Flower Mutation

There are 10 base flower families in One World. Each family is made up of a parent flower and its 7 mutant children. Growing the flowers in the proper field and season can trigger a mutation. Selling a specific number of the mutated flower variety will unlock the seeds in select vendor shops.


This flower is the first you'll grow when starting out in Calisson. There's a single Marguerite seed wisp along the path behind the Calisson farm, a bit south of the Apple tree grove. There's also a fellow by the bridge leading through the wilderness area towards Halo Halo that will trade you two Marguerite for 10 bags of Yellow Marguerite seeds.

Marguerite takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 100 G Calisson
Sell 30
Marguerite mutates into...

Yellow Marguerite
Marguerite grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring and fall
Marguerite grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and fall
300 G Calisson
Sell 15

Pink Marguerite
Marguerite grown in the Calisson meadow field during summer 800 G Calisson
Sell 15

Purple Marguerite
Marguerite grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall
Marguerite grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
800 G Calisson
Sell 15

Marguerite grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Marguerite grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
300 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Pink Marguerite mutates into...

Giant Marguerite
Pink Marguerite grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
Pink Marguerite grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
1500 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Purple Marguerite mutates into...

Blue Marguerite
Purple Marguerite grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall
Purple Marguerite grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall
Purple Marguerite grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
1500 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Chamomile mutates into...

Aqua Chamomile
Chamomile grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring
Chamomile grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Chamomile grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
800 G Halo Halo
Sell 10


Tulips are a little tricky because of the availability of the wisp. You'll find one Tulip wisp on the pathway that leads to the Harvest Goddess Spring, right after the path to the wilderness farm area. The other wisp is for a Yellow Tulip that appears by Vitae's spirit well.

Tulip takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 180 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Tulip mutates into...

Yellow Tulip
Tulip grown in the Calisson meadow field during spring
Tulip grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring
Tulip grown in the Wagashi water during spring
540 G Calisson
Sell 15

White Tulip
Tulip grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter 540 G Calisson
Sell 15

Champagne Flute
Tulip grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during winter 1440 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
White Tulip mutates into...

Ice Trumpet
White Tulip grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall and winter 800 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Champagne Flute mutates into...

Holy Grail
Champagne Flute grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during spring and winter 1440 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Holy Grail mutates into...

Angel's Trumpet
Holy Grail grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Holy Grail grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during summer
Holy Grail grown in the HG Shrine field during summer
1550 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Devil's Trumpet
Holy Grail grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring and summer 1560 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


Seeds for these large, sunny flowers can first be found on the road between Calisson and Halo Halo, in the wedding pavilion section. Bradon will also have a request to bring him 4 Sunflower in exchange for 10 Ginkgo Lumber. Once you begin to unlock mutations in this family, you'll find a White Night wisp in the area south of the wedding pavilion, and a Beautiful Sunflower wisps to the north of the Pastilla town.

Sunflower takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 280 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Sunflower mutates into...

White Night
Sunflower grown in the Halo Halo wilderness field during spring
Sunflower grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Sunflower grown in the Wagashi field during spring
840 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Rising Sun
Sunflower grown in the HG Shrine field during summer 840 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Beautiful Sunflower
Sunflower grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 840 G Calisson
Sell 15
White Night mutates into...

Moulin Rouge
White Night grown in the HG Shrine field during spring 1600 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Moulin Rouge mutates into...

Moulin Rouge grown in the HG Shrine field during spring 2330 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Rising Sun mutates into...

Sunset Beach
Rising Sun grown in the Halo Halo beach field during winter 1600 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Beautiful Sunflower mutates into...

Incredible Sunflower
Beautiful Sunflower grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 1600 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10

Eclipse is the highest-profit crop in the game.

Red Rose

The rose wisp is plentiful around the Pastilla desert. There are several between the Pastilla town store and the Sparky machine in the southern edge of the desert, close to the path leading to Halo Halo. The rose flower tends to prefer the dry desert area for it to trigger mutations.

