Town Improvement Plans
Walk into Olive Town on Spring 5 or later and you'll bump into Mayor Victor. He explains how he dreams of making Olive Town into a top-tier vacation resort and wonders what he could do to grab the attention of the city folk. If only there was some way to entice tourists to visit Olive Town...
Good thing you're around to help!
Town Points
Your interactions with the town will accumulate points; let's call them Town Points (TP). As you play though the game and earn specified amounts of TP, Mayor Victor will visit your farm and ask for your help with beautifying the town. This TP level is why Victor doesn't always appear with a new task the day after completing his previous Town Request task; you need to have hoarded enough TP to trigger the next visit from Victor.
You'll earn TP by participating in the following activities:
+1 TP
- Craft an item from Crafting Menu
- Unlock an Earth Sprite Follower
+10 TP
- Your skill level increases (Logging, Mining, Fishing, etc.)
- Take a picture of a wild animal
+20 TP
- Upgrade a tool at Clemens' Tool Shop
- Order food at the Capeside Bistro or the Gull's Rest Hotel (1 meal per day at each eatery)
- Complete a request from the Olive Town bulletin board
- Talk to an Olive Town resident (1 interaction per day per person)
+30 TP
- Visit Navi the Earth Sprite's special locations for the first time (Lava Caves, Petalwind Gardens, etc..)
- Interact with a farm animal (petting or picking up)
- Donate a new picture, fish, or treasure to the Olive Town Museum
- Buy an item from a town store (1 purchase per day at each shop)
+40 TP
- Give a gift to an Olive Town resident (1 gift per day per person)
+50 TP
- Ship at least 1 item through the shipping bin (once per day)
- Participate in a town festival
- Order a facility at Nigel's Carpentry
+100 TP
- Repair a broken facility (Dilapidated Coop, the broken bridge, etc..)
- Trigger a cut scene (tutorials, villager friendship events, romantic events, etc.)
+200 TP
- Hand over a confession pendent and become boyfriend/girlfriend with a marriage candidate
+500 TP
- Get married for the first time (dissolving the marriage and re-marrying will not give TP again)
TP will continue to accumulate while you have an active help request from Victor. I don't know if you earn 100 TP for each time someone stops by the farm 3 days before a festival takes place each year or if it is only the first-time visits.
Victor's Town Requests
After seeing Victor's scene on Spring 5 (or later) about ideas to improve the town, and if you have met the TP requirement, Mayor Victor will visit your farm in the morning to tell you about his super-duper idea to bring more tourists. What he needs from you are materials to put his plan into action. Victor will post three requests on the bulletin board inside the Olive Town Hall.

Completing one of the three Town Requests will help Victor with the town's development. Any of the three options will complete Victor's task. The town will develop the same regardless which of the three of the Town Requests you choose to complete. It just depends on how much of a challenge you want to make it.
The day after completing your active Town Request (and if the weather is not stormy), walk into Olive Town to see how Victor redeveloped the town. Depending on the improvement Victor was trying to complete, you might see a visual change to the town or something more impressive such as a new shop. The number of random tourists walking around town will also increase as you help Victor finish his town improvement project. The tourists bring activity to the town so it feel less empty. You can talk to the tourists, but they won't reward you with items or friendship benefits for being Victor's material supplier. Even the town's background music will change after completing the first few projects.
The Improvement Projects
There are 9 town improvement plans that Victor will recruit you to help him with. Each plan requires a larger amount of Town Points to trigger. The three options for completing the plan also become more challenging; though honestly, the materials Victor requests of you are not that difficult to obtain in the first place.
The majority of materials used to complete the Town Requests are not veggie related. Victor's requested materials are mostly collected while clearing grandpa's old farmstead: smashing rocks when exploring the mines, draining those annoying puddles, and reaping (cutting) wild weeds. The last request from Victor will finally (somewhat) rely on your farming skills.
Each time you pick one of the three options to complete, the game will remind you that the town request could be completed using other items.
If you want to rush through these challenges, you can complete all of them well before the end of the first year. The materials requested by Victor can be collected without a lot of effort. The thing that will slow your progress is earning enough TP to trigger the next project. Concentrating on several of the easier marriage candidates to see their romantic events (100 TP each) and give them the going-steady pendant (200 TP each time) will help speed your way to a faster completion.
Improvement Project 1

