
This lady moved to Oak Tree Town long ago and lives with her little brother, Mistel, at the Antique Shop. She spends many hours upstairs in their living area, where she writes stories and novels. She tenderly keeps an eye on younger sibling and is generally a calm and agreeable person to interact with. Iris does have a small lacking of confidence, so maybe you can boost her self-esteem.
While she is busy crafting her tales, you won't be able to give her any gifts. You will have to wait until she gets up from her writing desk in order to give her a present.
It may appear that she and Klaus are a couple, but Iris will tell you otherwise. The two of them are just friends and enjoy talking to each other about the things that they do. You'll find them gossiping together inside his house on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays between 10:00 and 21:30.
Birthday: Fall 6
Favorite Wrapping Paper Colors: Black and Purple
Favorite Outfits: Purple-Checked Jacket, Smith's Outfit, Gardening Outfit, Violet Hakama & Apron, Nordic Dress, Violet Tank Top, Cosmos Pink Coat, White Jacket, Platinum Coat, Gothic Dress, Formal Kilt, Elegant Dress, Purple Shortalls, Purple Cardigan, Cool Skirt, Black Shortalls, Black Doctors' Uni., Black Habit, Blk. Butler's Uniform, Witch Clothes
Favorite Accessories: Black Framed Glasses, Black Cowboy Hat, Black Hiker's Hat, Cowgirl Hat, (Dunhill's Hat), Monacole Sunglasses, Witch's Hat
Loved Animals (+250 FP) All cats
Gift Preferences
Favorite Gift (+1000 FP)
Borscht = Carrot + Cabbage + Onion + Tomato + a herb. This recipe is super easy to obtain. You can purchase it for 1500 G at Asche's Silk Country shop at the Trade Depot once you reach Fall of year 1 or later. The only trouble you'll have is collecting the required ingredients to cook the dish in your kitchen, as the vegetables span accross many seasons.
Loved Gifts (+500 FP)
The easiest gift to give Iris is a Pink Diamond, which can be found by going to the mining rock crack in the Safari Park. You'll unlock the Safari after you've met up with Agate starting in Fall of year 1 or later.
Iris' other gift options aren't so simple. You'll need to build the Cheese Factory if you want to give her Araucana Herb Mayo+, Zebu Green Cheese+, Zebu Herb Cheese+, Zebu Herb Butter+, and Zebu Fruit Yogurt+. She also likes high quality Purple Suffolk, Rabbit, and Alpaca yarns.
Liked Gifts (+300 FP)
Tea Leaves and tea drink recipes, golden crops, Bergamot, Bay Leaf, fireflies, Amethyst, Sandrose, flower bouquets, Pink Carnation and Gentian, tree fruit, fruit pies, Coffee Pack (can receive from Trade Depot requests), Tomato Salad, Herb Salad, Herb Soup, Stew, Vegetable Bread, Jersey Herb Cheese+, Jersey Herb Butter+, Silkie Herb Mayo+, purple jewelry, Herb Jam, Blueberry Jam, Purple Downy Tuft, purple cloth (other than the HQ ones for her +500 gifts), perfume
Disliked Gifts (-300 FP)
Most other insects (beetles are a -500), most fish, foraged items (Rock, branches, Chestnut, Junk Ore, Weeds, Blue Magic Flower, etc.), animal food (including Fodder), animal treats, soil, mushrooms, boiled vegetable cooked dishes (Turnip Stew, Boiled Pumpkin, etc.), mushroom dishes (Mushroom Salad, Mushroom Soup, Mushroom Ice Cream, etc.)
Hated Gifts (-500 FP)
Beetles, Empty Can, giant fish (such as Aligator Gaar or Soft Shell Turtle), fish bait, Fish Feed (50 G at Otmar's shop), Fish Bones, Poison Mushroom
HORROR Gift (-800 FP)
Roasted Mushrooms = a mushroom. The recipe is sold at Silk Country for 1500 G.
