Crop Mutation

Fruit and vegetable crops make up the majority of the mutations in Harvest Moon: One World. Each family is made up of a parent crop and its 7 mutant children. Growing the fruits and vegetables in the proper field and season can trigger a mutation. Selling a specific number of the mutated variety will unlock the seeds in select vendor shops.

There are some crop seeds that don't appear in shops no matter how many I've sold such as Water Dragon Pineapple and Golden Bell Pepper. Those will be marked as "N/A" in the below tables.


The seeds for this big leafy orb is typically found in the Lebkuchen area, but if you have a bit of luck on your side, you can sometimes find a Dome Cabbage wisp on the river side of Braden's farm during the beginning of the game. It's quite uncommon, but it is there! You'll also need to collect Pointy Cabbage as part of the story, which you can find in the wilderness area between the cocoa tree grove and the Harvest Goddess Spring.

Cabbage takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 120 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Cabbage mutates into...

Red Cabbage
Cabbage grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Cabbage grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
360 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Baby Cabbage
Cabbage grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during summer
Cabbage grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
360 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Dome Cabbage
Cabbage grown in the Pastilla desert during fall 960 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Pointy Cabbage
Cabbage grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 960 G Salmiakki
Sell 15
Red Cabbage mutates into...

Fireball Cabbage
Red Cabbage grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring or fall
Red Cabbage grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring or fall
Red Cabbage grown in the HG Shrine field during spring or fall
1200 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Dome Cabbage mutates into...

Lava Cabbage
Dome Cabbage grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall and winter 960 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Baby Cabbage mutates into...

Giant Cabbage
(Unknown, but the wisp appears in the mountaintop area of Salmiakki from 8am to 6pm. Possibly baby cabbage grown in Salmiakki during fall) 1200 G Halo Halo
Sell 10


Onions will start to appear once you reach the Pastilla desert. Most likely you'll find the Garlic Harvest Wisp before you find the base family crop, as it's just on the outskirts of the town. Onion wisps are found along the edges of the desert area: one in the northeast corner, one in the northwest corner by the entrance to the desert farm area, and the last one the eastern edge.

Onion takes 3 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 100 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Onion mutates into...

Red Onion
Onion grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
Onion grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during summer
Onion grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
300 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Onion grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring and fall
Onion grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
400 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Onion grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring
Onion grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
300 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Red Onion mutates into...

Giant Onion
Red Onion grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 800 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Leek mutates into...

Leek grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring, summer, fall, and winter
Leek grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
800 G Halo Halo
Sell 10

Jewel Onion
Leek grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1500 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Teardrop mutates into...

Colorful Teardrop
Teardrop grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring
Teardrop grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring
1500 G Salmiakki
Sell 10


The first wisp for Tomato can be found on Braden's farm in Calisson, by the southwest edge of his cow pen. Tomato can be harvested multiple times. Once a tomato plant mutates, it will continue to produce mutated crops until the crop stops producing.

Tomato takes 5 days to mature, regrows in 2 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 50 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Tomato mutates into...

San Marzano
Tomato grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Tomato grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring
Tomato grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
150 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Ice Tomato
Tomato grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall
Tomato grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
150 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Tomato grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Tomato grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
Tomato grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter
400 G Pastilla
Sell 15
San Marzano mutates into...

Sun Tomato
San Marzano grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring 400 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Crimson mutates into...

Killer Tomato
Crimson grown in the Pastilla desert field in summer 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

King Crimson
Crimson grown in the Pastilla desert field in spring and fall 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Killer Tomato mutates into...

Giant Killer Tomato
Killer Tomato grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring 750 G Calisson
Sell 10


This berry has several Harvest Wisps in the little alcove along the road from Lebkuchen to Salmiakki, just a bit north of the Lebkuchen mine. The parent fruit doesn't sell for a lot, but once the mutations start to trigger, the Strawberry family becomes the favorite crop of many One World farmers to sell for profit.

Strawberry takes 6 days to mature, regrows in 3 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 80 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Strawberry mutates into...

White Berry
Strawberry grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring
Strawberry grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring
Strawberry grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
240 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Angel Lantern
Strawberry grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter
Strawberry grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall and winter
Strawberry grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
640 G Calisson
Sell 15

Aqua Strawberry
Strawberry grown in the Calisson meadow field during winter
Strawberry grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Strawberry grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Strawberry grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and winter
240 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
White Berry mutates into...

Magical Berry
White Berry grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring and winter
White Berry grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
640 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Angel Lantern mutates into...