- TP Needed: 1000 or more
- Materials Requested: 10 Logs, 5 Sap, or 30 Stone
- Reward: 300 G
Victor wants to start with a small project. He'd like to make the streets look a bit better. The materials for the three possible projects are pretty easy to collect. The trees in the first area of your farm will produce Logs when chopped down as well as Sap on occasion. Stone is from breaking the smaller rocks in the mine in Farm Area 1. The Logs are the easiest to collect.
Improvement Project 2

- TP Needed: 2000 or more
- Materials Requested: 5 Lumber, 5 Iron Ingots, or 3 Cloth
- Reward: 600 G
The mayor has been thinking about setting up some new shops in town. New stores means more people will visit to go shopping! This time the selection of materials are goods produced by maker machines.
- Lumber is produced from inserting Logs into the Lumber Maker. You'll find the recipe to build this maker machine in the Crafting menu after your Logging skill reaches level 2. You only need 3 Logs to make 1 Lumber, so 15 Logs total to craft 5 Lumber
- The Ingot Maker can be made after your Mining skill reaches level 2. Insert 5 Iron Ore to make 1 Iron Ingot, so you'll need a total of 25 Iron Ore. You can find Iron Ore in the Farm Area 1 mine, the entrance area to the Farm Area 2 mine, or within the Farm Area 2 mine.
- Cloth requires two maker machines: the Thread Maker (Reaping skill level 3) and the Textile Maker (Reaping skill level 4). Cut the wild weeds in Farm Area 1 to collect Grass, then use 27 Grass to make 9 Thread. Then put the 9 Thread into the Textile Maker to get 3 Cloth.
The Lumber option is the easiest to complete. Once constructed, the Salon Ailes D'ange will appear in the middle tier of town, between Clemens' tool shop and Nyugen's flower shop. Karina the stylist can make hats, outfits, and wearable eye accessories if you bring her the proper materials and pay a fee. Her inventory will increase as you raise your farmer skill levels. The option to change your hairstyle and hair color will also now be available at the beauty salon.
Improvement Project 3

- TP Needed: 4000 or more
- Materials Requested: 5 Solid Lumber, 3 Glass, or 20 Clay
- Reward: 900 G
To fill in more space around town, Victor wants to open outdoor souvenir stalls. He also wants to upgrade the "town symbol."
- Solid Lumber comes from chopping down the trees in Farm Area 2. While you can find normal Log trees on the eastern side of Farm Area 2, the Solid Log trees are in the middle area and all the way to the western edge of the space. Then take the Solid Logs to the Lumber Maker to obtain Solid Lumber.
- The recipe to make Glass from Glass Rock is found in your Crafting menu after your Mining Skill reaches level 5. Glass Rock can be found when breaking the ore veins in the Farm Area 2 mine and the Farm Area 3 mine. It's rather uncommon, so it may take a bit of time to collect 3 Glass Rock if you didn't have any. Another way to collect Glass Rock is to visit the Boss Sprite Shop at the Earth Sprite Village. Boss will exchange 10 Sprite Coins for 1 Glass Rock.
- The next day after it rains on your farm, Clemens will visit and give you a Bucket. This tool is used to clear the rain puddles, small ponds, and large lakes (with a lot of effort). Use the Bucket on the rain puddles to collect Clay. The large puddle can be drained to uncover treasure chests that contain bagged objects to be appraised by Reina at the museum.
Turns out, the symbol of the town Victor hinted at was the Olive Town Hall. The left-side of the building now has a snazzy second-floor window, while the first-floor balconies have been upgraded to second-floor balconies.
Victor will also cleaned up the boxes by the tourist dock and converted the space into an outdoor stall space. On Tuesdays, you'll find Manuela separating the tourists from their money by selling various trinkets between 10:00 am and 4:45 pm. Since you're not a tourist, there's nothing you can buy at her outdoor shop.
Improvement Project 4

