
This bachelorette is available from the beginning of the game. She lives with her mother, Veronica, at the Guild Hall and works in the back-office clinic with Doctor Marian. She likes to keep to an efficient schedule, and will stop Marion if his conversations begin to wander from the topic of his patient's diagnosis. Angela is greatly concerned with the health of her mother, as she feels Veronica doesn't take enough time to care for herself.
You'll find Angela working in the clinic most of the time. When she is working, she will wander from shelf to shelf, tending to the items that she finds there. When she is working at the shelves you won't be able to give her a gift. You'll have to wait until she stands back up.
Birthday: Winter 2
Favorite Wrapping Paper Colors: Blue or White
Favorite Outfits: Blue Work Clothes, White Streetwear, Orange Work Outfit, Sailor Uniform, Sailor Scarf, Violet Hakama & Apron, Yellow Hakama & Apron, Sky-Blue Raincoat, Casual Jacket, Yellow Plaid Raincoat, Pink Casual Jacket, Dashing Prince Uniform, Cobolt Hoodie, Cool Black Vest, Winter Knit, White Doctors' Uni., White Habit, White Ninja Garb, Magical Girl Costume, Super Maid's Uniform
Favorite Accessories: Blue Framed Glasses, Round Glasses, White Framed Glasses
Liked Animals (+150 FP): Cats, Dogs, and Lemurs
Gift Preferences
Favorite Gift (+1000 FP)
Fall Herb Tea = Fall Tea Leaves + a herb. The recipe can be purchased for 2600 G from Susanne the traveling salesperson. The hiccup is the fact that she's a traveling salesperson. She and the other two, Reiner and Dmitri, will visit your house starting after Fall 7 of year 2. You'll receive one of the visitors a minimum of 20 days apart; the longer it is between visits, the greater the chance of seeing one when you exit your house. The salespersons will rotate, and you can't request a specific one. Even then, the item that he/she offers is random and it is set in advance (i.e., you can't just reload your game and hope the person offers something different. I've tried, it doesn't work). You'll have to get lucky and hope that Susanne sells the Fall Herb recipe when she stops by.
Loved Gifts (+500 FP)
Instead of making the tea, you can simply give her Spring Tea Leaves, Summer Tea Leaves, or Fall Tea Leaves. The Tea plant seedlings can be purchased from Asche at Silk Country for 1260 G starting in Fall of year 1. You can plant the bushes on your own farm; you don't have to wait until you have won the rights to use the Tea Field from the Conquest rival competition.
Angela loves all other tea drink recipes including Apple Tea, Cherry Tea, Vegetable Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Milk Tea, and so on. Sometimes you can receive Earl Gray Tea and Milk Tea from completing Trade Depot vendor requests.
Liked Gifts (+300 FP)
She likes all vegetable crops that you can grow: Turnip, Tomato, Corn, Watermelon, etc. Angela also likes all golden crops, all tree fruit (Lemon, Orange, etc.), all herbs, Tomato Salad, and Walnut Bread. She also likes white objects: Snowdrop flower, White Rose, Lily, and white jewelry.
Disliked Gifts (-300 FP)
Wine, junk items like Empty Can and Fish Bones, Rock and Pebble, Scrap Ore, Aloe Juice, Carrot Juice, Chocolate Juice, Honey Shake, Lassi, giant fish (Catfish, Conger Eel, etc.), and giant fish-based cooked recipes.
Hated Gifts (-500 FP)
Grass Drink and Poison Mushroom
HORROR Gift (-800 FP)
Spicy Curry (cooked recipe)
Flower Events
White Flower Event
To Become a Guildmaster

» Oak Tree Town Guild Hall, second floor
» 19:00 to 23:00
» Any day of the week
» Sunny weather
» Angela has 5000 FP or more
Angela explains that she was reading books about guilds. The guild is not something you receive by hereditary. In order to take over the guild, it has to be approved by everyone in the village and her mother. Right now she doesn't have any plans to stop her work as a nurse, since she wants to support her mom any way she can. When it comes time for her mom to retire, Angela wants to be her successor, so she needs to make her best efforts now.
You think that's admirable, but Angela has her doubts. She asks if you think she could become the guildmaster?
Choice 1: Of course!
Result: +2000 FP with Angela
You say that with such confidence. You explain it is because she is gentle and responsible. Angela figures that would be a description of Lillie, but hearing it from you, who came from another town, makes her happy. She wants to continue reading some more, and excuses herself.
Choice 2: Maybe...
Result: -1000 FP with Angela
Your words are a little misleading. Maybe you don't see her as a suitable guildmaster. You panic a little bit, but Angela figures it is because you know her well. She thanks you for your opinion though. Angela wants to read some more, and excuses herself.
Purple Flower Event
Pond Rumors