Princess' Eye
Angel Lantern grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall and winter 640 G Pastilla
Sell 10

Burning Lantern
Angel Lantern grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring 1200 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Burning Lantern mutates into...

Snow Lantern
Receive as a prize for winning the Harvest Moon Festival
Burning Lantern grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring
1200 G Salmiakki
Sell 10


This crop is found all around Calisson. There is one right behind your mom's house and one by the area where Vitae appears. There's another in the apple grove behind the Calisson farm, and later there'll be another on the Calisson farm, next to the blocked-off area that unlocks after completing the game story. While corn doesn't sell for a lot of profit, it is useful for making various animal feeds in the farm windmill.

Corn takes 4 days to mature, regrows in 3 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 20 G Calisson
Sell 30
Corn mutates into...

Fodder Corn
Corn grown in the HG Shrine field during spring and fall 60 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Sweet Corn
Corn grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 60 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Sunset Corn
Corn grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
Corn grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during summer
Corn grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer
Corn grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
160 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Fodder Corn mutates into...

Desert Corn
Fodder Corn grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 300 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Sweet Corn mutates into...

Crystal Corn
Sweet Corn grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 160 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Sunset Corn mutates into...

Goldsilver Corn
Sunset Corn grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Sunset Corn grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during summer
160 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Crystal Corn mutates into...

Glass Gem Corn
Crystal Corn grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 450 G Calisson
Sell 10


This grain is used in a lot of cooking recipes such as meuniere, breads, and cakes. There are several Harvest Wisps for wheat such as three wisps in the large alcove between Lebkuchen and the Pastilla desert, or two wisps in the small alcove where the Speckled Bear is on the path to the lava field. There is another wisp point behind the ruined castle, by Shogen and Sana's house, and and near the red Torii gate on Wagashi island.

Wheat takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 60 G Calisson
Sell 30
Wheat Mutates Into...

Wheat grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during summer
Wheat in the Wagashi water field during fall and winter
180 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Wheat grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer
Wheat grown in the Pastilla desert during summer
Wheat grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer and winter
Wheat grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
Wheat grown in the Wilderness field during summer and winter
Wheat grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter
Wheat grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
480 G Calisson
Sell 15

Wheat grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
(Possibly other seasons too)
180 G N/A

Tall Wheat
Wheat grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall
Wheat grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
480 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Rye Mutates Into...

Snow Wheat
Rye grown in the HG Shrine field during winter 900 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Rice Mutates Into...

Lava Rice
Rice grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall 900 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Tall Wheat Mutates Into...

Prominence Wheat
Tall Wheat grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall 480 G Halo Halo
Sell 10

Rice seeds do not appear in any store, but Rice Harvest Wisps are plentiful around Wagashi. Rice and Lava Rice appear in the game when you purchase the separate Far East Adventure DLC.


There are a few places where you can find wisps that hand over Potato seeds. There is one in the apple grove just north of the farm in Calisson. There's another on the road leading from Mom's house towards Calisson, just a little bit up the path from Mom's. A third is on the eastern side of the livestock fence at Braden's farm.

Potatoes take 6 days to mature, regrows in 3 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 20 G Calisson
Sell 30
Potato Mutates Into...

Sweet Potato
Potato grown in the Callisson meadow field during spring, summer, and winter
Potato grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Potato grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
60 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Potato grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring and summer
Potato grown in the Wilderness field during spring
Potato growin in the HG Shrine field during spring
Potato grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
60 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Sweet Potato Mutates Into...

Black Potato
Sweet Potato grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring, fall, and winter
Sweet Potato grown in the HG Shrine field during spring, fall, and winter
Sweet Potato grown in the Wagashi water field during fall and winter
160 G Halo Halo
Sell 10

Long Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato grown in the 1-square field east of Mom's House during winter. 160 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Sigelinde Mutates Into...

Sigelinde grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall 300 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Siegfried Mutates Into...

Titan Potato
Siegfried grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Siegfried grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Siegfried grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
160 G Pastilla
Sell 10

Ice Potato
Siegfried grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall 300 G Salmiakki
Sell 10


These crunchy root vegetables can be found along the path between Calisson and Halo Halo. You'll find a carrot wisp Harvest wisp in the crop field area to the south of the wedding pavilion, another one along the road before you reach the split that leads to the Halo Halo mine, and then a third on the other side of the river on the way to the Harvest Goddess shrine.

Carrots take 3 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 60 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Carrot mutates into...