- TP Needed: 8000 or more
- Materials Requested: 30 Mortar, 5 Silver Ingots, or 5 Flexible Cloth
- Reward: 1200 G
Olive Town sure has become livelier! Victor wants to ensure that the town keeps up with the latest trends by expanding the beauty salon. While the mayor is glad for Karina helping out with her sense of style, Olive Town needs to be even more cutting-edge fashionable.
- You can easily make Mortar by draining the small rain puddles using your Bucket. It takes 2 Clay to make 1 Mortar from your Crafting menu, so you'll need to collect 60 Clay to process into 30 Mortar.
- Silver Ingots are made the same way as the Iron Ingots from the Improvement Project 2 task, this time using Silver Ore instead of Iron Ore. Silver Ore can be found in the Farm Area 2 mine and in the large, gray rocks along the edges of Farm Area 2 and Farm Area 3. Then process 25 Silver Ore into 5 Silver Ingots. Though it's better to use the Silver Ingots for tool upgrades instead of for Victor's personal project.
- You'll be using the Thread Maker and Textile Maker again. The Flexible Grass is found all around Farm Area 2. In total, you need to process 45 Flexible Grass into 15 Flexible Thread, then process the thread into 5 Flexible Cloth.
The upgraded beauty salon will unlock Jeanne's appearance options. While Karina could only modify your hair style and color, Jeanne can change your character's facial features, skin color, eye color, hair style and color, voice, and bearing (i.e., how you stand still). Each change will cost a fee and be completed immediately after payment.
Improvement Project 5

- TP Needed: 12,000 or more
- Materials Requested: 10 Supple Lumber, 10 Silver Ingots, or 20 Brick
- Reward: 1500 G
Victor wants to improve the spots where tourists park their butts. Basically, the town benches are not very appealing. The bench upgrades had slipped his mind with everything else going on.
- Supple Logs can be collected from the trees in the middle and eastern edges of Farm Area 3. You'll need 30 logs to process into 10 Supple Lumber.
- Creating 10 Silver Ingots require 50 Silver Ore. Though again, there are better uses for Silver Ingots than fixing up benches.
- A Brick is made by placing 3 Clay from the rain puddles into the Clay Maker machine. The recipe for this maker machine will be added to the Crafting menu after your Draining skill has reached level 3. You'll need 60 Clay to produce 20 Brick, which is pretty easy to collect from the never-ending rain puddles throughout the farm space.
Though this project may have been small, Victor's larger vision is to attract the luxury ships that currently sail past the town. Wouldn't it be great if they docked at the shores of Olive Town? Victor hopes they will some day, though he isn't sure that Olive Town has what it takes to entice a big boat to stop and visit. Jacopo feels that you can help take the town to the next level and get those luxury liners to put Olive Town on their cruise itinerary. We just need a little bit of inspiration...
Speaking of which, Lars shows up wearing a very realistic cow costume. Victor may have received his spark of inspiration, at the heart of all creation, after all.
Improvement Project 6

- TP Needed: 20,000 or more
- Materials Requested: 3 Gold Ingots, 999 Stone, or 5 Tough Cloth
- Reward: 3000 G
Victor wants to take the roads and lamps to the next level. What you already helped with is good, but they can be better! Victor plans to collect ideas from the other people in town.
- Gold Ore can be collected outside the entrance of the Farm Area 3 mine as well as within the mine's rooms. 5 Gold Ore into the Ingot Maker will net you 1 Gold Ingot. Another option for Gold Ingots is by collecting the treasure objects found after draining the small ponds and the larger lake in Farm Area 3, then having the Heavy Objects appraised by Reina at the museum. She might discover a Gold Ingot for you out of the junk you bring to her. Gold Ingots are better used for tool upgrades though.
- Stone is a common component when breaking ordinary rocks using your hammer. Stone is quite easy to collect. The challenge with this option is the quantity of stone. Since you'll be naturally collect Stone while exploring the mines, it's just a matter of tossing the material into a storage box until you've 999 of them.
- Tough Grass can be harvested in the eastern side of Farm Area 3. Like with the other cloth, it take 45 Tough Grass into the Thread Maker to receive 15 Tough Thread, then place the thread into the Textile Maker to process into 5 Tough Cloth.
Turns out that the design idea for the new roads and lamp posts were from Cindy, which everyone is generally happy about. Victor had to give shout-outs to Sally, Angela, Jason, and Jessie to keep the crowd happy. His dream is for everyone to work together to make Olive Town an even better place.
Jack will also now set up a stall by the tourist boat dock. He'll by selling his tourist trinkets on Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Like with Manuela, you can't buy anything from him.
Sub-task: Lars and the Motorbike
After you turn in the materials to complete Improvement Project 6, the next morning you'll receive a visit from Lars. They've almost completed the repairs on your motorbike. Turns out they ran out of materials and need your help. Lars will post requests on the Olive Town bulletin board. You need to complete all 3 tasks:
- Fulgurite can be found by draining the rain puddles in Farm Area 1.
- Authorite can be found by draining the rain puddles in Farm Area 2.
- Olive Crystal can be found by draining the rain puddles in Farm Area 3.
You'll also receive 2000 G for turning in each of the mudpuddle materials.
The morning after you turn over the third material, Clemens will bring you to his shop to show you the repairs made to your motorbike. It turns out Lars put in a lot of work putting your bike back together to ensure that it doesn't break down again. He won't even charge you for the project as long as you promise to ride with him someday (which you don't actually have to commit to).
The motorbike will now be parked outside your house, ready to ride whenever you want to zip around town or your farm. Changing the color of your motorbike can be ordered at Clemens' shop. Each color change requires paint and an 800 G fee.
Improvement Project 7