Flower Events
White Flower Event
Love Story

» Antique shop, second floor
» 12:00 to 15:00
» Not Wednesday
» Any weather
» Iris is at 5000 FP or more
Upstairs, Iris is busy working at her desk. After she finishes, she explains that she had been writing a story. In fact, it is a sad love story. Iris asks if you've ever fallen in love.
Choice 1: Nope! Never.
Result: -1000 FP with Iris
Iris was hoping that you would have a wonderful love story to tell, so she could use it as a reference. You don't have to be embarrassed because you don't have any knowledge or experience on the matter, but it might be good to expand your outlook on life. Iris needs to get back to work.
Choice 2: Yes. Right now, in fact.
Result: +1000 FP with Iris
How lovely! Iris would like you to tell her about it so she can reference it. She asks if she knows who it is.
Choice A: I'm looking at her
Result: +1000 FP with Iris
You make her smile, and she thanks you for your compliment. She advises you to not say such things so carelessly though, as it is a serious matter. Oh, you were being serious; well, she'll just leave it at that then. Iris wants to get back to writing her story, so she asks you to leave for today. She'll see you later.
After you leave, Iris sighs. She seems to be bothered by your infatuation with her.
Choice B: I can't say
Result: -1000 FP with Iris
Iris is disappointed. If you're not going to say who it is, then the probability of her knowing the person is pretty high! She smiles and says she won't pursue the matter. Iris wants to get back to writing her story, so she asks you to leave. She'll see you later.
Choice 3: Once, long ago.
Result: +500 FP with Iris
Iris asks if you would like to tell her about it so she can use it as a reference for her story. You're too embarrassed though and decline her request. She's disappointed, but it can't be helped. Iris needs to get back to work, and she apologizes for not being able to spend more time with you.
Event Helpers: Daniel B.
Purple Flower Event
It's a Different Day

» Walk into the Antique Shop
» 21:00 to 23:30
» Not Wednesday
» Sunny weather
» Iris is at a purple flower color or higher
» Mistel has 5000 FP or more
» You haven't talked to Iris at all that day
» You have seen Iris' white flower event
Iris is brooding about someone not talking to her today. Mistel reminds her that the person is a busy guy and sometimes it'll happen. Iris wonders how Mistel knows so much about you, but he giggles and says that he didn't actually reference anyone in particular. Iris doesn't appreciate his teasing. Mistel reminds his sister that although you are younger than she is, he thinks that you do feel she is important. It's not too late today to talk to you and find out; in fact, he hears someone coming.
You run into the shop, and Mistel smiles and asks what you're doing here at this hour.
Choice 1: I came to see Iris.
Result: +1000 FP with Iris
Choice 2: I came to see you, Mistel
Result: -1000 FP with Iris, -500 FP with Mistel
Mistel isn't quite sure he heard you right, so he asks again.
Choice A: I've come to talk to Iris
Result: +500 FP with Iris
Choice B: I've come to talk to Mistel
Result: -1000 FP with Iris, -500 FP with Mistel
Apparently you can't read between the lines... who have you come to see?
(At this point it won't matter if you select Iris or Mistel for a third time, since you've already dropped her FP.)
(The above choices just add to or subtract from their friendship level. The rest of the event plays out as below:)
Mistel tells his sister now's her chance, however, Iris is still not happy about being teased by her little brother. She invites you to have some tea with her upstairs.
While having tea together, Iris asks what you've been up to today.
Choice I: Just normal stuff.
Result: +500 FP with Iris
Just the normal stuff, eigh? Iris was wondering a little bit what it could of been that caused you not to visit today. Maybe you were busier than you usually are? She guesses some days are just like that. She thanks you for having tea with her.
Choice II: I thought about you.
Result: +2000 FP with Iris
Iris is embarrassed and feels that you're joking. Perhaps you say the same thing to other people in town too? Iris apologizes for her odd question, and thanks you for having tea with her.
Choice III: I visited some other girls.
