
Ralph is the local ranger that patrols the forest to the north of Olive Town. He keeps an eye out for wayward wild animals that might venture too close to the population, ensuring they stay in the forest where they're safe. Ralph has been naturally good at sports since he was a kid, so he is quick on his feet and quite athletic. He takes his ranger role very seriously; he's the mighty barrier that protects Olive Town from savage foxes and tweetie birdies.
Birthday: Summer 21
Family: Nigel (dad)
Schedule: Ralph will spend a lot of his time in the forest area just north of the Olive Town Hall. Though there is a ranger's station in the forest with a bed, refrigerator, and toasty romantic fireplace, Ralph lives with his dad at Nigel's Handiworks.
- 7:00 am - Leaves Nigel's Handiworks to walk to the ranger station
- 8:00 am - Arrives at the ranger's station
- 2:15 pm - Leaves the ranger's station
- 2:30 pm - Arrives at the forest behind the ranger's station
- 3:45 pm - Leaves the forest to walk to the overlook
- 4:20 pm - Arrives at the scenic overlook
- 5:45 pm - Leaves the scenic overlook
- 6:45 pm - Returns to Nigel's Handiworks
Ralph takes a day off from his ranger patrols on Wednesdays.
- 7:15 am - Leaves Nigel's Handiworks to walk to the forest
- 8:00 am - Arrives at the forest behind the ranger's station
- 9:00 am - Leaves the forest to walk to the town hall
- 9:30 am - Arrives at the Olive Town Hall
- 11:45 am - Leaves the Olive Town Hall to walk to the station
- 12:00 pm - Arrives at the ranger's station
- 1:45 pm - Leaves the ranger's station to walk to the overlook
- 2:00 pm - Arrives at the overlook
- 3:45 pm - Leaves the overlook to walk back to the station
- 4:00 pm - Arrives at the ranger's station
- 5:45 pm - Leaves the ranger's station to walk home
- 6:30 pm - Returns to Nigel's Handiworks
Ralph stays inside his dad's house on rainy days.
Gift Preferences
Special Gifts (+1200 FP): "Much appreciated! I'm always on the hunt for this sort of thing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Fashionable Bracelet, Pot au Feu
Loved Gifts (+600 FP): "Thank you! This is great. You clearly have good taste."
Aqua Pazza, Borscht, Bouillabaise, Bouquet Perfume, Bread, Clam Chowder, Cornbread, Floral Perfume, Gazpacho, Golden Peach, Green Potage, Hideg Meggyleves , Hot & Sour Soup, Jewelry Locket, Kenchin Soup , Lemon Soup, Minestrone, Mixed Soup, Okra Soup, Onion Bread, Ryuugu Soup, Shellfish Soup, Shiny Watch, Sopa de Aho, Tokku , Tom Yum Goong, Tsuvibel Soup, Yellow Potage
Liked Gifts (+200 FP): "Thank you. I see you know what I like."
Blazing Waltz, Charming Perfume, Earth Concerto, Fruit Perfume, Jewelry Ring, Moonlight Nocturne, Rainbow Bouquet, Springtime March, Wintertime Rondo
Everything Else (+30 FP): "Thank you. I'll take it."
Heart Events
There will be an event for each of the 10 hearts of friendship. The events after Heart 6 require the exchange of a Confession Pendant to unlock. You can confess to as many marriage candidates as you want.
Heart 1

- Walk into the forest area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 1 or more hearts
As you're walking, you suddenly collapse, as your foot is caught in something. Ralph, who was nearby, runs up to help you. He explains that you triggered an animal trap he laid out. Ralph is sorry that his trap caught your foot. You don't seem to have any injuries, thankfully. You ask him why he lays traps, and he explains it's part of his job as a ranger.
He detaches the trap, and you stretch your uninjured appendage. Ralph explains further that there's an injured rabbit in the area he's been trying to treat, but he's unable to catch it, which is why he's been laying out traps. He's determined to wait it out and help the little bunny. Please be careful walking through the area from now on.
Information submitted by Runey
Heart 2