Baby Carrot
Carrot grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer and winter
Carrot grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter
Carrot grown in the HG Shrine field during winter
Carrot grown in the water field during winter
180 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Black Carrot
Carrot grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer and winter
Carrot grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during winter
Carrot grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter
Carrot grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
Carrot grown in the HG Shrine field during winter
180 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Baby Carrot mutates into...

White Carrot
Baby Carrot grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 480 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Black Carrot mutates into...

Black Carrot grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Black Carrot grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
900 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Snow Carrot
Black Carrot grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 480 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Mandrake mutates into...

Mandrake grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall and winter 900 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Snow Carrot mutates into...

Aqua Carrot
Snow Carrot grown in the HG Shrine field during winter 480 G Halo Halo
Sell 10


The Harvest Wisps that hold Spinach Seeds are around the Lebkuchen area. There's one in Tristan's farm area, and another in the large clearing past the Lebkuchen farm area. There is another one south of Lebkuchen, at the little alcove with 1 field square. Another is in the area between the Salmiakki Lake and the Salmiakki Mountaintop. One more is on the Wagashi farm area, close to the Sparky machine.

Spinach takes 3 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 140 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Spinach mutates into...

Spinach grown in the Calisson field during winter
Spinach grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter
Spinach grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
Spinach grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
420 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Savoy Spinach
Spinach grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring and winter
Spinach grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
620 G Calisson
Sell 15

Spinach grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 420 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Lilac Spinach
Spinach grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring
Spinach grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
Spinach grown in the wagashi water field during summer
1120 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15
Kale mutates into...

Sand Kale
Kale grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 1320 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Lilac Spinach mutates into...

Pink Spinach
Lilac Spinach grown in the Wilderness field during summer
Lilac Spinach grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer and fall
Lilac Spinach grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
1120 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Pink Spinach mutates into...

Pink Spinach grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall
Pink Spinach grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
(Plant the seeds on a sunny-weather day and harvest on a sunny-weather day)
1620 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Green Bell Pepper

The bell pepper wisps are found in the wilderness area between Calisson and Halo Halo. You can also find the second-generation Red Bell Pepper wisps on the farm area in Calisson. The produce doesn't sell for a lot of money, but they can be harvested multiple times. The Purple Bell Pepper (which is actually green colored) and the Snow Bell Pepper don't seem to appear in any stores, even after selling a lot of them.

Bell Pepper takes 5 days to mature, regrows in 2 days, and can be harvested three times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

Green Bell Pepper
N/A 30 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Green Bell Pepper mutates into...

Red Bell Pepper
Green Bell Pepper grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer 120 G Calisson
Sell 10

Orange Bell Pepper
Green Bell Pepper grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter 120 G Pastilla
Sell 10

Purple Bell Pepper
Green Bell Pepper grown in the Salmiakki snow field during summer, fall, and winter 320 G N/A
Red Bell Pepper mutates into...

Golden Bell Pepper
Red Bell Pepper grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Red Bell Pepper grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
600 G N/A

White Bell Pepper
Red Bell Pepper grown in the Calisson meadow field during fall 320 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
White Bell Pepper mutates into...

Snow Bell Pepper
White Bell Pepper grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during summer 600 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Orange Bell Pepper mutates into...

Magic Bell Pepper
Orange Bell Pepper grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 320 G Pastilla
Sell 10


Your first encounter with an Eggplant Harvest Wisp is on the road between Calisson and Halo Halo, on the western side of the bridge just outside of Calisson. Another wisp is in the wilderness area to the north of the Harvest Goddess Shrine, and then a third is on the southern edge of Halo Halo in the area where the sand turns back to grass.

Eggplant takes 5 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 50 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Eggplant mutates into...

Globe Eggplant
Eggplant grown in the HG Shrine field during spring 150 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

White Eggplant
Eggplant grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
Eggplant grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
150 G Calisson
Sell 15

Rock Eggplant
Eggplant grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring
Eggplant grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
400 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Water Eggplant
Eggplant grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
Eggplant grown in the Wagashi water field during summer and fall
400 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
White Eggplant mutates into...

Striped Eggplant
White Eggplant grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer and fall 400 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Water Eggplant mutates into...

Red Eggplant
Water Eggplant grown in the HG Shrine field during summer 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Striped Eggplant mutates into...

