Sabrina Heart Events
Purple Heart Event
Sabrina's Seashore
» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» Noon to 3:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Spring, Summer, or Fall season
» Sabrina at or above a purple heart color
When you enter the beach you'll find Sabrina all by herself. She isn't doing
anything special besides admiring the lovely scenery. If it was a drawing it would
be a wonderful decoration for a room.
» Is that your hobby?
Does she draw? Only a little bit, although the pictures in her house were all
drawn by her! Sabrina is very modest about her work. She hopes that looking at the
ocean has helped you relax from your work.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Blue Heart Event #1
» You can always see the ocean if you come here
Well yes, that is true. Neither one of you say anything for a while, and eventually
Sabrina guesses that she isn't even good at making small talk. She appologizes and
ask you to forget about it.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Blue Heart Event #2
Blue Heart Event #1
» Regis' House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Any weather
» Sabrina at or above a blue heart color
Walk into the mansion and you'll be greated by Sabrina. She appolozies but
her work hasn't ended yet.
» I'm sorry to disturb you
Sabrina feels that she should be the one to apologize. Maybe the two of
you could go out for tea together sometime.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #1
» Do you need any help?
Oh tha would be wonderful! Sabrina asks you to do some calculations for her
and you get to work.
After a while, Sabrina finished with her accounting and asks how you are
doing. It seems you're frustrated with the math and Sabrina finds it cute. She
does appologize, and asks if you're almost done. You're not, but she says
enough of the work has been done. Sabrina thanks you for your assitance.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #2
Blue Heart Event #2
Sabrina's Business
» Regis' House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Noon to 5:00 pm, Rainy or Snowy weather
» Sabrina at or above a blue heart color
Sabrina welcomes you to their house, although she was actually on her way out.
Is there something you need?
» I've come to hang out
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto Yellow Heart Event #4
» Where are you going?
Her father has ordered an item from Chen's store and it has come in,
so she is going to go pick it up. Would you like to go with her? The two
of you can talk while you walk.
» Certainly!
The two of you walk to Chen's store, where Sabrina asks for the item that
her father ordered. Chen is confused, and says that the item isn't expected
to arrive until tomorrow. Sabrina is embarrased about her mistake. She
appologizes to you for her error, although Chen is welcome to admit the error
might of been on his side. Sabrina thanks you for accompanying her.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #3
» I think I should work
Well maybe you would like some tea when she returns.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #4
Yellow Heart Event #1
Sabrina's Trouble
» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» The Diner exists in E.Town
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
You surprise Sabrina, who is standing outside the door of her mansion.
She seems to be worried about something. Can she tell you about it?
» Of course!
There is a meal that she does not want to eat. Every time it is
presented to her she just can't do it.
» Everyone hates something
» You can try eating it
Maybe if she tries a little bit of it she can do it! Sabrina is going
to immediatly take your advice and give it a try.
The two of you go to the Diner and she orders her fearful meal, Curry
Rice. Unfortunatly it didn't go so well and you had to return to the
Inside, Sabrina apologizes for causing you trouble. She become a bit
depressed, and explains she just couldn't eat the Curry Rice. You give
her some encouragment, which does help cheer her up.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I'm just passing by
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #2
Sabrina's Request
» Walk into your Farm House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina has come for a visit. She has finished with her work and since
she has some free time, she has come by for a chat. Sabrina asks if you would
like to go hang out with her somewher
» Where should we go?
She decides that you get to choose where you want to go, but you can't decide.
Sabrina thinks it wouldn't be good if you were worried on what to do, so she
makes the decision that the two of you will take a walk.
You go walking together when you come upon the water well near Chen's shop.
You have to explain what the well is to her, and she find it facinating for some
reason! Next you go down to the beach, where you have to explain the goo is on
top of the boulder is Nori. Sabrina tells you she's enjoyed learning about these
thing today and thanks you.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I still have to work today...
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #3
Sabrina's Seashore, part 2
» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina bumps into you at the Beach, and says she would enjoy talking with you
for a bit. She appologizes for not remembering your name the first time that you
» That can happen when you meet
For a long time, Sabrina was not very good at remembering people's names and
faces. Now she's gotten use to the people on the island and she can remember
their names, but she still feels shy. Does she really have that much of a gloomy
» Of course
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» It's not necesary to be unreasonable
Is that so? It is the first time you've said anything like that to her, and it
makes her blush.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I was depressed for a while
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #4
A Crucial Decision
» Walk into your house
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina has come to visit your house, and she wants you to go with her
back to her place. She hope she is not being an annoyance, but everything
is fine so you head over to the mansion.
Did you forget that she invited you to have tea with her? For a long time,
Sabrina has thought about inviting you over and now the timing seems to be
You don't really say anything, and Sabrina becomes embarrassed. She finally
just ask if you're just friends, which you agree, and she guesses that is probably
a good thing. Sabrina gets up to leave, and quietly wonders to herself why she
can't say what she wants to tell you. She doesn't believe she can ever have a
love relationship and she should just give up.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto Orange Heart Event
Orange Heart Event
Changing Her Mind
» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Have seen Yellow Heart Event #4
» Sabrina at or above an orange heart color
As you walk down the path by the mansion you'll run into Sabrina. She
delightfully greets you, and says just seeing you makes her feel like there
is nothing to worry about. Instead of standing outside talking, would you
like to come in for some tea?