» Walk from Oak Tree Town (east) to Oak Tree Town (west), northern pathway
» 11:00 to 14:00
» Sunday
» Sunny weather
» Angela is at a purple flower color or higher
» You have seen Angela's white flower event
Lillie and Angela are talking together when Lillie tells Angela that she has to go. She quickly runs off, leaving you and Angela alone. The nurse explains that she had been telling Lillie the legend of the pond in the mountain, where you put something into the pond and receive a wish. A goddess lives in the pond and she will grant you one wish, or at least that is how the story goes. If such a pond exists you should give it a try.
Angela wonders if it would be great to wish to win the lottery or to use magic. She asks you what you would wish for if the story about the pond was true.
Choice 1: To be the world's best farmer (+500 FP with Angela)
Angela figures that you would ask for something like that. But surely it is better to make that dream come true by your own hands and accomplishments? Angela wants you to do your best, as she feels that you can do it. She has something she needs to do, and thanks you for your time.
Choice 2: To be better friends with Angela (+2000 FP with Angela)
Angela is a little embarrassed, and asks why you would go to the pond to wish for that. You wouldn't receive any advantage if you simply wished to became better friends with her! You don't seem to care, since it would make you happy. Angela thinks that you'd being foolish to use your one-time wish for that and suggests that you choose something else. You can't just wish for a person's feelings. Angela says that if you want to be better friends with her, then you should face her and be more sincere!
Angela becomes embarrassed and isn't sure why she said that. It's just the strange things you've said that have caused her to respond in such an unusual way. Angela thanks you for your time.
After she walks away, Angela thinks to herself how strange you are to want to become better friends with her.
Choice 3: I'd want something to eat (-1000 FP with Angela)
Angela suggests that you just go to the restaurant if that's what you would request. Raeger could grant your wish if you just give him some money. Angela isn't impressed with your response, and says she has something she needs to do.
You must give Angela a Ring to see her remaining flower events. You can make a Ring when using the Sewing Studio accessory bench, by combining a Silver ore and a Fluorite. Give the Ring on a sunny Saturday or Sunday before 11:00 pm when Angela has a blue flower color or higher and you have seen the white and purple flower events.
Yellow Flower Event
Watch What You Say

» Oak Tree Guild Hall, second floor
» 19:00 to 23:00
» Not Sunday
» Sunny weather
» Angela has a yellow flower color or higher
» You are going steady with Angela
Upstairs, Angela is by herself so you ask her out on a date. She agrees, so the two of you head out to the bridge in the Piedmont area. Angela comments how it appears that you're enjoying yourself, but she wonders how she is so entertaining to you.
Choice 1: Because you're a girl
Result: -1000 FP with Angela
Ah, so she can conclude that you'd be happy with any girl. You try to cover your tracks, but it is no use; Angela is not in a very good mood anymore. She decides to head back home.
Choice 2: Because you're you
Result: +3000 FP with Angela
Angela becomes embarrassed with how straight you're being with her, and warns you to start softening your words else her heart might not be able to take it. She might keel over dead within the next few years! She suggests that you should work on being more careful with her heart for your next date, while she works on trying to prevent her heart from racing out of control.
This event ends at your farm house.
Event Helpers: Nick, Tenside, Shane R., @zerotruemark
Pink Flower Event
Angela's Intemperance

» Oak Tree Town Guild Hall, Clinic room
» 7:30 to 12:00
» Not Sunday
» Sunny weather
» Angela has a pink flower color or higher
» Veronica has 10,000 FP or more
» Marian has 5000 FP or more
» You are going steady with Angela
» You have seen Angela's yellow flower event
Angela seems to be thinking of something, and your sudden appearance startled her. You notice she is acting differently, but she requests that you come back when she isn't busy working. As she walks away, Angela collapses. You insist that she lie down and rest. She insists that she doesn't have the time to rest.
Choice 1: Put her to bed
Result: +3000 FP with Angela, +1000 FP with Veronica
It takes some persuasion, but Angela finally goes to bed for some rest.
It turns out that Angela is suffering from a cold. Marian explains that she'll be better after some rest. The doctor is bothered that Angela hid this from him, and even he couldn't tell that she wasn't well. He's glad that you were able to recognize that something wasn't right. Veronica says that even when she was a child, Angela would never let her know if she wasn't feeling well. Sometimes Angela didn't even realize herself that she was sick. Veronica thanks you for noticing her daughter's health condition.
After Marian leaves, Veronica admits that she doesn't feel like she is a very good parent. She explains that after her husband passed away, one day Angela caught a cold. Veronica didn't think much of it, but when she returned home that night she found Angela passed out at the kitchen table. It was Veronica's birthday, and Angela had forced herself to make a lot of birthday food to celebrate, then exhausted herself waited up for her mom to come home. At that point, Veronica had decided that she needed to watch over her daughter more, but Angela also subconsciously adjusted to further hide any sickness symptoms. Veronica feels that she may have pushed her daughter too hard and didn't tell her to stop and rest more often.
You assure Veronica that she isn't a failure as a parent. Veronica requests that you be there for her since she clearly can't do it. She hopes that one day Angela might learn that she doesn't need to hold everything in, and that she can lean on her (and you) for help. Veronica also requests that you don't say anything to Angela about your conversation, as she'll feel responsible for her mother stepping away from her work.
After Veronica leaves, Angela sits up in bed. She was awake the entire time! Angela didn't know that her mom felt that way. Her mom is not a parenting failure; in fact, she is very proud of her mom. After her dad passed away, Veronica had stepped up to run the guild on her own. She was so busy that Angela could tell that her mom couldn't tell when something was wrong, especially since she tried so hard to hide any problems she had. Angela figured that keeping these things from her would not burden her busy mom, but it seems that she was wrong. From her experience with patients, Angela knows how sad a parent would be if the child was trying hard to not be a burden. If her own daughter was doing the same thing, Angela admits that it would be painful for her to watch. Angela vows to talk to her mom and ensure that neither one of them are one-sidedly taking care of the other.
Angela thanks you for forcing her to rest, and how you've helped her to change her relationship with her mom for the better.
Choice 2: Stand back and watch
Result: -2000 FP with Angela
Angela becomes annoyed. She is very busy and again requests that you come back later. Marian walks in and greets you, but then Angela faints from exhaustion. Marian rushes to her side, and determines that his nurse is running a fever. The doctor also becomes annoyed at you; how could you not tell that she was unwell? Marian demands that you leave, and you run out of the clinic before having to face his wrath. Later, you hear that she had caught a cold.
The event ends back in front of your farm house.
Event Helpers: Shane R., Andrew D., Tenside, @zerotruemark