- TP Needed: 30,000 or more
- Materials Requested: 10 Durable Lumber, 5 Gold Ingots, or 10 Smooth Cloth
- Reward: 4000 G
Victor is in the middle of developing a plan that involves everyone in town. He can't tell you the details yet; you're just going to have to trust him this time.
- Durable Logs are found by cutting the trees in the northwest corner of Farm Area 3. Upgrading your axe to gold or higher will make for an easier time chopping down these tough trees. You can successfully chop down Durable lumber trees, but it takes half the effort if you have a golden axe. You'll need to collect 30 Durable Logs to convert into 10 Durable Lumber.
- If you've plenty of Gold Ingots laying around, you could use these as your material of choice.
- Smooth Grass can be found in the same area as the Durable Log trees. It looks like tall wild grass with tuffs of corn silk on top. 90 Smooth Grass can be converted using the Thread Maker into 30 yellow Smooth Thread, and then covert the thread in the Textile Maker into 10 Smooth Cloth.
Surprise! Victor's great idea is to make animal costumes! Lars is there with his already-made cow costume, but now he's accompanied by Jacopo and Victor dressed up as a horse. That sheep, though? That's just a regular, 'ol sheep that decided to tag along with them.
There are plenty of options now that they have these high-quality costumes. Maybe some sort of... animal parade?! Everyone could be involved! Their assumption of widespread participation is short lived when Misaki shows up and scolds them for still dressing up as farm animal. Though they try to explain their grand plan of an animal festival, Misaki is not as enthusiastic. She does promise to support their idea, but from a distance.
Improvement Project 8

- TP Needed: 40,000 or more
- Materials Requested: 30 Refined Coal, 50 Brick, or 20 Durable Lumber
- Reward: 5000 G
Victor still wants to improve the town, this time its symbol again: the Olive Town Hall. The building's exterior needs one last touch of magic to make it something everyone can be proud of.
- Coal Lumps are found in the ore veins that appear on the walls inside the mines in Farm Area 2 and 3. You can also obtain it by smashing the mole baddies in any of the mines. But, the easiest way to obtain Coal Lumps is to ship 1 Coal Lump through your shipping bin. Doing so will unlock the item in the material inventory section of the General Store, where you can buy it for 80 G each (64 G if you're playing Seedling Mode). Buy 30 lumps and then process them into Refined Coal using your crafting menu. Easy Peasy!
- You already know how to make brick, as you crafted 20 of them for Improvement Project 5. This time you need 50. You might already have enough Brick ready to go if you've been continually processing Clay into Brick for a while.
- Durable Logs is also something you already have crafted before, though it just takes some time to produce 20 of them. Turning in 30 Refined Coal is much faster, but less challenging.
The Olive Town Hall looks great with a new clock! Nguyen is glad there is something they can now all take pride in, but Gloria reminds everyone that it's the town's people that are the pride and joy. She's already proud of what Olive Town has become.
Victor is surprised at all the positive feedback. Jacopo encourages his dad to tell everyone about his dreams for the town. When Victor hesitates about revealing his vision, Jacopo proactively tells everyone about Victor's hope to make Olive Town a tourist destination for luxury cruise liners.
Surprisingly, everyone seems to be onboard with his great idea! They all dedicate themselves to making Victor's dream come true. For Olive Town!
Improvement Project 9

