Farm House Upgrades
The red-roofed house that is included as part of Doc Jr's Expand-farm will give you a nice place rest for the night, but it's not very big. It doesn't even have a kitchen! Not to worry though; the magnificent Doc Jr can help with that, too! Because he's just that awesome.
While the beginning house does come with a single food bowl needed to own a small house pet, you'll have to talk to Doc Jr to get his help with getting a kitchen and crafting workbench. After you help him install a Fertilizer Maker next to your barn, talk to him to recruit his help with a Make a Kitchen task. Bring him 3 Iron to have a kitchen added to your little house. The Iron Ore can be found in the Halo Halo Mine, so you'll need complete the Calisson story and continue along the path to Halo Halo before Doc will offer a kitchen. Then bring the Iron Ore to Doc for processing into Iron Ore.
Next, Doc Jr will recruit your help with the Make a Workbench quest. Bring him 5 Bronze to unlock the ability to upgrade your tools and customizing your house furniture. Bronze Ore can also be found in the Halo Halo Mine.
Now that your house has everything you'll need, wouldn't it be great if it could be bigger?
The Large House
Doc Jr will soon have a Large House remodel inside of his Doc Shop. The Large House requires 10 Cedar Lumber, 5 Titanium, and 70,000 G. Cedar Lumber can be collected by chopping down the cone-like Cedar Trees in the Salmiakki mountain top area. Titanium Ore is found on any floor in the Lebkuchen Mine and the Wagashi Mine.
The blue-roofed Large House will add a second pet food bowl by the front door, a decorative table and chair set (you can't sit there), and a couch for taking naps. Resting on the couch will pass 6 hours of time and restores some of your stamina. You won't be prompted to save your game like when you use the bed, though.
While this house is plenty large just for you and two pets, it needs to be upgrade one more time to make room for your future family.
The Huge House
The last upgrade is the Huge House. This job requires 5 Adamantite, 4 Ebony Lumber, and 350,000 G. The Adamantite Ore is found the Lebkuchen Mine on floor 63 or lower. Optionally, Adamantite Ore can also be found starting on floor 15 of the Wagashi Mine. The darkwood lumber is collected from chopping Ebony Trees in the dead-end area between the bridge leading to Halo Halo and the Harvest Goddess Shrine.
This last remodel brings a third pet food bowl, makes the kitchen look larger, and opens enough floor space for two more beds: your spouse's bed and your child's bed. The spouse bed can be installed after you work through the workbench upgrade requests with Doc Jr. The child's bed automatically is added to your house after your child is born.
House Interiors
Doc Jr can also improve the visual feel of the house. You can only have 1 style active at a time. Each interior remodel costs materials and money. The interior will change as soon as you pay for the interior redesign.
If you want to switch to a style you already had before, you've simply have to order it again through Doc's shop. Changing back to an interior design you already paid for will be free, even though his remodel inventory still notes that there are materials required. The fee will be 0G and no materials will be exchanged.
There will be four styles available initially. The default design is called Wood Interior (see image above). New styles unlock in his shop inventory after you complete his Great Ancestor's Challenge requests. There are also a few styles that come from the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC.
Thanks Shell.Bell__ for the interior house pictures!
Maplewood Interior
1 Sheep Wool, 1 Crystal, and 10,000 G
Light Wood Interior
1 Sheep Wool, 1 Opal, and 10,000 G
Wooden Interior
1 Valais Blacknose Sheep Wool, 1 Sapphire, and 20,000 G
Complete Great Ancestors' Challenge 2
Parquet Interior
1 Valais Blacknose Sheep Wool, 1 Garnet, and 20,000 G
Complete Great Ancestors' Challenge 2
Dark Wood Interior
1 Valais Blacknose Sheep Wool, 1 Garnet, and 20,000 G
(Yes, it's the same materials/cost as the Parquet Interior)
Complete Great Ancestors' Challenge 2
Wood-Like Interior
1 Cashmere, 1 Diamond, and 30,000 G
Complete Great Ancestors' Challenge 3
Stone Interior
1 Cashmere, 1 Emerald, and 30,000 G
Complete Great Ancestors' Challenge 3
Farm Interior
1 Cashmere, 1 Diamond, and 10,000 G
Download the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC
Castle Interior
1 Sheep Wool, 1 Agate, and 10,000 G
Download the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC
Steampunk Interior
1 Sheep Wool, 1 Crystal, and 10,000 G
Download the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC
Spaceship Interior
1 Valais Blacknose Sheep Wool, 1 Sapphire, and 10,000 G
Download the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC
Starlight Interior
1 Valais Blacknose Sheep Wool, 1 Garnet, and 10,000 G
Download the Interior Design and Tool Upgrades DLC