
Farm Degree

Farm degree title

An important factor to your progress in the game is your Farm Degree. There are six separate degree categories that combine together to form your overall Farm Degree. The amount of points that make up the degree, in turn, reward you with a degree title. You can see your current title by going into your Assets menu and looking at the top screen. The raw number of degree points you have is invisible.

The six degree categories are:

  • Animals: Taking care of your animals will increase the Animal Degree level.
  • Cooking: Difficult cooking recipes require a higher cooking degree for a 100% success rate.
  • Crops Chen will sell more profitable seeds as you raise your Crop degree points.
  • Fishing: More types of fish will be catchable as you earn the points in this category.
  • Mining: You can't reach the bottom of the mine until you have a high Mining Degree.
  • Other: All other points, such as points from events, are lumped into this category.

Out of the six categories, the Animal and Other degrees don't have as much of an impact. There are some special carpet and wallpaper combinations that can be unlocked by working on those two categories, but in general they don't have any other purpose except for adding to the grand total to determine the overall Farm Degree.

So basically:

Animal Degree + Cooking Degree + Crops Degree + Fishing Degree + Mining Degree + Other Degree = Farm Degree

Animal Degree

Earning points in the Animal category doesn't benefit anything except for unlocking carpet/wallpaper.

+1 - Put food in an animal's feed bin
- Use the Brush, Milker, or Sheers
- Play an animal mini game if prompted to do so by the animal
+2 - Buy animal food
- Ship a single animal product
- Request help from the wild animals
+3 - Have your pet pig find a mushroom
+5 - Talk to your animal
- Collect an animal product (milking, sheering, etc.)
- Use the Cheese, Butter, Yogurt, Yarn, or Mayonnaise Makers
+10 - Buy a chicken, cow, or sheep
- Befriend a wild animal. Maximum 1200 points (6 wild animal families x 20 per family x 10 points each)
+50 - Have an animal born on your farm
+100 - Participate in an animal festival by allowing Mirabelle to take an animal off of your farm the day before a festival
+500 - Take 3rd place in an animal festival
+700 - Take 2nd place in an animal festival
+1000 - Take 1st place in an animal festival
Multiplier - Have Cheese, Yogurt, Butter, Wool, or Mayonnaise in your rucksack when you awake in the morning. You will get the number of items you have times the number of years you are in the game. If you had 10 Butter in your rucksack when you woke up, and you are in year 2, you will earn 20 Animal Degree points.

Cooking Degree

As you get better at cooking, your chances of failing when making a high level recipe becomes less and less. For example, Corn Soup is mastered after you have earned over 5000 cooking points. There's a pretty good chance that you'll make the recipe even if you have less than 5000 points, but on occasion you might fail until you reach the required amount.

+2 - Ship a cooked recipe (Failed Dish does count as a cooked recipe for this purpose)
+5 - Cook a recipe you have made before
+10 - Cook a recipe you have not made before
+100 - Learn a new recipe from Nick, Haila, or the Harvest Goddess (on the 255th floor of the mine)
- Participate in the Cooking Festival on Summer 13
+500 - Take 3rd place in the Cooking Festival
+700 - Take 2nd place in the Cooking Festival
+1000 - Take 1st place in the Cooking Festival
Multiplier - Have a Black Book in your rucksack when you awake in the morning. You will earn points equal to the number of books times the number of years you are in game.
- Add extra ingredients to a recipe and have a successful result. You will earn points equal to the number of additions times 3

Crops Degree

This degree determines what plant seeds Chen has for sale in his shop. At the beginning of the game you'll have the basic set of seeds (Turnip, Tomato, etc.) but the more advanced seeds like Spinach and Onion require you to have a higher Crops Degree.

The crop points are very easy to raise without putting any special effort into it.

+1 - Water a square of tilled soil
- Till a square of soil with your hoe
+2 - Ship a crop
- Buy crop seeds
+5 - Use the Seed Maker, Thresher, or Flour Mill
- Harvest a crop
Multiplier - Toss seeds to plant a crop. You will earn a point for every square that gets seeded
- Have a bag of seeds in your rucksack when you awake in the morning. Each bag times the number of years you are in the game equals your earned Crop Degree points

Fishing Degree

Earning a high level Fishing Degree takes a lot of time to do. If you want to complete the list of 143 fish species to catch, you have to work on earning fishing points to unlock them.

+1 - Cast the fishing pole into water
+2 - Ship a single item that you have caught
+5 - Catch a fish
+15 - Catch a new kind of fish that you've never caught before
+100 - Catch a Fish King
- Participate in the Fish Contest on Summer 23
+500 - Take 3rd place in the Fish Contest
+700 - Take 2nd place in the Fish Contest
+1000 - Take 1st place in the Fishing Contest
Multiplier - When you awake in the morning, have a Bottle in your rucksack. You will earn points based on the number of bottles times the number of years you are in the game

Mining Degree

Before you can reach the bottom of the mine, you have to earn 30,000 farming points! That is a lot of work to just earn the right to reach floor 255. Until you have earned enough points, you will stop at earlier floors and won't be able to find a staircase down to the next floor.

+1 - Fall down a hole in the mine
- Go down a staircase in the mine
- Water a lava bubble
- Smash a rock in the mine with your hammer
- Use your hoe on the soil inside the mine
+2 - Ship a single item found in the mine
- Find an item in the rocks or ground inside the mine
+15 - Find an item you have never found before inside the mine
+100 - Participate in the Mining Festival on Winter 19
+500 - Take 3rd place in the Mining Festival
+700 - Take 2nd place in the Mining Festival
+1000 - Take 1st place in the Mining Festival
Multiplier - Earn points every morning by having a Stone Tablet in your rucksack. This will be multiplied with the number of years you are in the game

Other Degree

Anything that doesn't fit into the above categories will be lumped into the Other Degree group. These points are mainly earned as you trigger events in the game.

+1 - Give a person a gift
- Talk to a person once per day
+2 - Ship a single item that fits into the "other" category of your shipped items list. This includes wild herbs, mushrooms, rocks, weeds, and so on
- Pick up "other" items off of the ground
- Cut a weed with your Sickle
- Use your Axe or Hammer to make construction material
+5 - Have Charlie combine 7 Wonderful Pieces to make a Wonderful.
- Spend money at any shop
+10 - Celebrate your birthday with your family
- Your child starts to crawl
- Your child starts to walk
- Unlock a Harvest Sprite
+100 - Celebrate your child's birthday
- Receive your Afternoon Lunch from your spouse
- Trigger a heart event
- Trigger a rival event
- Toss a gift into the Goddess' Pond on Spring 8 (her birthday)
- Participate in a seasonal crop festival
+200 - Celebrate your wedding anniversary
- Your spouse's pregnancy event
+500 - Take 3rd place in a seasonal crop festival
+700 - Take 2nd place in a seasonal crop festival
+1000 - Take 1st place in a seasonal crop festival
- Get married
+2000 - Your child is born
Multiplier - Earn 1 point for every year you are in the game every morning
- Earn points for each item you throw away in your garbage can inside your house

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