Large Animal Pets
Large pets are all wild creatures found throughout Anthos; there aren't any for sale at village animal shops like with the small pets. These creatures are too big to live inside the farmhouse. They reside in the animal barn along with the cows, sheep, chickens, and ridable mounts, where they eat animal fodder from the feed troughs with the other animals.
Abilities will only trigger when a pet is at full friendship.
The food effect abilities granted by the large cats and bears will stack. For example, the more of these animals you have inside your barn, the longer your Coffee and Orange Juice food status effects will last as long as their friendship notes are completely filled. If the very tip of the last music note is empty, you won't receive the benefit of extended food effect time.
The warmth protection granted by the alpaca and llama do NOT stack.
Large Cats
Bengal Tiger

A large wild animal of the Felidea family. It prefers warm areas.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 1.5 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: This large kitty can be found in the western side of Anthos, around the Herbstburg and Lilikala regions. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.

A large wild animal of the Felidae family. Prefers to hunt alone and has very strong jaws.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 1.5 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: In the flatland areas that surround Lectenbury. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Black Panther

A large wild animal of the Felidae family. A black leopard also skilled at climbing trees.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 2 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: Check the hot desert and Rocky Backroad area. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. Though it feels as though this should be a nighttime animal, it is a daytime one.
Snow Leopard

A large wild animal of the Felidae family. Has distinctive black and white fur.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 2 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: The closest one is just outside the Zimagrad warp statue, just a bit south of town. Otherwise, these large cats are found around the snowy mountain areas. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Brown Bear

A large and extremely strong bear. Brown with sharp claws.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 1.5 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: These guys are throughout Anthos, minus the cold region and the Herbstburg region. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Polar Bear

A large bear that lives in extremely cold regions. Its entire body is pure white.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 1.5 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: Check the Thin Ice Landing area in the northwest corner of Zimagrad. Another close polar bear is right next to the Blizzard Path warp statue. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Asian Black Bear

An omnivorous bear that will eat just about anything. Has a distinctive crescent-shaped mark on its chest.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 2 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: This bear is in the Herbstburg region, tucked away in small alcoves that makes it easy to miss. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Panda (DLC)

A member of the bear family with a distinctive black-and-white pattern. Their appearance is very endearing, and they are widely loved.
Ability: Slightly longer time effect gained when eating food. Adds 4 hours of duration to any food effect.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: Likes to hang out in the lush flatlands area around Lectenbury. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.

A member of the Camelid family with a long neck and fluffy hair. Their fleece is pleasant and very warm to the touch.
Ability: Petting provides a warming effect for a short time. Caring for this animal will grant 8 hours of cold protection.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: Found in the cold areas of Zimagrad, which you need a cold protection effect to access anyway. The llama is the better bang-for-your-buck animal. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.

A member of the Camelid family with an attractive long neck. They are gentle and have lived with humans since ancient times.
Ability: Petting provides a warming effect for a short time. Caring for this animal will grant 12 hours of cold protection.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: These highly convenient animals are in the Herbstburg region, typically located on high hilltops. As they have a bird's eye view of everything below, they can easily startle and flee if they see you running around below them. Take it slow reaching their location. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Lectenbury Sasquatch (DLC)

A mythical wild animal that is said to live somewhere in the world. Its behavior is shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Makes spring crops a little healthier.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: Head down into the Crescent Moon Falls area and find it there. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Lilikala Sasquatch (DLC)

A mythical wild animal that is said to live somewhere in the world. Its behavior is shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Makes summer crops a little healthier.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: This fellow is on an island in the far south of the Lilikala sea. You need to take the path through the volcano as though you were heading to the Volcano Mine, but then turn west towards the ocean instead of east towards the mine. The shallow walkway across the sea to reach the sasquatch's island is not available during winter. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Herbstburg Sasquatch (DLC)

A mythical wild animal that is said to live somewhere in the world. Its behavior is shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Makes autumn crops a little healthier.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: You need to build four bridges to reach the island in the northeast corner of the Herbstburg region. The first three aren't too difficult, but the last bridge requires 10 High-Quality Board Lumber, 8 High-Quality Square Lumber, and 10 Titanium. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Zimagrad Sasquatch (DLC)

A mythical wild animal that is said to live somewhere in the world. Its behavior is shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Makes winter crops a little healthier.
Purchased: (Not available in shops)
Tamed: This sasquatch is part of the initiation of the Animal Avalanche DLC, which takes you into the Icy Walkway area and then into the Thin Ice Landing. 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.