Lightbulb Eggplant
Striped Eggplant grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
Striped Eggplant grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
750 G Pastilla
Sell 10


Depending on the road you take, your first experience with this crop family will be in Lebkuchen, where you'll find the base soybean wisps, or in Pastilla, where you will find the Chickpea harvest wisps. Soybean wisps can be found in a small alcove on the road beween Calisson and Lebkuchen, and on Tristan's farm space. Chickpea are closer to Malika's tent and by the entrance to the Pastilla mine.

Soybean takes 5 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 80 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Soybean mutates into...

Green Pea
Soybean grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 240 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

(Still researching - most players collect enough Chickpea wisps and sell the crop to unlock it) 240 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Soybean grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Soybean grown in the HG Shrine field during fall
240 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Chickpea mutates into...

White Soybean
Chickpea grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring and fall
Chickpea grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
640 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Lentil mutates into...

Blue Soybean
Lentil grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Lentil grown in the Calisson meadow field during fall
640 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
White Soybean mutates into...

Diamond Pea
White Soybean grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall 1200 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Lava Chickpea
White Soybean grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall 1200 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


This veggie is a cold-weather crop and only has two Harvest Wisp locations. One is in the area just past the lake when walking up the hill towards the higher area of the Salmiakki mountain region. The other is at the western side of the large clearing at the top of the mountain. This family may take you a while to unlock its mutation due to the lack of wisps.

Broccolil takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 180 G Salmiakki
Sell 30
Broccoli mutates into...

Broccoli grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring and fall 540 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Broccoli grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring and winter 540 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Broccolini mutates into...

Broccolini grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1440 G Calisson
Sell 10

Broccolini grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring and winter 1400 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Cauliflower mutates into...

Blue Broccoli
Cauliflower grown in the Calisson meadow field during fall
Cauliflower grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall
980 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Romanesco mutates into...

Romanesco grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall 1600 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Evergreen mutates into...

Evergreen grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1620 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


This green squash has a single Harvest Wisp located in the upper area of Calisson, around the same spot where you'll find Samantha wanders around. It appears regulary, so it shouldn't take you too long to unlock the seeds in the Pastilla general store. The pumpkin appears as a green vegetable because pumpkins (Kabocha) in Japan are typically green and not orange like they are in western regions.

Pumpkin takes 6 days to mature, regrows in 2 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 50 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Pumpkin mutates into...

Pumpkin grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Pumpkin grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
150 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Pumpkin grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 150 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Giant Squash
Pumpkin grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
Pumpkin grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
400 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15
Squash mutates into...

Cream Pumpkin
Squash grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during summer 400 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Giant Squash mutates into...

Giant Squash grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Water Giant Squash
Giant Squash grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 400 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Jack-o'-Lantern mutates into...

Jack-o'-Lantern grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during spring and fall 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


This crop's parent wisps are located in the Lebkuchen region, along the path from either Pastilla desert or Calisson. You'll also find two Lettuce wisps in the mountain area north of Salmiakki. At the start of the game, you can make some money by growing and selling Romaine Lettuce; there is a wisp for this mutation right before the broken bridge that leads from Calisson to the Lebkuchen area. There's also one in the Calisson festival area where Samantha wanders around.

Lettuce takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 160 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Lettuce mutates into...

Lettuce grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
Lettuce grown in the Calisson meadow field during winter
Lettuce grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter
Lettuce grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter
Lettuce grown in the HG Shrine field during winter
Lettuce grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
480 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Romaine Lettuce
Lettuce grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring
Lettuce grown in the HG Shrine field during spring and fall
480 G Calisson
Sell 15

Red Leaf Lettuce
Lettuce grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during fall
Lettuce grown in the HG Shrine field during spring and fall
700 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Desert Lettuce
Lettuce grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
Lettuce grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
700 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Endive mutates into...

Ice Lettuce
Endive grrown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1400 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Romaine Lettuce mutates into...

Blue Lettuce
Romaine Lettuce grown in the Calisson meadow field during fall 1280 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Blue Lettuce mutates into...

Lava Lettuce
Blue Lettuce grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during winter 1400 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


This family of crops are found in the wilderness areas. If you never explore the area between Calisson and Halo Halo, you could potentially miss these guys. The Harvest Wisps for Celery are found in the alcoves to the south of the Wedding Pavilion area and on the wilderness area farm space that few players use (it's too far away from everything). There is also one Celery wisp on the road leading to the Halo Halo mine.

Celery takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 60 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Celery mutates into...

Mystic Herb
Celery grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Celery grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
480 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

White Celery
Celery grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall
Celery grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
180 G Calisson
Sell 15

Baby Celery
Celery grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall 180 G Pastilla
Sell 15
White Celery mutates into...

