
A livestock dealer, Vaughn travels to the island in order to supply Mirabelle with animals for her shop. He only appears inside her shop on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and hardly ever socializes with the other residents. Vaughn prefers to keep to himself and his business.
Since he only stays on the island 2 days out of the week, Vaughn will take a little longer to court than the other boys. If you do marry him, Vaughn will permanently live on the island. He leaves on Wednesdays but always returns Thursday morning.
Birthday: Spring 3
Moves in: Automatically appears on Spring 16
Moves out: Never permanently leaves
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Special (+800 FP)
Milk + Rice (Main Course recipe) |
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Loves (+500 FP)Milk, Shiitake, Matsutake Hot Milk, Grilled Mushrooms, Grape Soda |
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Really Likes (+300 FP)Pirate Treasure, Fodder, Yarn, Fish Fossil, Eggs, Cheese, Chocolate, Bird Feed, Butter, Pet Food, Mayonnaise, Yarn, Yogurt, Edamame Ice Cream, Apple Pie, Strawberry Milk, Omelet Rice, Omelet, Orange Marmalade, Spa-Boiled Egg, Bodigizer XL, Hungerizer XL, Mushroom Rice, Foiled Mushroom, Cream Croquette, Corn Flakes, Jam Bread, Spaghetti, Egg Over Rice, Egg Soup, Cheese Cake, Cheese Fondue, Bodigizer, Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Fondue, Tofu Steak, Toast, Donuts, Pineapple Pie, Dinner Roll, Hungerizer, Banana Juice, Bread, Bread Crumbs, Pizza, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Raisen Bread, Pudding, Fruit Smoothie, French Toast, Pancake, Hot Chocolate, Popcorn, Matsutake Rice, Mixed Smoothie, Fried Egg, Peach Juice, Baked Apple, Boiled Egg, Lassi, Apple Jam, Apple Juice |
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Dislikes (-500 FP)Red Magic Flower, Blue Magic Flower, Fall Sun, Adamantite, Oil, Amethyst, Alexandrite, Emerald, Golden Lumber, Orichalc, Turnip, Pumpkin, Cabbage, Cucumber, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Junk Ore, Mythic Stone, Fish (S), Yam, Sandrose, Material Stone, Fish (L), Diamond, Onion, Fish (M), Toy Flower, Copper Ore, Topaz, Summer Sun, Spring Sun, Pinkcat Flower, Pink Diamond, Winter Sun, Peridot, Spinach, Flourite, Mystrile, Moonstone, Moondrop Flower, Agate, Lumber, Ruby Yam Rice, Onion Soup, Boiled Spinach, Rice Cake, Carpaccio, Pickled Turnip, Steamed Turnip, Insalata di Caprese, Cooked Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Pickled Cucumber, Sweet Yam Dumpling, Herb Soup, Corn Soup, Boiled Fish, Salad Spaghetti, Yam Pudding, Buckwheat Chips, Mountain Stew, Soy Milk, Natto, Spring Roll, Rice and Beans, Marinated Fish, Baked Yam, Roasted Rice Cake, Vegetable Smoothie, Tofu Skin, Stuffed Cabbage |
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Hates (-800 FP)Indigo Grass, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Empty Can, Stone, Stick, Elli Leaves, Yellow Grass, Black Grass, Fish Bone, Weeds, White Grass, Orange Grass, Toadstool, Tomato, Rubber Boot, Eggplant, Lithograph, Bell Pepper, Bottle, Green Grass, Purple Grass Onion Salad, Pumpkin Soup, Carrot Juice, Mochi Mix Natto, Gem Natto, Herb Salad, Red Flower Mix Natto, Salad, Failed Dish, Mix Natto, Fish Natto, Tomato Salad, Miso Eggplant, Chop Suey, Dairy Natto, Grilled Eggplant, Stir-Fried Veggies, Vegetable Juice |
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HORROR (-5000 FP)