Rose takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

Red Rose
N/A 320 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Red Rose mutates into...

Pink Rose
Red Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring
Red Rose grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
960 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Blue Rose
Red Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 960 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

White Rose
Red Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 960 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Fire Rose
Red Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter 1250 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15
Pink Rose mutates into...

Queen of Rose
Pink Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring
Pink Rose grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
1400 G Halo Halo
Sell 10
Blue Rose mutates into...

King of Rose
Blue Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 1400 G Pastilla
Sell 10
White Rose mutates into...

Moon River
White Rose grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 1400 G Pastilla
Sell 10

Goldband Lily

Seeds for these tall flowers can be found in the Lebkuchen area, in the wide forested area between the Lebkuchen farm and the road that leads to the Pastilla desert. You can also find an Eldelweiss wisps in an area along the road from Calisson that leads to Lebkuchen.

Goldband Lily take 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

Goldband Lily
N/A 400 G Lebkuchen
Sell 30
Goldband Lily mutates into...

Goldband Lily grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during fall 1200 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Incan Lily
Goldband Lily grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring 1200 G Calisson
Sell 15

Water Lily
Goldband Lily grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter 1200 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Edelweiss mutates into...

Edelweiss grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall 1400 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Water Lily mutates into...

Fire Lily
Water Lily grown in the Pastilla desert fields during winter 1650 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Fire Lily mutates into...

Fire Lily grown in the Lebkuchen mountain field during spring
Fire Lily grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
(Plant the seeds on a sunny-weather day and harvest on a sunny-weather day)
1620 G Halo Halo
Sell 10

Fire Lily grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring (possibly summer)
Fire Lily grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
(Plant the seeds on a sunny-weather day and harvest on a sunny-weather day. One player noted they got the mutation when planting in late-spring with a summer season harvest.)
1620 G Pastilla
Sell 10


The daisy-wielding Harvest Wisps are located in the Pastilla Desert. One is by Malika's tent in the western area. The second is by the entrance to the mine that is guarded by Mole Brothers Raz and Tri. The third wisp is in the northwest area, but to the east of the Pastilla Desert farm area. Daisys looks similar to marguerites.

Daisy take 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 240 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Daisy mutates into...

Pink Daisy
Daisy grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
Daisy grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
720 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Orange Daisy
Daisy grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 720 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Rock Daisy
Daisy grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 720 G Lebkuchen
Sell 15

Aqua Daisy
Daisy grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring 720 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Rock Daisy mutates into...

Ice Daisy
Rock Daisy grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1360 G Salmiakki
Sell 10
Aqua Daisy mutates into...

White Daisy
Aqua Daisy grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall 1120 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Ice Daisy mutates into...

Lava Daisy
Ice Daisy grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during winter 1800 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10


Hibisus is a common Harvest Wisp found the Halo Halo area. There's one next to Sam's mobile cart, one in the beach farm area, and a third in the green-grass jetty on the south shore of Halo Halo. A fourth wisp with a Hibiscus seed can be found in the alcove where the Tiger is found at night, along the path towards the Halo Halo mine.

Hibiscus takes 4 days to mature and can only be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 200 G Halo Halo
Sell 30
Hibiscus mutates into...

Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during fall 600 G Calisson
Sell 15

Striped Hibiscus
Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
Hibiscus grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
600 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Cotton Rosemallow
Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring and summer
Hibiscus grown in the Wilderness field during summer
600 G Calisson
Sell 15

Blue Hibiscus
Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during winter 600 G Salmiakki
Sell 15
Hollyhock mutates into...

Lava Hibiscus
Hollyhock grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during summer 1450 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Striped Hibiscus mutates into...

Desert Hibiscus
Striped Hibiscus grown in the HG Shrine field during spring
Striped Hibiscus grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
Striped Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during summer
1320 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Blue Hibiscus mutates into...