Royal Herb
White Celery grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during fall and winter 480 G Calisson
Sell 10

Blue Herb
White Celery grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during fall and winter 900 G N/A
Baby Celery mutates into...

Flame Herb
Baby Celery grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during spring 480 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Royal Herb mutates into...

Ice Celery
Royal Herb grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall 900 G Salmiakki
Sell 10


Typically, this crop sold for a lot of money; but in this version of Harvest Moon, you won't become a millionaire selling pineapple. There are a lot of wisps that carry Pineapple seeds though. The base-level Pineapple has many wisps found along the path between Calisson and Halo Halo, and wisps for its child mutations can be found in the Pastilla desert.

Pineapple takes 6 days to mature, regrows in 2 days, and can be harvested two times.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 50 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Pineapple mutates into...

Peach Pineapple
Pineapple grown in the HG Shrine field during spring 150 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Gold Barrel Pineapple
Pineapple grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Pineapple grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
150 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Peach Pineapple mutates into...

Crystal Pineapple
Peach Pineapple grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 400 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Giant Pineapple
Peach Pineapple grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring
Peach Pineapple grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
400 G Calisson
Sell 10
Gold Barrel Pineapple mutates into...

Dragon Pineapple
Gold Barrel Pineapple grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Gold Barrel Pineapple grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
400 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Dragon Pineapple mutates into...

Water Dragon Pineapple
Dragon Pineapple grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Dragon Pineapple grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
750 G N/A

Lava Dragon Pineapple
Dragon Pineapple grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during summer 750 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


The seeds for this tropical fruit is found around the wilderness area directly adjacent to Halo Halo. There's a Watermelon wisp by the small pond directly south of the entrance to Halo Halo, along the path that leads to Calisson. There are a few other Watermelon wisps in this area as well. Even Pastilla has Cannonball wisps fairly close to the city center. You'll need to collect 3 Watermelon as part of the game's story.

Watermelon takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 100 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Watermelon mutates into...

Mellow Yellow
Watermelon grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Watermelon grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and summer
300 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Watermelon grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
Watermelon grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
Watermelon grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and summer
300 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Mellow Yellow mutates into...

Mellow Yellow grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1500 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Blue Melon
Mellow Yellow grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring 800 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Cannonball mutates into...

Cannonball grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring 800 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Snowman mutates into...

Snowman grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during winter 1500 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Blue Melon mutates into...

Blue Melon grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during winter 800 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


While this may be the staple crop in any Harvest Moon game, in this game the third-generation mutations for Turnip are terribly uncommon. Second-gen mutations are fairly easy though! There are several Turnip wisps in the Calisson area. There's one by Braden's art rock, and two more close to the rooster memory portal. You'll even find Red Turnip wisps around Braden's ranch!

Turnip takes 3 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 40 G Calisson
Sell 30
Turnip mutates into...

Turnip grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring and winter 120 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Red Turnip
Turnip grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring 120 G Calisson
Sell 15
Beet mutates into...

Water Beet
Beet grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Beet grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Beet grown in the HG Shrine field during winter
320 G Halo Halo
Sell 10

Snow Beet
Beet grown in the HG Shrine field during winter 320 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Red Turnip mutates into...

Heart of the Earth
Red Turnip grown in the HG Shrine field during spring and winter 320 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Heart of the Earth mutates into...

Maiden's Heart
Heart of the Earth grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer
Heart of the Earth grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
600 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Giant's Heart
Heart of the Earth grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during spring
(Plant the seeds on a sunny-weather day and harvest on a sunny-weather day)
600 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


The first asparagus wisps you'll come across are along the path from Calisson to Halo Halo, right at the split in the road where the north path leads to the mine and the south path continues onto Halo Halo. The other Asparagus wisps are south after the bridge to Halo Halo; one to the east of the coconut trees and the other is in the wilderness farm area.

Asparagus takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Crop NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 60 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Asparagus mutates into...

White Asparagus
Asparagus grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 180 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Purple Asparagus
Asparagus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer 180 G Lekuchen
Sell 15
White Asparagus mutates into...

Lava Asparagus
White Asparagus grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during winter 900 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Water Asparagus
White Asparagus grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter
White Asparagus grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
480 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Purple Asparagus mutates into...

Purple Asparagus grown in Lebkuchen mountain field during summer 480 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Phalax mutates into...

Phalax grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring 900 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Phalax grown in the HG Shrine field during spring, fall, and winter 480 G Pastilla
Sell 10