- Walk into the forest area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 2 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 1 event
As you're walking through the forest, a bear suddenly appears before you! Oh boy!
Option 1: Call for help.
Option 2: Wait for someone to come by.
Ralph and Beth happen to be nearby. Ralph tells Beth to stay put and runs in to help. He keeps you calm as he tries to soothe the bear, instructing you to get away safely. As you two back away from the bear, a squirrel runs by, and the bear chases after it. Ralph says he should have taken more precautions to make sure the bear didn't end up in the area but is impressed that you could keep calm when faced with such a creature.
Beth comes back and praises Ralph's skill with local wildlife. Ralph is thankful but warns her that it's crucial to never to let your guard down. As Beth needed a guide to help her find old ceramics and artifacts in the forest, the two of them head off. Before he leaves, Ralph asks you to remember to be careful whenever you go on a walk through the woods.
Information submitted by Runey
Heart 3

- Walk into the forest area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 3 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 2 event
Jacopo runs up to you and asks you to bring some food to Ralph. He can't because he has other things he'd rather be doing.
You find Ralph in the forest. Perplexed, Ralph wonders if maybe you're enjoying the forest, being that you're from the city and all. You hand him the sandwich. Ralph asks why you're giving him this.
Option 1: Jacopo asked me to bring it.
Ah, Nigel must have asked him to do it.
Option 2: I'm interested in you.
Oh, really? Well, he supposes it's not very often you get to see a ranger at work. Oh, Ralph, you dense boy.
He apologizes for the trap that caught you the other day. When he first started as a ranger, he got hurt all the time, getting caught in his traps or slipping while pursuing an animal. Still, it never made him want to give up. It's his job to connect Olive Town to the nature all around it while preventing any problems that might arise. He thanks you for the sandwich and says he'll treat you next time.
Information submitted by Runey
Heart 4

- Walk into the plaza area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 4 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 3 event
Jacopo bumps into you and asks for your help. He wants Ralph to teach him football because he heard that Ralph used to be a football player, and he needs someone to play against. Can you ask him?
You visit Ralph at the Ranger's Station to ask him about it. You two sit down with some drinks, where he explains that he only played during his school years. His dad is a huge football fanatic and would take Ralph to games when he was a kid. Once he got an autograph from his favorite football player! If Jacopo wants to learn how to play, he should ask Nigel. His dad used to coach a youth football team. The only things Ralph knows now are ranger-related.
Since you have drinks, why don't we toast?
Option 1: To Olive Town!
Sounds good!
Option 2: To the wild animals!
He'll drink to that!
Option 3: To Jacopo's improved fitness!
Ralph laughs at your toast.
Information submitted by Runey
Heart 5

- Walk into the plaza area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 4 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 3 event
Victor is fuming. You ask him what's wrong, and he says that there's a bear nearby in the woods. He's upset with Ralph and wants you to say something to him.
The man in question approaches, asking if something is wrong. Victor reminds him of the bear problem. Ralph responds that he already told Victor that he needs to wait for the right time to confront the bear. It isn't a creature that Ralph wants to provoke! Ralph reminds the mayor that he promised not to involve you in this matter. Victor remembers this, apologies, and walks away.
Ralph decides to deal with the bear sooner rather than later. He thanks you for putting up with Victor's ranting. Since he has the time, Ralph suggests treating you to a meal at the bistro.
Information submitted by Runey
Heart 6 (Confession)

- Give Ralph a Confession Pendant
- Any time of day
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 6 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 5 event
Ralph has feelings for you too, but wonders what it was that made you fall in love with him.
Option 1: Your brawny muscles!
Ralph doesn't think he's that buff. In fact, his physic is relatively standard.
Option 2: Your experience as a football player.
That's all in the past, though it did make him into the person he is today.
Option 3: Your compassion towards others.
Ralph blushes. You say some pretty wild things sometimes!
Ralph admits he's been bored living in Olive Town. He misses his old, glamorous life and feels as though he's lost his confidence. He is thrilled that you have feelings for him.
Jacopo comes running in, exasperated that someone has snatched Ralph's heart. What is that supposed to mean!? Jacopo explains the rumor about Ralph being a handsome sportsman during his school days and always seen with someone by his side. Now he's finally settling down? Ralph thinks Jacopo exaggerates, but Jacopo insists that there's no other guy as awesome as Ralph! Poor Ralph is flattered by Jacopo's compliments and asks that he have some alone time with you. Jacobo is upset that you beat him to the punch with Ralph, gives you both his blessing, and then runs off. Whooosh!
Ralph tells you how much he cares for you and is looking forward to knowing you better.
Heart 7