Violet Hibiscus
Blue Hibiscus grown in the Halo Halo beach field during spring and summer 1320 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Lotus (DLC)

This crop becomes part of the game's Encyclopedia if you purchase the Far East Adventure optional download content. The seeds grow best in the watery fields of Wagashi, but unfortunately, most of the members of this family are NOT for sale in shops. Unlocking third-generation mutations are often only possible after finding enough seeds from Harvest Wisps to plant and hope that a mutation happens at harvest. It may take you longer than expected to unlock all the mutations, but it's do-able.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

N/A 100 G N/A
Lotus mutates into...

Water Lotus
Lotus grown in the Wagashi water field during spring 300 G N/A

Lotus grown in the Wagashi water field during winter 300 G N/A

Lotus grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and winter 800 G N/A
Water Lotus mutates into...

Mountain Lotus
Water Lotus grown in the Wagashi water field during summer 800 G N/A
Lullaby mutates into...

Snow Queen
Lullaby grown in the Wagashi water field during fall 800 G N/A
Nirvana mutates into...

Nirvana grown in the Wagashi water field during spring and fall 1500 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Samsara mutates into...

Lava Lotus
Samsara grown in the Wagashi water field during summer 1850 G N/A

Strawberry Pansy

This cool-weather flower is located in the Salmiakki region. Two Harvest Wisps can be found in the clearing to the east of the Salmiakki lake. You can also find a Viola wisp farther up the mountain in the southwest corner of the mountaintop area.

Strawberry Pansy flowers takes 4 days to mature and can be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

Strawberry Pansy
N/A 450 G Salmiakki
Sell 30
Strawberry Pansy mutates into...

Violet Pansy
Strawberry Pansy grown in the Salmiakki snow field during summer
Strawberry Pansy grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
850 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Strawberry Pansy grown in the Salmiakki snow field during fall and winter 900 G Salmiakki
Sell 15

Sunlight Pansy
Strawberry Pansy grown in the Salmiakki snow field during spring
Strawberry Pansy grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
1350 G Pastilla
Sell 15
Viola mutates into...

Blue Valentine
Viola grown in the Salmiakki snow field during summer, fall, and winter 1350 G Salmiakki
Sell 10

Viola grown in the Pastilla desert field during spring and summer 1500 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Blue Valentine mutates into...

Snow White Pansy
Blue Valentine grown in the Salmiakki snow field during winter 1600 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Sunlight Pansy mutates into...

Orange Pansy
Sunlight Pansy grown in the Salmiakki snow field during summer 1410 G Calisson
Sell 10

Queen of the Night

There are two wisps with QotN seeds, both in the Pastilla desert and both at night. The first is north of the large boulder, close to the entrance of the northern crop field. The other is in the northeast corner of the desert. Sometimes you may find that the flower doesn't appear as mature in the morning, but return at 8:00 pm and you might find it blooming a day earlier than its expected maturity date.

Queen of the Night flowers take 4 days to mature and can be harvested one time.

Flower NameMutation Location/SeasonSell PriceShop Location

Queen of the Night
N/A 400 G Pastilla
Sell 30
Queen of the Night mutates into...

Flowing Clouds
Queen of the Night grown in the Pastilla desert field during fall
Queen of the Night grown in the Wagashi water field during fall
1200 G Pastilla
Sell 15

Clear Water
Queen of the Night grown in the Pastilla desert during spring
Queen of the Night grown in the Wagashi water field during spring
1200 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Orchid Cactus
Queen of the Night grown in the Pastilla desert field during winter
Queen of the Night grown in the Wagashi water field during winter
1200 G Halo Halo
Sell 15

Queen of the Night grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer
Queen of the Night grown in the Wagashi water field during summer
1200 G Halo Halo
Sell 15
Flowing Clouds mutates into...

Mortal Enemy
Flowing Clouds grown in the Lebkuchen lava field during fall 2000 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10
Clear Water mutates into...

Snow Moon
Receive as a prize for winning the Advanced rank Equestrian Challenge
Clear Water grown in Salmiakki snow field during spring
2000 G Pastilla
Sell 10
Epiphyllum mutates into...

Pink Orchid Cactus
Epiphyllum grown in the Pastilla desert field during summer 2300 G Lebkuchen
Sell 10