Result: -2000 FP
Is that so?! Well it is late, so she'll show you to the door.
After you leave, Mistel asks her how it went. Iris says she might change her mind about not wanting to date you. Mistel reminds his sister that no matter what happens, he'll support her.
This event will end with you back in front of your farmhouse.
Event Helper: Daniel B.
You must give Iris a Ring to see her remaining flower events. You can make a Ring when using the Sewing Studio accessory bench, by combining a Silver ore and a Fluorite. Give the Ring on a sunny Saturday or Sunday before 11:00 pm when Iris has a blue flower color or higher and you have seen the white and purple flower events.
Yellow Flower Event
Picky Eater...?

» Raeger's Restaurant
» 11:00 to 14:00
» Not Wednesday
» Sunny weather
» Iris has a yellow flower color or higher
» You are going steady with Iris
Iris invites you to have a meal with her. As the two of you eat, she seems to be bothered with something. She's quiet for a little bit, but then turns around and asks Raeger if he changed the recipe on the spaghetti dish she's eating. Raeger confirms that he was trying something new today, so he added clams to the dish to increase its savory factor. How do you like it? Iris tells him she prefers the original recipe. Raeger apologizes and says he'll make it that way for her the next time.
Choice 1: Don't like Clams?
Result: +2000 FP with Iris
Iris wonders how you could tell that she isn't a fan of clams. She thought she was doing a good job of hiding her distaste for the critter, but she couldn't get past how observant you are. Now she's embarrassed for not behind honest. Iris is flattered at how much you pay attention to her, but asks that you keep this a secret between the two of you.
Choice 2: You have discerning taste
Result: -1000 FP with Iris
Iris agrees with you, but seems to be hiding her true feelings. She tells you that she is full, and offers the rest of her meal to you, but you don't want to eat it. Iris decides that it would be a shame to let the food go to waste, so she decides to eat it even though she doesn't like it.
Event Helper: Benjamin P., Mallomar, Daniel B.
Pink Flower Event
Breaking Up

» Antique shop, second floor
» 12:00 to 15:00
» Monday or Tuesday
» Sunny weather
» Iris is at a pink flower color or higher
» You are going steady with Iris
» You have seen Iris' yellow flower event
Iris is lost in thought, but is glad to see that you've come for a visit. She has a confession: Iris wants to break up with you! She's sure that someone as wonderful as you will quickly find someone else better than she is.
Choice 1: Oh... okay. Goodbye.
Result: -2000 FP with Iris
You turn to leave, but Iris stops you from going. She admits that she wasn't serious with her request, as she was just trying to act out a part of her novel so she could get over a case of writer's block. Iris wonders if you always will be so easy to give up on her, but you let her know that it isn't the case at all.
Iris explains that sometimes a women like to have a guy who would fight for her, but she doesn't expect you to understand. The relationship she is writing about in her novel is doomed to fail, and warns you that the two of you should try to prevent the same thing from happening to your relationship.
Choice 2: No! Don't leave me!
Result: +3000 FP with Iris
Iris is shocked by your response, and didn't expect you to be against her request. She explains that she is in the middle of writing a romance novel, but she got writer's block right at the scene where the hero's lover tries to break up with her. Iris thought acting out the scene might inspire her. She apologizes for upsetting you.
You demand a kiss from her to make up for her error. Iris tells you that she'll give you a kiss any time, and not just because of this situation. She comments about the age difference between the two of you might be why you're always so polite, and her low self-esteem comes out again when she asks if you are really that interested in her. You quickly reject that thought.
Iris leans in to give you a kiss when Mistel comes up the stairs with a book that Veronica dropped off for her. He apologizes for the interruption and quickly goes back downstairs. Now that the mood has been broken, Iris gives you a kiss on the cheek instead. She promises to give you a proper kiss at a later time, and suggests the two of you go out for some tea right now.
Event Helper: Benjamin P., Mallomar, Daniel B.