Mirabelle's Animal Shop

Mirabelle's shop

Mirabelle and her daughter, Julia, will move to the island after hearing about it from Chen. They will arrive around Spring 12 and set up the shop in W.Town, next to Taro's house.

Her store is open all the time, except for Saturdays and festival days. Their animal supplier is Vaughn, who appears on Wednesdays and Thursdays. That doesn't mean that you can only buy animals on those days, as she has animals available year round.

Mirabelle will begin to sell animals once you have Gannon build the Chicken Shed and Animal Barn. She will only sell you animals if you have an available Feeder Bin. If there aren't any bin available, then you will have to upgrade your barn or purchase additional bins from Gannon.

The animal shop also sells the Milker, Brush, and Clipper tools. Just like with the farm tools from Gannon, each of Mirabelle's tools has a price set depending on the number of Wonderful slots available. In your 1st year you can buy tools with up to 3 slots, your 2nd year will have 4 slot items appear in her inventory, your 3rd year has 5 slot items, and so on.

Chicken Feed 10 G
Fodder 20 G
Pet Food 10 G
Animal Medicine 1000 G
Cow Miracle Potion 3500 G
Sheep Miracle Potion 3000 G
Bell 500 G
Brush 1000 G to 10,000 G
Milker 1000 G to 10,000 G
Clipper 1000 G to 10,000 G
Buy a Chicken 1500 G
Sell a Chicken ---
Buy a Cow 5000 G
Sell a Cow ---
Buy a Sheep 4000 G
Sell a Sheep ---

In order to get Mirabelle to sell sheep, you need unlock at least 2 of the Boy Farmer sub-villagers. There isn't a year requirement before the sheep will appear in Mirabelle's inventory, but it may take players a while before 2 of the Boy Farmers will move in.