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Purple Heart Event
Sabrina's Seashore
» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» Noon to 3:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Spring, Summer, or Fall season
» Sabrina at or above a purple heart color
When you enter the beach you'll find Sabrina all by herself. She isn't doing anything special besides admiring the lovely scenery. If it was a drawing it would be a wonderful decoration for a room.
» Is that your hobby?
Does she draw? Only a little bit, although the pictures in her house were all drawn by her! Sabrina is very modest about her work. She hopes that looking at the ocean has helped you relax from your work.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Blue Heart Event #1
» You can always see the ocean if you come here
Well yes, that is true. Neither one of you say anything for a while, and eventually Sabrina guesses that she isn't even good at making small talk. She appologizes and ask you to forget about it.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Blue Heart Event #2
Blue Heart Event #1
» Regis' House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Any weather
» Sabrina at or above a blue heart color
Walk into the mansion and you'll be greated by Sabrina. She appolozies but her work hasn't ended yet.
» I'm sorry to disturb you
Sabrina feels that she should be the one to apologize. Maybe the two of you could go out for tea together sometime.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #1
» Do you need any help?
Oh tha would be wonderful! Sabrina asks you to do some calculations for her and you get to work.
After a while, Sabrina finished with her accounting and asks how you are doing. It seems you're frustrated with the math and Sabrina finds it cute. She does appologize, and asks if you're almost done. You're not, but she says enough of the work has been done. Sabrina thanks you for your assitance.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #2
Blue Heart Event #2
Sabrina's Business
» Regis' House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Noon to 5:00 pm, Rainy or Snowy weather
» Sabrina at or above a blue heart color
Sabrina welcomes you to their house, although she was actually on her way out. Is there something you need?
» I've come to hang out
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto Yellow Heart Event #4
» Where are you going?
Her father has ordered an item from Chen's store and it has come in, so she is going to go pick it up. Would you like to go with her? The two of you can talk while you walk.
» Certainly!
The two of you walk to Chen's store, where Sabrina asks for the item that her father ordered. Chen is confused, and says that the item isn't expected to arrive until tomorrow. Sabrina is embarrased about her mistake. She appologizes to you for her error, although Chen is welcome to admit the error might of been on his side. Sabrina thanks you for accompanying her.
+FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #3
» I think I should work
Well maybe you would like some tea when she returns.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto the Yellow Heart Event #4
Yellow Heart Event #1
Sabrina's Trouble
» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» The Diner exists in E.Town
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
You surprise Sabrina, who is standing outside the door of her mansion. She seems to be worried about something. Can she tell you about it?
» Of course!
There is a meal that she does not want to eat. Every time it is presented to her she just can't do it.
» Everyone hates something
» You can try eating it
Maybe if she tries a little bit of it she can do it! Sabrina is going to immediatly take your advice and give it a try.
The two of you go to the Diner and she orders her fearful meal, Curry Rice. Unfortunatly it didn't go so well and you had to return to the mansion.
Inside, Sabrina apologizes for causing you trouble. She become a bit depressed, and explains she just couldn't eat the Curry Rice. You give her some encouragment, which does help cheer her up.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I'm just passing by
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #2
Sabrina's Request
» Walk into your Farm House
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina has come for a visit. She has finished with her work and since she has some free time, she has come by for a chat. Sabrina asks if you would like to go hang out with her somewher
» Where should we go?
She decides that you get to choose where you want to go, but you can't decide. Sabrina thinks it wouldn't be good if you were worried on what to do, so she makes the decision that the two of you will take a walk.
You go walking together when you come upon the water well near Chen's shop. You have to explain what the well is to her, and she find it facinating for some reason! Next you go down to the beach, where you have to explain the goo is on top of the boulder is Nori. Sabrina tells you she's enjoyed learning about these thing today and thanks you.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I still have to work today...
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #3
Sabrina's Seashore, part 2
» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina bumps into you at the Beach, and says she would enjoy talking with you for a bit. She appologizes for not remembering your name the first time that you met.
» That can happen when you meet
For a long time, Sabrina was not very good at remembering people's names and faces. Now she's gotten use to the people on the island and she can remember their names, but she still feels shy. Does she really have that much of a gloomy personality?
» Of course
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» It's not necesary to be unreasonable
Is that so? It is the first time you've said anything like that to her, and it makes her blush.
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I was depressed for a while
-FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #4
A Crucial Decision
» Walk into your house
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Sabrina at or above a yellow heart color
Sabrina has come to visit your house, and she wants you to go with her back to her place. She hope she is not being an annoyance, but everything is fine so you head over to the mansion.
Did you forget that she invited you to have tea with her? For a long time, Sabrina has thought about inviting you over and now the timing seems to be right.
You don't really say anything, and Sabrina becomes embarrassed. She finally just ask if you're just friends, which you agree, and she guesses that is probably a good thing. Sabrina gets up to leave, and quietly wonders to herself why she can't say what she wants to tell you. She doesn't believe she can ever have a love relationship and she should just give up.
-FP to Sabrina. Move onto Orange Heart Event
Orange Heart Event
Changing Her Mind
» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather
» Have seen Yellow Heart Event #4
» Sabrina at or above an orange heart color
As you walk down the path by the mansion you'll run into Sabrina. She delightfully greets you, and says just seeing you makes her feel like there is nothing to worry about. Instead of standing outside talking, would you like to come in for some tea?
+FP to Sabrina. Heart events marriage requirement completed.