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Harvest Goddess

She is the Goddess of the earth, that lives in the mountain but she she can be found in the pond near the the carpenters cabin just go straight, give her an offering of a vegetable or an egg.

When you give her an offering she will have four choices 1) Love 2) Strength 3) Weather 4) Nothing

Love: this will help you get a girl to love you so you can get married to one of the girls.
Strength: This can have two effects, if you don't do any work a go there straight after waking up and she will give you a power nut, go to the goddess after you have done all your work and she will restore all your energy.
Weather: This works two ways, if it is sunny and you ask for weather the day after tomorrow ( if is Friday it will come into affect on Sunday), it will rain, if it is rainy the day after tomorrow it will be sunny for sure.
Nothing: Well this is a waste of a vegetable, but it makes the Goddess happy that your taking to her.

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