The Kid

Before you have a child you, of course, need to get married. You and your new partner can have a child regardless of who you chose to marry. The pregnancy will vary depending on the sex of the partner.

Same-Sex Relationships


On the morning of the 28th day after your wedding ceremony, you'll be visited by the Harvest Goddess in your dream. She's up to something crafty! The adult-sized Harvest Goddess asks if, hypothetically, if you had a child with your spouse, would you want them to be a boy or a girl? You can choose a gender or select the "I don't mind as long as its healthy" option.

Of course, this is the point where you get to pick the gender of your child: either a boy, a girl, or let the game randomly select for you.

When you awaken, your spouse will mention they had a similar dream. Hmm... wonder what it could mean?

After 28 more days, another strange and cryptic dream with the Harvest Goddess happens. She gives you a gift in appreciation for how well you're getting along with your spouse.


In the morning, there's a crying baby in the house! After the shock wears off, your spouse commits to taking care of this child with you. They head to Doctor Sinel's clinic for some advice and return with a Baby Crib, a Feeding Bottle, 10 baby Formula, and the recipe for making more Formula using the kitchen.

Opposite-Sex Relationships


On the morning of the 28th day after your wedding ceremony, the woman half of the partnership will feel unwell. Doctor Sinel will come by to visit the farmhouse, where he'll deduce that she's not sick; she's just pregnant. Shock! How did that happen?!

Dr. Sinel will install a baby crib in the bedroom area. It was the clinic's, but he doesn't have a use for the crib at the moment. After he leaves, you can then choose to have a baby boy, a baby girl, or let the game randomly decide for you.


The birth event will happen another 28 days later. Doctor Sinel will come back to the farmhouse to assist with the delivery. After the baby is placed in the crib, the doctor will hand over the cooking recipe for baby Formula, a Feeding Bottle, and 10 bottles of premade formula. You then choose a name for the child.

Baby Maintenance

After giving your child a name, Tiny will offer a magical babysitting service. You're free to continue your farm work and adventuring while she and the Harvest Sprites watch over the infant while you're away. And she'll do this for free! There's no need to get a second job to pay for childcare!

The child will be born with features based on your character and your spouse. The child's hair color will be the same color you had on the day of your wedding. The child's skin tone will either be your tone or your spouse's, and the child's eye color looks to be a blend between your eye color and your spouse's eye color. Reloading your save back to the night before will not change the baby's visual characteristics.

You can interact with the baby by walking up to their crib and using the Soothe action. You'll wave your hands above the crib or pick up the child. While you can carry the baby inside the house, you can't take it outdoors. You also can't put the baby in the refrigerator, cook them on the stove, feed them to a house pet, and so on. Your only option is to put the baby back in their crib.


As you continue to play the game, Tiny will occasionally pop up and ask you to return home to check on your baby. This is Tiny's way of telling you that your kid is hungry. You have 3 hours from when Tiny pops up to go home and take care of your baby.

A bottle icon bubble will be above the baby when hungry. Give the baby a bottle of Formula, just as you gave them a gift. The bottle bubble will disappear, and you can go back to whatever you were doing before being summoned home.

You can cook more Formula by using the kitchen. Each bottle will require 1 Milk or 1 Jersey Milk and takes 3 minutes to process.

Once you walk inside the house, Tiny will not let you leave until you feed the baby. If you foolishly don't have Formula to give, and the tiny goddess won't allow you to go milk a cow, you can only wait for the kid to go to sleep for the night. This often happens around 9:00 pm. You can leave the house after that time, but the opportunity to feed your child is no longer available.

If you do NOT feed your baby within the 3-hour window, you will be punished for allowing your baby to go hungry. The following morning, your spouse will describe their restless night because of the upset baby. You will awaken with an exhausted status as though you had gone to bed after 4:00 am.

Make sure you feed the child at the appropriate time so you get a good night's sleep.

Besides feeding, the baby will cry, which results in another popup message from Tiny. Return home when that happens. You'll find the Snuggle command changes to a Hold command. Take the baby out of the crib and hold it, run around the house, or whatever, until the crying stops. Then put the baby back in the crib. Sometimes, your spouse may soothe the crying infant, but not always.

Growing Up


The baby will reach a new development stage every season:

The constant feeding/crying care will continue until the child is 3 seasons old. When that happens, the baby crib is replaced by another adult bed inside the farmhouse. The child will sleep in the middle bed between their parents. The child will no longer need daily feeding and can be given gifts to increase their affection notes.

Now that they're fully grown, the child will leave the house during the day. You may find them wandering outside the farm space, but they don't help with any farm chores I've noticed. They can also give villager requests when you talk to them.

There is a weird hiccup that causes you child's icon on the world map to appear by the Harvest Goddess Spring even though they aren't actually there. This will clear up after you see the below event.

Travel the World

After another 28 days, on the child's first birthday, they find an old picture book about a child exploring the world for delicious things to eat. The story inspires the child to visit other areas, too. It sounds like a good reason to go on a family adventure to find the places described in the story! This is the start of the Priceless Memories achievement.


The first story is about visiting a desert oasis. It might be a tricky place to take a child, but you're confident that it will be fine. Your next step is to go to the oasis, where your family will meet. The DocPad will then be used to capture a commemorative selfie photograph of this visit.

The next step in this family adventure will begin the next morning. These events will continue until you visit all the locations:

the family will return home to view their vacation photos once all the places are visited. Your child would love to travel more and experience new things.

The achievement will unlock the next morning when one more adventure begins. The family will spend time together having a picnic. While the child chases around the Blue Bird, the parents will talk to themselves about how glad their child has grown up strong and healthy. As you chat with your spouse, the child will return and hand over thank-you letters they wrote in appreciation of their parents.


As you read the letter, the Harvest Goddess and her sprites will be watching from a distance. They're happy that your family is doing well and promise to ensure that your happiness will continue into the future.