- Walk into the town plaza area
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 7 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 6 event
Beth and Ralph are chatting. She explains that she asked Ralph for help with her work. Beth hopes you don't mind if she steals him for the day. Or better yet, maybe you would like to go to the forest ruins with them? It'll be fun AND educational!
Option 1: I'd love to spend more time with you.
As you all walk through the forest, Beth comments on how cute a couple you two are.
Option 2: Ruins aren't my thing.
As you all walk through the forest, Beth notes that you seemed happy to come along even though you don't like ruins.
Ralph leads the party to a spot where he found ceramic pieces a few days ago. Beth says she's going to investigate while Ralph stands guard. Beth heads off to explore, leaving the two of you behind. Ralph explains to you that part of his job is to guide people through the forest. Ralph isn't sure what Beth is expecting to find, but he's glad to finally have some alone time with you.
Beth returns, super excited about all the pottery pieces she excavated! Having you and Ralph around helped her get the task done quickly. Ralph is still confused about how she found hundreds of pieces in such a short period.
Heart 8

- When you wake up in the morning
- 6:00 am to 10:00 am
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 8 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 7 event
Ralph greets you in the morning to take you to the forest as you agreed. What? Oh, he's just kidding. Ralph is actually here because he wanted to show you something. It's a surprise, though.
At his secret spot, Ralph tells you to be calm for a second. He lets out a whistle and out pops a big bear! Ralph calls the bear "Teddy" and calls the bear over. He explains that the bear is tame and comes out when Ralph whistles for him. Ralph even brought some honey for Teddy to eat.
Ralph had worked on getting Teddy used to him in the hopes that eventually, Ralph could lure him back into the forest. He didn't anticipate how attached he would be to Teddy. Still, today is the last day they'll be together. Ralph instructs Teddy to say "hi" to his special person. Teddy is fond of you as well! Ralph wants your help with bringing him back into the forest because it would be too difficult for Ralph to say goodbye on his own.
The party ventures deeper into the forest. Ralph is satisfied that this is far enough from town. Besides, the nearby river is full of fish, and there's plenty of honey. Ralph says goodbye to his furry friend, and the two of you slowly sneak away before Teddy notices.
Heart 9

- Walk into the ranger's station
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Any day of the week
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 9 or more hearts
- You have seen the Heart 8 event
Nigel is at the ranger station to deliver a message from Ralph's old school. It turns out their football team does not have a coach anymore, so the school is looking around for graduates to lead the sports team. Specifically, they're asking if Ralph would be interested in the job.
What do you think? Nigel thinks it's great that his son was asked to coach such a prestigious football team. An opportunity like this only happens once in a lifetime! Ralph thinks about it while Nigel continues to plan Ralph's future. He could become a great coach and then become a manager... Ralph asks him to stop for a moment. Nigel senses Ralph's hesitation and asks if he will let this chance pass by. Doesn't Ralph want to play football again? Ralph says that it would be great, but he already found something much better: his job as a ranger. He wants to spend his life surrounded by the forest, growing old with the trees and animals. It was you that helped Ralph come to that conclusion.
Nigel smiles and comments on how much Ralph has grown. If that's what Ralph truly wants, then Nigel will send a letter back letting the school know that Ralph has rejected their offer.
After Nigel leaves, Ralph thanks you for helping him with everything.
Heart 10 (Marriage Proposal)

- Give Ralph a Blue Feather
- Any time of day
- Not a festival day
- Not a festival day or stormy weather day
- Ralph has 10 hearts
- You have seen the Heart 9 event
Ralph thought meeting you was the happiest moment of his life, but this is.... Ralph accepts your proposal and vows to make you the happiest spouse possible. Oh yea, we should let Jacopo and Nigel know. You hear Jacopo shout that he already knows! He follows Ralph around because he's Ralph's number-one fan and is always watching him. Jacopo is excited that the star football player is finally settling down and plans to print out flyers about the wedding to post all over his old school grounds. Nigel pops up to declare he'll help Jacopo with that!
Nigel noted that he had to figure out how to raise Ralph on his own after Ralph's mom passed away. Now he's glad to see this day finally arriving.
Beth shows up and apologizes to Ralph, but she needs his help with an urgent job. He tells Beth that he's not working for the rest of the day, though Jacopo can help her instead. Jacopo wasn't expecting that! Nigel volunteers to help Beth, and the three of them walk away.
Alone again! Ralph has so much he wants to talk to you about. Let's relax and enjoy each other's company.