Shea's Heart Events
Is this Sickness?
Purple Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 11:00 am, and 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Shea has at least 2 hearts or more (10,000+ friendship points)
Visit Shea's tent and he wants you to come inside because he has a question he wants to ask. It is the first time that Shea has lived on his own without Wada. He is trying to be a strong warrior, but he feels strange and sad. Shea doesn't understand how he is feeling and asks if you think he is sick.
» You must be lonely. = Positive answer!
Shea doesn't know what "lonely" is so you explain it to him. He is relieved to know that he isn't physically sick, but he still feels sad. He wants you to come visit him so that he can be happy.
» Maybe you are sick... = Negative answer.
Perhaps you're right. Shea realizes that you're too close to him and so you might get sick as well! He demands that you get away from him before you're affected too.
Way of Warrior
Blue Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 11:00 am, and 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Shea has at least 4 hearts or more (20,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Is this Sickness?"
The following events must be triggered before all 15 islands are available. Once all of the islands are up, Wada will move to Mushroom Island while he waits for you to raise his Sunny Island. Since he spends most of his time inside of Shea's tent, you won't be able to trigger the blue heart event.
Inside of Shea's tent, he shows you a spear that Wada gave him. Shea doesn't have any problems hunting when using this spear, and reminds you that he is fully aware that your farm animals are not for him to hunt. Wada has taught him well and he respects his foster father.
» I'm not so sure... = Negative answer.
Why don't you trust him? Shea is disappointed.
» I believe you. = Positive answer!
Shea is happy that you believe him. If anything bad ever happens to you, Shea promises to be there for you because it is his goal to protect people who believe him. It is the way of the warrior after all.
Important People
Green Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Wednesday or Thursday, Sunny day: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Wednesday or Thursday, Rainy day: 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
» Shea has at least 6 hearts or more (30,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Way of Warrior"
Wada has come to visit Shea and has brought the little warrior a lot of food. Shea thanks Wada for the food he brought, but Wada just wants to make sure that Shea is happy. Shea insists that he's fine because you have come to see him, and that makes him happy.
Wada thanks you for making his son happy, which confuses Shea. Since Wada is the strongest warrior, he doesn't thank people very often. It must mean that you are very important.
» You're important to me, Shea! = Positive answer!
Is he really someone important to you? Shea is glad, because both you and Wada are important to him and he is important to both of you. Shea does a little dance to celebrate how happy he is.
» Of course Wada likes me more! = Negative answer.
Shea didn't like your comment. He doesn't understand why you would say that, and now he's sad.
Out with Shea
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Shea at 7 hearts or more (40,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Important People"
Shea has come over. It's a beautiful day and wants to know if you want to go out and do something.
» I'd love to! = Positive answer!
The two of you head outside, where Shea mentions he doesn't know what a ranch is like. He didn't expect it to be so big, but it looks like fun. Shea asks what the windmill is and is happy watching it. Unfortunately, watching the spinning blades of the windmill seems to get Shea dizzy.
After some rest, Shea thank you for taking care of him. He's never been dizzy before and thinks it was kind of fun. Shea wants to come visit again some day.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.
» I'm really busy today... = Negative answer.
Why don't you want to spend time with him?! Shea calls you "sad" and storms out.