- TP Needed: 50,000 or more
- Materials Requested: 200 Deluxe Fodder, 50 Fancy Pet Treats, or 1 Wool+
- Reward: 10,000 G
The day has finally come for the last project! Victor is preparing to host a grand Olive Town parade. He's amazed at how far the town has developed, but he needs a few more final bits and pieces to pull it off.
- To collect Deluxe Fodder, you need to start by repairing the Dilapidated Silo in Farm Area 3. This will unlock the Silage in Nigel's Develop Farm Facilities shop menu. Purchase a Silage building for 20 Brick, 5 Gold Ingots, and 12,000 G. Place the Silage on your farm and then add normal Fodder. The next day, return to the Silage and the Fodder will be converted to Deluxe Fodder. You can then remove the Deluxe Fodder from the facility and place it into a Storage Box until you've processed enough Fodder to produce 200 Deluxe Fodder.
- Fancy Pet Treats are for sale at the General Store for 500 G each (or 400 G each in Seedling Mode). You can't make these fancy treats in your kitchen or with a maker machine. You might receive a few for reaching achievement milestones, but not enough to turn in for the task.
- Normally you would receive plain Wool when sheering a sheep, but on occasion you'll receive Wool+. This higher-level sheep hair will produce rarely from regular 'ol sheep that have a high friendship level and high happiness level. The more generations of sheep you have, the greater the chance of collecting Wool+ instead of normal Wool at harvest. As there are no sheep festivals or animal treats that would be given to increase a sheep's byproduct quality, your best bet to increase your chances of collecting Wool+ is by sheep pregnancy.
It's a whole lot of animals parading through Olive Town! Everyone, residents and tourists alike, enjoy watching the herd of large beasts and 'lil cute things strolling through town. Well, everyone but Misaki, who chooses to stay holed up in her bistro. Even Jacopo is happy to see so many smiling faces together in one place. There's just one last thing left: enticing those darn luxury ships to dock at the port.

The next morning, there's the sound of fireworks in the air. What's going on!? Turns out, Victor's plans have been successful, as the luxury cruise liner that often sails right past Olive Town has stopped at the port. There are so many tourists! Victor is elated, as he has been waiting years for this moment. The town isn't done growing though! Jacopo hopes that you'll be with them every step of the way.
At this point, the ending credits roll and you'll return to the farm house the next morning. You can continue to play as you normally would. Victor won't give you new Town Requests or ask your help with improvement projects anymore.
On the 10th of every season, the luxury liner will quietly stop at the tourist dock; it doesn't blow its horn or launch fireworks to let everyone know it has arrived. The luxury liner docks around 1:00 pm on the 10th and stays through the 12th until 10:00 pm. The platform that you're playing the game on will determine how many random tourists you'll see wandering around:
- The Nintendo Switch version of the game utilizes the console's Friends List and Nintendo Network. If any Switch friends have also played PoOT, and they've enabled the sharing of their farmer's information at Laura's Tourist Booth, then their protagonist avatars become random tourist visitors in Olive Town. Up to 5 friends and 5 nameless tourists will wander around Olive Town on most days after you complete all of Victor's projects, but on luxury liner days there will be 10 friends and 5 nameless tourists to imply that an influx of visitors have arrived via the big ship. If not enough friends play PoOT to make up the required number of friend tourists, then the remaining player avatars are random players who have shared their data with Nintendo.
- The Steam/PC and Playstation 4 version do not share player-generated photographs and avatar data. In which case, there will always only be a maximum of 5 nameless tourists walking around Olive Town and 0 friend avatars. The luxury liner appears to not bring any additional visitors to town.
Nintendo Switch players can disable the Online Communication from their game's settings to stop seeing crotch-shots, up-skirt images, animal bungholes, and other player-submitted camera pictures that could potentially appear on the game's loading screen (though the photos have been a lot less invasive 1-year post-release), but that also disables the friend visitors. The PC/PS4 version has faster loading screens because there are no player photographs being pulled down from the internet.
Now that you've completed Victor's improvement projects, you'll gain access to the actually challenging Spirit Quests. These post-game tasks were added to the game via the 1.1.0 update in December 2021.