Purple Heart Event

» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» This event can occur if Vaughn is not on the island
» Denny must be living on the island
» Vaughn at or above a purple heart color
You'll find Vaughn along the path. He seems to have lost something, but stops worrying when he sees you. Vaughn tells you that it's none of your business as to what he's doing. Hmph! While you're thinking of a response, Denny walks by.
Denny asks you what's up, and Vaughn asks just finally admits that he lost something and to leave him alone. Denny doesn't understand and walks away.
» I don't get your attitude
He felt he wasn't being rude at all. You were caring about him too. Vaughn then heads off.
-FP to Vaughn. Move on to Blue Heart Event #2
» I'll look for it with you
Vaughn decides he can trust you and explains that he is searching for a small box that he needs for work. You eventually find the box on the ground and return it to Vaughn.
+FP to Vaughn. Move on to Blue Heart Event #1
Blue Heart Event #1
Vaughn's Worry

» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» 9:00 am to Noon, Wednesday, if no Diner in E.Town
» 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Wednesday, if Diner is in E.Town
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Vaughn at or above a blue heart color
Vaughn makes a note that you're always talking to him and he finds that unusual. Outside the island, he only talks when necessary to his customers. He makes a very serious face and says it's not his concern.
» Don't worry about it
Yea, who cares what other people think.
-FP to Vaughn. Move on to Yellow Heart Event #2
» Well you could smile more
Vaughn doesn't find it amusing and asks why he should laugh about it. He's completely puzzled! You urge him on and he finally asks if you could show him what a laughing face looks like. You give him a smile but it's a little different than a laugh. He gives it a try and manages to smirk instead of laugh.
» But people wont like you
-FP to Vaughn. Move on to Yellow Heart Event #2
» But I'd like to see you smile
Vaughn blushes and says it's the first time anyone has said that to him. He was flabbergasted for a bit, but regains his cool deamenor and decides he will have to keep practicing in mind. He's glad he had a lovely chat with you and takes his leave.
+FP to Vaughn. Move on to Yellow Heart Event #1
Blue Heart Event #2
What a Waste!

» Walk from Beach to W.Town
» 6:00 am ot 11:00 pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather if you do not have the Diner
» 6:00 am to 9:00 am, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather if you have the Diner
» 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather if you have the Diner
» 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Wednesday or Thursday, Rainy,Drizzly, or Snowy weather
» Vaughn at or above a blue heart color
You'll find Vaughn looking through the garbage can by Chen's shop, and mumbling how there's a lot of things inside that could still be usable. He asks you about the trash can on your own farm.
» Throw it out
Well that did not go over very well. Vaughn is not happy.
-FP to Vaughn. Move on to Yellow Heart Event #4
» Fix it
Vaughn is glad to hear that you don't throw away things carelessly. Charlie then shows up and Vaughn asks him if he has been throwing usable things into the garbage. Charlie tells him that the things were dirty and he didn't need them anymore.
Vaughn yells at him for tossing perfectly good items into the trash, and he could learn a thing or to by watching you. The cowboy walks off, leaving Charlie ver confused.
+FP to Vaughn. Move on to Yellow Heart Event #3
Yellow Heart Event #1
Leader of the Pack

» Walk from the Mountain to the Forest
» 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Thursday only
» Have seen Blue Heart Event #1
» Vaughn at or above a yellow heart color
Vaughn will greet you as you walk down the path. As you get closer, you are confronted with a pack of wild dogs! Vaughn tells you not to worry, as they are not dangerous and the dogs won't attack. They were hungry so he has brought them a little bit of food, and has become close to them.
The dogs are impossible for him to take care of, so if they're caught then they'll be sold! Hm, what to do?
» Let's play with them!
Oh, today's work is done so it can't be help if you should want to play with the dogs. Vaughn smiles.
Eventually the pack of dogs leave, and Vaughn remorses how he's always moving around so it has been a long time since he did something like that. It's good to get some excersise once in a while.
+FP to Vaughn. Heart event marriage requirements completed.
» I'm scared! Take them away!
Vaughn tells you that these dogs are not bad. He didn't realize you were that kind of person. He, and the pack of dog, leave you behind.
-FP to Vaughn. Heart event marriage requirements completed
Yellow Heart Event #2
A Relaxing Day

» Walk from E.Town to the Meadow
» 6:00 am to 9:00 am, Wednesday
» 6:00 am to 10:00 am, Thursday
» Vaughn at or above a yellow heart color
You'll meet up with Vaughn in the Meadow, who's taking a day off from work. He is enjoying the island, and says that the buildings in the big cities make him feel boxed in. Vaughn needs his open space.
» I'm glad you like it here.
Do you really like having him around? There's not many who have said that. The two of you chat until it's time for him to go.
+FP to Vaughn. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
» I'd rather live in the city
-FP to Vaughn. Heart events marriage requirement completed.
Yellow Heart Event #3
Vaughn Hates Carrots

