Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos. He was an extra marriage candidate for players who purchased the Visitors From Afar DLC. Jacques role was an advisor and assistant to Charlotte, leader of the Verne Trading Company expedition.

Birthday: Winter 26

Best Gifts: Goldfish (summer/autumn in the Calabash and Fried Egg ponds), Tanzanite, Vichyssoise



A shy individual, Jeanne opens up and becomes talkative when working on an interview to publish in her local newspaper, the Alba Times. All her anxiety issues go away while she's deeply involved in her passion project. Jeanne has lived in Alba all her life, along with Braden and your childhood friend. Even though there aren't a lot of newsworthy events that happen in this sleepy little town, Jeanne always finds something to write about.

Jeanne's music note events can trigger starting in Chapter 3.

The character Jeanne first appears in Harvest Moon: Skytree Village (2016) and again in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (2018), where she is a herbalist/doctor who helps the protagonist when they are shipwrecked on the island.

Birthday: Winter 7

Best Gifts: Clam, Agate, Milk



Not originally from Alba, Malika moves into the run-down house in the center of Alba at the end of Chapter 6. She has been a nomadic person her whole life and was looking for a place to finally settle down for a while. Because she grew up traveling, Malika is inexperienced with making friends. In fact, she prefers not to talk about herself, avoiding friendships to prevent feeling sad in case she is forced to move away. If you don't get to know anyone, there's no disconnect when you have to leave, right? Any outward expression of friendliness is simply a rouse to help Malika bring in customers to her shop, which never has anything for you to buy.

You can begin to see Malika's music note events starting in Chapter 7.

Malika originally appeared in Harvest Moon: One World (2021), where she was the daughter of the Pasilla Town leader. She had moved away in objection to her village destroying a forest rumored to be haunted, resulting in lost habitat for the local wildlife.

Birthday: Autumn 6

Best Gifts: Chamomile (seeds for sale at the end of Chapter 5), Opal, Ahi Poke

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