Tips and Tricks
General Info
- The first town, Lectenbury, is basically the tutorial for the game. You'll learn to tend to the fields, complete villager requests, and explore the mine. You will also receive a kitchen, watering can, hoe, sickle, axe, and hammer. You'll have an excellent foundation with playing the game once the Lectenbury wall disappears.
- The mini-map will appear empty and all-black at the start of the game - that's intentional. It fills in once a gap in the Lectenbury wall appears.
- Take advantage of the DocPad's search feature. When viewing the world map, press the Y Button (or its equivalent) to launch the item search. You can tag seed wisps, wild items, animals, and fish spots. The search does not locate fruit trees, though.
- There is a point in the start of they story where you don't lose stamina when using your tools. Use this to your advantage to chop trees, smash rocks, and collect ore from the mine.
Easy Money

- The best way to earn some easy money at any point in the game, from my experience, is by fishing. You'll receive a free fishing rod after you invite Eugene to return to Lectenbury.
- Fishing caught around Breezy Plains include Arowana (330 G), Banjar Arowana (880 G), Black Carp (330 G), Goldfish (330 G), Green Arowana (550 G), Nile Tilapia (880 G), Tilapia (330 G), and Walleye (330 G).
- Use the item search feature of the DocPad to locate the fishing spots where the big-G fish can be caught.
- The sea areas in the Herbstburg region are great places for fishing: Black Porgy (440 G), Red Bream (1100 G), Red Seabream (440 G), and Snakehead (2640 G). While the Lilikala area has large-sized sea fish, they take longer to reel in than the Herbstburg sea fish.
- Earning experience for catching fish will increase your fishing ability, which you can track inside the Records section of the DocPad. Newbie > Intermediate > Advanced > Master. The higher your ability, the more likely you'll catch fish with higher star rank. For example, a 2-Star Snakehead from the Herbstburg region sells for 7920 G.
- Golden Carp can be caught later in the game after you've remodeled your fishing pole a few times. These fish sell for between 4400 G and 13,200 G. There will be one Golden Carp every day in the water at the Hilltop Fish Pond near the bridge between Three Rivers Waterfall (northeast of Providence) and the autumn-season Three-Pronged River area.
If you have the Crops, Fish, and Recipes DLC, the highest profit fish becomes the Nidhogg. This sparkly-shadow fish can be in the lava at the Volcano Summit, in the ponds that appear on rainy days in the desert, and in the fishing pond in the Rocky Backroad. Zero-star Nidhogg sell for 7700 G, while a 3-star fish sells for 23,100 G.

- Repairing the barn starts after you deliver the letter to Providence. Doc will request you bring him 8 Material Stone, 3 Bronze, and 2 Silver. You'll also receive a free chicken from Judy.
- Animals do not graze when outside. It helps their mood, which is the little face icon next to an animal's affection level. You must still feed the animals indoors using Animal Feed.
- The closest free ridable mount at the start of the game is east of Providence. The wild Brown Horse can live in your barn after you successfully tame the creature. Walk slowly up to the horse or crouch-crawl (typically the Right Shoulder button) until you're close enough, then press the A Button to interact. Also, give Apples to the horses, which you can find for free on the fruit trees just south of the Breezy Plains farm space. The horse will be tamed after reaching about 8 music notes of affection.
- You can ride the horse and use the warp statutes at the same time.
- There's also free sheep to the south of Providence. (I have not found free cows anywhere)
- Daytime animals are around from 6:00 am until 7:00 pm. Nightime animals are from 7:00 pm until 6:00 am.
- You can start to interact with Harvest Wisps once the gap in the Lectenbury wall appears. Wisps are where you'll get most of your crop seeds. The stores sell a variety of crop and flower seeds once their cultural level increases. Store-bought seeds are limited to 3 bags, except for fodder Grass Seeds.
- Because there are a lot of storms in Anthos, utilize fencing to protect your fields from damage. Doc Jr can craft the corner posts, the gates, and the railing if you bring him the appropriate amount of lumber.
- It seems putting some pieces of fencing up helps a little bit to protect crops from weather damage, but completely encircling a crop field with a fence offers the best protection.
- The fences will glisen/flash when their protection status is activated during bad weather. It's not a weird graphic glitch.
- The Tiny Harvest Goddess will warn you in the morning if a storm will happen soon.
- If you go into an area where a storm occurs, and you have activated the area's farm space perch, the next morning, Tiny will tell you the storm damaged the crops despite having no crops growing there.
- If you do protect the fields with fencing, Tiny will reward you with crop seeds and seasonal fertilizer.