» Walk into E.Town's Diner
» 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
» Any weather
» Wednesday only
» Vaughn at or above a yellow heart color
Vaughn is inside the Diner, and he asks Julia why she wanted him to come. Julia says it was her mom's request, and she wanted to know if Vaughn really disliked carrots. They are really delicious, but Vaughn doesn't seem to show any interest in the orange vegetable. She continues to try and convince him that he needs to eat them for his health, but Vaughn argues that he is free to eat whatever he chooses to.
Julia finally asks if you think it's bad for him not to eat carrots.
» Maybe YOU should try fish!
Oh, yes she remembers now. Suddenly Julia changes her mind, and says it's not necessary for him to eat the carrots. She's going to report back to her mom. After she leaves, Vaughn thanks you for the assitance.
+FP to Vaughn. Heart event marriage requirements completed
» Yeah! Eat them, Vaughn!
-FP to Vaughn. Heart event marriage requirements completed
Yellow Heart Event #4
A Born Wanderer?

» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather if you do not have the Diner
» 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather if you have the Diner
» 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Thursday, Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Denny must be living on the island
» Vaughn at or above a yellow heart color
As you walk into the Beach you'll notice Vaughn and Denny talking by the shoreline. They are talking about how both of them have lost their parents. Vaughn can't even remember what his parents looked like. There seems to be some interesting people on this island though, and Denny gladly agrees with him. Although, Vaughn does not see many with the same skin color as Denny.
Denny's reaction is unexpected, so Vaughn apologizes for his comment. Denny tells him not to worry about it. As you walk up to the pair, Denny is distressed that you might have been eavesdropping on their conversation. Vaughn quickly leaves.
Denny is concerned about Vaughn's loneliness.
-FP to Vaughn. Move on to the Orange Heart Event
Orange Heart Event
Vaughn To The Rescue

» Mirabelle's animal shop
» 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» You must have all areas unlocked
» Have seen Yellow Heart Event #4
» Vaughn at or above an orange heart color
Walk into the shop and you'll find Mirabelle and Julia stressing over a recently arrived sick sheep. Julia requests that you go and find Vaughn for them. Mirabelle doesn't seem to understand the cause of the sheep's illness, so maybe Vaughn might know. You quickly run out to find him.
You'll find Vaughn out on the beach, and persuade him to return to the animal shop.
Vaughn looks at the sheep and determines that it's nothing to worry about; the sheep is just seasick. Unlike the others that traveled by boat, this sheep is docile and the boat ride has weakened it.
Julia is amazed that Vaughn can tell the difference between each sheep. Mirabelle wouldn't of know what to do if he wasn't around. Vaughn is a little taken back by their gratitude, and even you agree with what the two women are saying. Vaughn is really happy.
+FP to Vaughn. Heart event marriage requirements completed
Black Rival Event
The Beginning

» Walk from W.Town to E.Town
» 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
» Sunny or Clear weather only
» Wednesday or Thursday
» At least 14 days must pass since Vaughn and Sabrina were unlocked
» Regis is in the mountain area
» Vaughn at a Black heart color
As Vaughn walks past the mansion, he notices that Sabrina appears to be walking home very slowly. She says she is not feeling very well. Sabrina says she can make it home fine on he own, but Vaughn feels it would not be good if she passed out. He offers to escort her home and takes her into the mansion.
Inside her house, Sabrina is very happy to be feeling better. She politely thanks him, but he seems more annoyed with the fact that she keeps trying to show her gratitude.
Blue Rival Event
And Then...
» Walk from W.Town to the Beach
» 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Year 2 or later
» Vaughn is at the Beach
» Vaughn at a blue heart color or lower
Green Rival Event
Fortune's Purpose
» Walk into Regis' house
» 6:00 am to 11:00 pm
» Any weather
» Year 3 or later
» Sabrina and Regis are inside their house
» Vaughn at a green heart color or lower
Orange Rival Event
One More Time
» Walk from the Mountain to the Forest
» 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
» Sunny, Clear, or Cloudy weather
» Year 4 or later
» Nathan is living on the island
» Vaughn is in the forest area
» Vaughn at an orange heart color or lower